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Jul 18, 2024

How to Cleanse Your Aura in 6 Simple Steps

Life can be a whirlwind, and sometimes, all that hustle and bustle can leave you feeling a little off. Have you ever noticed how you can pick up on someone’s mood just by being around them? That’s your aura at work. Like anything else, it needs some TLC from time to time. Your aura is your energetic field, a glowing extension of you that can pick up all sorts of energies, both good and bad. When it’s not in tip-top shape, you might feel drained, irritable, or just plain out of sorts.

In this guide, we’re diving into the beautiful world of aura cleansing. Whether you’re new to the concept or a seasoned spiritual practitioner, these six steps will help refresh and revitalize your energy field. So, grab a cup of coffee, get comfy, and let’s embark on this journey to cleanse your aura and bring back your sparkle.

What is an Aura?

Your aura is an invisible, radiant energy field that surrounds your body. Think of it as your personal bubble, emanating from your core and extending outward. It reflects your physical, emotional, and spiritual states. When you feel great, your aura shines brightly, attracting positivity and good vibes. But when you’re stressed, sad, or angry, your aura can become murky, reflecting and attracting negative energy.

Auras have been part of spiritual teachings for centuries, spanning various cultures and belief systems. They can appear as different colors, each representing different aspects of your being. For instance, a vibrant green aura might indicate healing and growth, while a muddy red one could signal anger or tension. Understanding your aura’s colors and meanings can be a powerful tool in maintaining your overall well-being.

How Does Your Aura Affect Your Overall Wellbeing?

Your aura is more than just a colorful glow; it’s a dynamic force that interacts with everything and everyone around you. When your aura is clean and vibrant, it acts as a protective shield, repelling negative energies and attracting positive ones. This can improve your mental clarity, emotional stability, and even physical health.

Conversely, a cluttered or dirty aura can leave you feeling mentally and physically depleted. You might find it harder to focus, experience mood swings, or even feel physically unwell. The state of your aura can impact your relationships, work performance, and overall quality of life. Keeping your aura clean is essential for maintaining a balanced and harmonious existence.

Can Your Aura Get Stuck?

Yes, your aura can get “stuck” or stagnant, much like a room can feel stuffy without fresh air. This stagnation happens when negative energies accumulate in your aura, blocking the natural flow of your energy. Common culprits include stress, unresolved emotions, and exposure to hostile environments or people.

When your aura is stuck, you might feel heavy, lazy, or uninspired. You may also notice recurring negative patterns, like conflicts or setbacks. The good news is, there are effective ways to cleanse and rejuvenate your aura, allowing you to restore your energy flow and reclaim your vitality.

Steps for Effectively Cleaning Your Aura

Cleansing your aura is a practice that can bring profound benefits to your life. Here are six simple steps you can take to ensure your energy field stays vibrant and healthy:


Meditation is a powerful tool for cleansing your aura. By quieting your mind and focusing inward, you can release negative energy and invite positive vibrations into your space. Find a quiet, comfortable place to sit or lie down. Close your eyes, take deep breaths, and visualize a bright light surrounding your body. Imagine this light growing stronger with each breath, dissolving any darkness or negativity.

Regular meditation practice can help you maintain a clean and vibrant aura. Even just a few minutes a day can significantly affect how you feel and interact with the world around you. You can explore various meditation techniques, such as guided meditation, mindfulness, or chakra-focused practices.

Make a Spiritual Bath

A spiritual bath is a beautiful way to cleanse your aura and refresh your energy. Fill your bathtub with warm water and add cleansing ingredients such as Epsom salts, sea salt, or essential oils like lavender or eucalyptus. You can also add herbs like rosemary or sage for their purifying properties.

As you soak, visualize the water drawing out any negative energies from your body. Imagine the water turning murky as it absorbs these energies and then seeing it drain away, leaving you feeling light and refreshed. You can enhance the experience by lighting candles, playing soothing music, or reciting a cleansing affirmation.

Spend More Time in Nature

Nature has an incredible ability to cleanse and rejuvenate your aura. Spending time outdoors, whether in a forest, by the ocean, or in a park, allows you to connect with the Earth’s natural energy. Take off your shoes and walk barefoot on the grass or sand, letting the Earth’s grounding energy flow through you.

Engage in activities that bring you joy and relaxation, such as hiking, gardening, or sitting under a tree. Breathe in the fresh air, soak up the sunlight, and let the beauty of nature wash over you. This connection with the natural world can help dissolve negative energies in your aura and restore your inner balance.

Engage in Aura Healing Practices

Aura healing practices, such as Reiki, acupuncture, or energy healing sessions, can effectively cleanse and balance your aura. These practices work by clearing blockages and restoring the natural energy flow throughout your body and aura. Seek a qualified practitioner who can guide you through these healing sessions and provide personalized recommendations for maintaining your aura’s health.

In addition to professional sessions, you can explore self-healing techniques such as chakra balancing, visualization exercises, or sound healing. These practices can help you maintain a clean and vibrant aura, promoting overall well-being and harmony.

Use Crystals

Crystals have been used for centuries for their healing properties and ability to cleanse and balance energy. Certain crystals, such as clear quartz, amethyst, or black tourmaline, are particularly effective for aura cleansing. Choose a crystal that resonates with you and your specific needs.

To cleanse your aura, hold the crystal in your hand or place it on your body while meditating or relaxing. Visualize the crystal’s energy merging with your aura, clearing away negativity and restoring balance. You can also create a crystal grid around your space or wear crystal jewelry to keep their healing energy close to you throughout the day.

Say Positive Affirmations

Positive affirmations are powerful statements that can help reprogram your mind and energy field. By repeating affirmations that resonate with you, you can release negative thought patterns and invite positive energy into your aura. Choose affirmations that reflect your goals and desires, such as “I am surrounded by positive energy” or “My aura is clean and vibrant.”

Repeat these affirmations daily, either aloud or silently, and feel their energy infuse your being. You can also write them down and place them where you’ll see them often, like on your mirror or computer screen. Consistent use of positive affirmations can help maintain a clean and balanced aura.

Signs That Indicate Your Aura is Dirty

Sometimes, it’s not apparent when your aura needs a good cleanse. Here are some telltale signs that your energy field might need some attention:

You’re Negative and Annoyed

Persistent negativity and irritation are common signs of a cluttered aura. If you frequently feel annoyed, angry, or pessimistic, it might indicate that your aura is clogged with negative energy. These emotions can weigh you down, making it difficult to see the positive aspects of life and hindering your overall well-being.

You Have a Hard Time Achieving Things

When your aura is clean, you may find it easier to achieve your goals or manifest your desires. Blocked energy can create obstacles and setbacks, making it challenging to move forward in your personal or professional life. If you face constant difficulties or feel stuck, it may be time to cleanse your aura and remove these energetic blockages.

Your Communication with Others is Poor

An unclean aura can also affect your relationships and communication with others. You might struggle to express yourself clearly or feel misunderstood by those around you. Negative energy in your aura can create barriers to effective communication, leading to conflicts and misunderstandings. Cleansing your aura can help improve your interactions and strengthen your connections with others.

You’ve Lost Energy and Motivation

Feeling constantly tired, unmotivated, or lazy is another sign that your aura needs cleansing. Negative energy can drain your vitality and enthusiasm, making it hard to stay motivated and focused. If you struggle to find the energy to complete tasks or pursue your passions, cleansing your aura can help restore your zest for life.

How Fast Can You Clean Your Aura?

The time it takes to cleanse your aura can vary depending on your chosen method and the amount of negativity you’re dealing with. Some techniques, like meditation or using crystals, can provide immediate relief and noticeable improvements. Other methods, such as engaging in aura healing practices or spending more time in nature, might take longer to show results but offer more profound, lasting benefits.

Consistency is key when it comes to aura cleansing. Regular practice of these techniques can help you maintain a clean and balanced aura, preventing the buildup of negative energy. Whether you dedicate a few minutes each day or set aside time for more intensive cleansing sessions, the effort you put into maintaining your aura will pay off in improved well-being and harmony.

How Often Should You Clean Your Aura?

The frequency of aura cleansing depends on your lifestyle, environment, and personal needs. If you frequently find yourself in stressful or negative situations, you may need to cleanse your aura more often. On the other hand, if you maintain a generally positive and balanced lifestyle, less frequent cleansing may be sufficient.

A good rule of thumb is to clean your aura at least once a week to maintain its vibrancy and balance. However, pay attention to your body and energy levels, and adjust your cleansing routine as needed. If you start to notice signs of a dirty aura, such as increased negativity or fatigue, it’s a signal to take some time for a thorough cleanse.


Your aura is an essential part of your overall well-being, reflecting and influencing your physical, emotional, and spiritual states. Regularly cleansing your aura can help you maintain a vibrant and balanced energy field, promoting harmony and positivity in your life. The six steps outlined in this guide—meditation, spiritual baths, spending time in nature, engaging in aura healing practices, using crystals, and saying positive affirmations—are simple yet effective ways to cleanse and rejuvenate your aura.

Incorporate these practices into your daily or weekly routine, and pay attention to the changes in your energy and well-being. Remember, a clean and vibrant aura is not just about feeling good; it’s about creating a life filled with positivity, balance, and joy. So take the time to care for your aura and enjoy the many benefits it brings to your mind, body, and spirit.