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Apr 24, 2024

What is He Thinking? Tarot Readings to Decode His Mind

Have you ever found yourself anxiously awaiting a text or call from someone special, your eyes glued to your phone, wondering what thoughts are swirling in his mind? Relationships, with their exhilarating highs and puzzling lows, often leave us in a state of curiosity and doubt about our partner’s feelings and intentions. In these moments of uncertainty, tarot readings emerge as a valuable tool, offering insights and clarity into the inner workings of your partner’s mind.

Whether you’re enveloped in the excitement of a budding romance or navigating the complexities of a long-standing relationship, “What is He Thinking?” tarot readings can provide profound revelations about his thoughts and emotions. Let us dive into the mystical realm of tarot to decode the hidden messages waiting within the cards.

Tarot’s Insightful Role in Unveiling Emotional Depths

Tarot has long been used for divination and self-reflection, offering guidance and enlightenment in love, career, and personal growth. While some may be skeptical of its efficacy, many swear by the profound insights and revelations tarot readings can provide. Regarding matters of the heart, tarot can be particularly illuminating, offering a glimpse into your and your partner’s emotions, intentions, and desires. So, can tarot indeed provide accurate love insights? Let’s explore further.

Can Tarot Provide Accurate Love Insights?

Tarot readings are founded on the belief that the cards drawn during a session are not random but deeply connected to the energies and subconscious forces at play in one’s life. In the context of a relationship, each tarot card can unveil different facets of the partnership, shedding light on the underlying dynamics and emotional currents.

Whether you’re seeking clarity about a particular issue or wish for guidance through the intricate maze of love, a well-conducted tarot reading can be a revealing guide. These readings help to interpret the potential future, evaluate the present feelings, and understand the underlying motives and concerns, making tarot a unique tool to address the complexities of romantic relationships.

The Meaning of the ‘What Is He Thinking’ Tarot Spread

The ‘What is He Thinking’ tarot spread is popular for those seeking insight into their partner’s thoughts and feelings. This spread typically consists of cards in a specific pattern, each representing different aspects of your partner’s mindset. From his hopes and fears to his intentions and desires, this spread can offer a comprehensive view of what’s going on in his head. By interpreting the symbolism and imagery of each card, a skilled tarot reader can unravel the mysteries of your partner’s inner world and guide you in navigating your relationship with clarity and confidence.

What Can a ‘What Is He Thinking’ Tarot Reading Tell You?

The ‘What is He Thinking’ tarot spread is a popular choice for those looking to gain insight into their partner’s current state of mind and deeper feelings. This specific spread involves laying out cards in a distinct pattern, where each position corresponds to various aspects of one’s partner’s psyche such as his fears, hopes, intentions, and hidden desires. Through the symbolism and imagery on each card, an experienced tarot reader can interpret the subtle cues and messages that reveal what your partner may be consciously or unconsciously thinking or feeling. For example:

  • A card placed in the position representing his fears might show the Moon, suggesting unresolved anxieties or confusion.
  • A card symbolizing his hopes or desires could be the Star, indicating optimism and deep-seated wishes for the future of the relationship.

By analyzing these cards in their respective positions and understanding their interrelations, the tarot reader can give you a view of your partner’s mental and emotional landscape. This spread is particularly effective for those looking to understand complex emotional undercurrents and receive guidance on navigating their romantic life with greater awareness and empathy.

20 Questions to Ask About the ‘What Is He Thinking’ Tarot Spread

To deepen the insights from your tarot reading and ensure that it is as informative and helpful as possible, consider asking specific questions that can guide the reading’s focus. Here are 20 questions that you might find useful during a ‘What is He Thinking’ tarot session:

  • What is my partner's current emotional state?
  • What are his hopes and dreams for our relationship?
  • What are his fears or insecurities?
  • What does he need from me in our relationship?
  • How does he perceive our connection?
  • What is his communication style?
  • What are his intentions towards me?
  • Is he being honest and authentic in our relationship?
  • What are the underlying dynamics influencing his behavior?
  • What role does trust play in our relationship?
  • How does he handle conflict or disagreement?
  • What are his long-term goals for our relationship?
  • What are his expectations of me?
  • How does he express love and affection?
  • What are his deepest desires?
  • What obstacles or challenges are we facing as a couple?
  • What lessons can we learn from our relationship?
  • What changes or growth is he experiencing personally?
  • How can I best support him in our relationship?
  • What is the potential future of our relationship?

By asking these questions during your tarot reading, you can gain deeper insights into your partner’s thoughts, feelings, and motivations, allowing you to foster greater understanding and connection in your relationship.

What to Do After a ‘What is Thinking’ Tarot Reading

After receiving the insights from the ‘What Is He Thinking?’ tarot reading, it is crucial to take time to reflect on what the cards have revealed. This reflection helps you process the information and integrate it into your relationship.

Consider journaling about the reading, and noting significant cards and messages. This can help you observe patterns and track changes over time. Reflecting on these insights allows you to connect more deeply with your own intuition and feelings about the relationship, and provides a clearer direction for future interactions.

Practical Steps Following the Tarot Reading

Once you have reflected on the tarot reading, there are several practical steps you can take to enhance your relationship based on the insights gained:

  • Communicate Openly with Your Partner: Share the insights from the tarot reading with your partner in a non-confrontational way. This can open up new avenues for deeper conversations and mutual understanding.
  • Address Identified Issues: If the tarot reading highlighted any specific challenges or issues, consider ways you can address these together. Whether it involves adjusting communication styles, resolving misunderstandings, or supporting each other through personal challenges, taking action can strengthen the bond between you.
  • Strengthen Emotional Connections: Use the emotional insights from the reading to foster greater emotional intimacy. Understanding his feelings and thoughts better can help you be more empathetic and supportive, enhancing the emotional connection you share.

Implementing Insights to Foster Relationship Growth

Implementing the insights from the tarot reading into your relationship involves both introspection and action. Here’s how you can use the insights effectively:


  • Trust Your Intuition: Your own feelings and thoughts about the reading are important. If certain aspects of the reading strongly resonate with you, trust your intuition and consider how you can apply these insights into your relationship dynamics.
  • Set Goals Together: Discuss and set relationship goals with your partner based on the reading. These goals can be about deepening your connection, improving communication, or supporting each other’s personal growth.
  • Seek Professional Guidance if Needed: If the reading brings up significant issues that seem challenging to manage on your own, consider seeking help from a relationship counselor or therapist.

How Often Should You Get a Love Tarot Reading?

Deciding how often to get love tarot readings is a personal choice that can vary greatly depending on your circumstances and the dynamics of your relationship. While there is no one-size-fits-all answer, considering a few key factors can help you determine the optimal frequency for these insightful sessions:

  • Relationship Changes: If you are going through significant changes in your relationship, such as the beginning of a new relationship, facing a crisis, or considering a long-term commitment like engagement or marriage, it might be helpful to have tarot readings more frequently. These readings can provide guidance and clarity as you navigate through these pivotal moments.
  • Resolving Ongoing Issues: For couples experiencing ongoing issues or conflicts, regular tarot readings can offer continuous insight and guidance, helping to monitor progress and adjust approaches as needed. Monthly or quarterly readings can serve as check-ins to keep the relationship moving in a positive direction.
  • Personal Growth and Reflection: If your focus is more on personal growth within the context of the relationship, less frequent readings—such as twice a year—may be sufficient. These can coincide with personal milestones or during times of self-reflection, such as birthdays or the new year.
  • As Needed Basis: Many people prefer to seek tarot readings only when they feel particularly stuck or unsure about how to proceed in their relationship. This approach allows you to use tarot readings as a tool for specific guidance when you most need it, rather than on a scheduled basis.


The ‘What Is He Thinking?’ tarot reading is a powerful tool for gaining deeper insight into your partner’s psyche and the dynamics of your relationship. By engaging with the tarot’s wisdom, you not only gain clarity but also pave the way for more meaningful interactions and a stronger, more resilient partnership. As you integrate these insights, remember that the true power of tarot lies in its ability to reflect what is already present in your subconscious mind, helping to bring hidden knowledge to the forefront and guide you in your relationship journey.