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May 18, 2023

What Is The Main Difference Between Medium And Psychic?

In the world of spirituality and paranormal phenomena, the terms medium and psychic are often used interchangeably, leading to confusion about their actual differences. While both mediums and psychics can provide spiritual guidance, they operate in different ways and have distinct specialties.

At Purple Garden, we understand the difference between a medium and a psychic and why it’s important to consult each type of advisor, depending on what you seek.

Understanding this vital distinction can help you choose which best suits your needs for your psychic reading. Each option offers its unique outlook with the potential to give remarkable insight and guidance into any situation.

Definition And History Of Mediumship

Mediumship is a practice that has been around for centuries. What is a medium? A medium is an individual who claims to communicate with the spirits of those who have passed away.

There are a few distinct differences between psychic abilities vs medium abilities. Mediums use their extrasensory perception (ESP) abilities to connect with the spirit world and convey messages to those who seek their services. They act as a bridge between the physical and spiritual realms.

Mediumship is about connecting with deceased loved ones and assisting them when crossing over and finding peace. Mediums have a heightened awareness of their surroundings and rely on their senses to receive information from the spirit world.

Mediumship has a long and fascinating history, with several famous mediums having gained widespread popularity over the years.

The Basic Concept Of Psychics

What is a psychic? An individual with the ability to perceive information using their extrasensory perception (ESP) abilities. Psychics may use various tools to tap into this information, such as tarot cards, crystal balls, or psychometry.

They can provide insight into a person’s past, present, or future and offer guidance in various areas of life, such as love, career, or finances.

Psychics have a heightened intuition that allows them to access information beyond the five senses. They use their intuitive abilities to read a person’s energy and provide them with guidance and insights into their life’s circumstances.

Is There A Difference Between Mediums And Psychics?

While both mediums and psychics use their extrasensory perception (ESP) abilities, there are some significant differences between the two.



Mediums and psychics use their senses in different ways to receive information. Mediums rely on their extrasensory perception (ESP) to connect with the spirit world and receive messages from those who have passed away. They may hear voices, see visions, or feel physical sensations as they communicate with the spirits.

Psychics, on the other hand, use their intuition to perceive information beyond the five senses. They may receive information through feelings, images, or words that come to them intuitively.



Mediums and psychics also have different abilities. Mediums specialize in communicating with the spirits of those who have passed away and helping them cross over to find peace. They use their abilities to facilitate communication between the physical and spiritual realms.

Psychics, on the other hand, use their abilities to provide guidance and insight into a person’s life. They may use skills like their intuition to read a person’s energy and provide information about their past, present, or future circumstances.



A medium vs psychic will use different tools to assist them in their work. Medium tools may include an ouija board, table-tipping, or trance to connect with the spirit world.

Psychic tools may include tarot cards, pendulums, or crystals to help them tap into their intuition and receive information. However, it is important to note that not all mediums or psychics use tools, and their abilities do not depend on them.

Understanding the differences between mediums and psychics can help you choose the right type of spiritual guidance for your needs. Both mediums and psychics can provide valuable insights and assistance in navigating life’s challenges, but their specialties and approaches differ.

Whether you choose a medium or a psychic, be sure to pick someone reputable and experienced who can provide the guidance and support you need.

How To Know If You Should Choose Mediums Or Psychics?

Choosing between a medium and a psychic depends on what you hope to gain from the experience. Below are some questions to help you get started when deciding.


Are You Interested In The Past?

A psychic might be the better choice if you are interested in gaining insights about events that have already happened in your life. Psychics use their powerful intuition to tap into an individual’s energy and provide guidance on current circumstances or past events. They can even give you clarity on the choices you have made and how to move forward from past situations.


Are You Interested In The Future?

One of the reasons why people seek the guidance of psychics is to get insights into their future. Life is full of uncertainties, and it is natural to want to have a glimpse into what lies ahead.

A psychic can provide valuable insights and guidance on what may occur and potential outcomes. They provide insights based on the energy they pick up from you and the feelings they receive while reaching beyond the common five senses. These insights they provide can help you gain clarity on your current circumstances, make informed decisions, and take control of your life and where you are heading.

It is important to remember that psychics do not have the power to predict the future with 100% accuracy as what lies ahead is not pre-determined and your actions and decisions can influence the outcomes.

Ultimately, it is up to you to take the guidance provided and make decisions that align with your goals and desires.


Do You Want To Contact Departed Loved Ones

Losing a loved one can be an incredibly challenging and emotional experience. However, knowing our loved ones are still with us in spirit can bring a sense of peace and closure. If you want to connect with a loved one who has passed away, a medium may be the better choice.

Mediums are individuals who have the unique ability to communicate with those who have passed away. They act as a bridge between the physical and spiritual realms and use their extrasensory perception (ESP) abilities to connect with the spirits of the deceased. Mediums are known to provide messages of love, comfort, and healing to those seeking their services, helping them find closure and peace.

The communication process between the medium and the spirit world may happen in various ways, such as hearing voices, seeing visions, or feeling physical sensations. The messages that come through can be incredibly detailed, specific, and meaningful to the individual receiving them. Whether it’s a message from a deceased loved one or guidance from a spirit guide, the insights provided can be incredibly profound and life-changing.


Do You Want to Get Insights About People Around You

One of the most important aspects of our lives is our relationships with others. Whether it’s personal or professional, understanding the people around us and their intentions can help us navigate relationships with confidence and clarity. If you’re interested in gaining insights about the people around you, then a psychic might be the better choice.

Psychics have a unique ability to read a person’s energy and provide information about their personality, intentions, and motivations. They can use their intuition to pick up on subtle cues and provide valuable insights into the people around you. These insights can help you make informed decisions, navigate complex situations, and build stronger relationships.

Can Someone Be Medium And Psychic At The Same Time?

Yes, someone can be both medium and a psychic. Many mediums also have psychic abilities, which they use to provide guidance and insight to their clients. However, not all psychics are mediums, and not all mediums have psychic abilities.

It is important to clarify the specific abilities, psychic vs medium, of the individual you are seeking guidance from to ensure you are getting the most appropriate services for your needs.


While mediums and psychics are often used interchangeably, they have distinct specialties and operate in different ways. Mediums specialize in connecting with the spirit world and communicating with the spirits of the deceased, while psychics use their intuition to provide guidance and insight into a person’s life.

Understanding the difference between a medium and a psychic is essential in making an informed decision about which one to approach for your spiritual needs. Remember, the goal of both mediums and psychics is to help you gain insight, clarity, and guidance in your life, so choose the one that resonates with you the most.

Choosing between a medium and a psychic depends on what you hope to gain from the experience, and it is important to clarify the specific abilities of the individual you are seeking guidance from.

Whether you choose a medium or a psychic, trust in the universe and the guidance it brings. Embrace the journey and open your heart to the infinite possibilities that await you.