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Mar 21, 2024

Are Mediums Real? How to Spot a Fake Psychic

Are you someone who’s ever been curious about the mystical world of mediums and psychics? Perhaps you’ve toyed with visiting one to gain insight into your life’s mysteries or to connect with a loved one who has passed away. But amidst the intrigue, there’s always the lingering question: Are mediums accurate, or are they just skilled performers preying on people’s vulnerabilities? This comprehensive guide delves into mediums and psychics, uncovering the truth behind their abilities, differentiating between genuine practitioners and charlatans, and protecting yourself from scams.

The allure of mediums lies in their purported ability to bridge the gap between the physical and spiritual realms, offering messages and guidance from departed souls or providing insights into the future. While skepticism may be warranted given the lack of empirical evidence, many people find solace and comfort in the possibility of connecting with something beyond our comprehension. So, how do real mediums function, and what sets them apart from their fraudulent counterparts? Let’s explore.

How Do Real Mediums Function?

Authentic mediums operate with a heightened sensitivity to energy and intuition, often describing their abilities as a form of heightened perception rather than supernatural powers. They may receive information through visions, auditory cues, or intuitive solid feelings, which they interpret and convey to their clients. Unlike stage magicians or illusionists, genuine mediums do not rely on sleight of hand or trickery to manipulate their audience. Instead, they serve as conduits for spiritual communication, intermediaries between the physical and spiritual realms.

Genuine mediums approach their practice with reverence and respect for the spiritual forces at play, understanding that their role is to facilitate healing and guidance rather than exploit people’s vulnerabilities for personal gain. Many reputable mediums undergo rigorous training and adhere to ethical codes of conduct to ensure the integrity of their work.

By approaching mediumship with a deep connection to their intuition and honing their abilities through practice and study, genuine mediums strive to offer authentic and meaningful experiences to their clients.

How to Spot a Fake Medium?

While consulting a medium can be intriguing, exercising caution and discernment is essential to avoid falling victim to scams. Fake mediums may use several tactics to exploit people seeking spiritual guidance. Recognizing these warning signs can help you avoid scams and find authentic support.

They Ask Too Much

Beware of mediums asking probing questions or fishing for information during a reading. Genuine mediums rely on their intuitive abilities to receive messages rather than relying on cues from their clients. If a medium prompts you for details or seems overly curious about your personal life, it may be a sign that they are not genuinely connected to the spiritual realm.

They Provide General Answers

Fake mediums often resort to vague or generic statements that could apply to anyone, regardless of their unique circumstances. Genuine mediums offer specific and detailed messages that resonate deeply with their clients, providing evidence of their connection to the spirit world. If a medium’s insights feel overly broad or could apply to anyone, proceed cautiously.

They Are Negative

Authentic mediums approach their work with compassion and empathy, seeking to uplift and inspire their clients. Fake mediums may use fear tactics or make dire predictions to manipulate clients into seeking additional services or making hasty decisions. If a medium’s messages feel fear-based or excessively negative, it may be a sign that they are not operating from a place of integrity.

They Do a Vague Reading

A genuine medium typically provides explicit, specific messages that resonate with clients’ experiences. Fake mediums may offer vague or cryptic readings that need coherence or relevance. If a medium’s messages feel disconnected or unclear, it may indicate they need to be genuinely connected to the spirit world.

They Have Poor Reviews

Before engaging the services of a medium, take the time to research their reputation and read reviews from past clients. Genuine mediums will have a track record of positive testimonials and satisfied customers, whereas fake mediums may have numerous complaints or negative feedback. Trust your instincts and avoid practitioners with a history of unethical behavior or poor performance.

They Are Constantly Talking About the Money

Beware of mediums who prioritize financial transactions over genuine connections with their clients. Authentic mediums understand the sacred nature of their work and charge fair prices for their services without pressuring clients into additional purchases or upsells. If a medium seems overly focused on payment or tries to upsell you on expensive services or products, it may be a sign that their intentions are not genuine.

They Suggest You Services You Don’t Need

Fake mediums may try to upsell you unnecessary services or products under the guise of providing additional guidance or protection. Genuine mediums respect clients’ autonomy and offer recommendations based on genuine intuition rather than financial incentives. If a medium pressures you to purchase expensive rituals, cleansings, or other services that seem unnecessary or excessive, proceed with caution.

They Work on Suspicious Sites

When seeking out a medium or psychic online, be wary of practitioners operating on dubious websites or platforms hosting fraudulent activity. Genuine mediums will typically have professional websites or profiles on reputable platforms where they showcase their credentials, testimonials, and contact information. Avoid engaging with mediums on sites that lack transparency or have a reputation for hosting scams or fraudulent activity.

What to Do if You Spot a Fake Medium?

If you face a situation with a medium or psychic that raises red flags, indicating they might be disingenuous, it’s crucial to listen to your gut feeling and take appropriate measures to protect yourself and others from potential scams. Here’s how you can guard against deceitful practices:

Steps to Take if You Encounter a Fake Medium

  • Trust Your Gut: Your intuition is a powerful tool. If something during a session feels wrong or if the medium's messages don't resonate with you, it's okay to walk away.
  • Seek Trusted Recommendations: To avoid scams, ask for referrals from people you trust or look for mediums who are part of reputable professional organizations. These mediums are often vetted and adhere to a code of ethics.
  • Research Their Background: Before booking a session, do some homework. Check the medium's credentials, read reviews, and look at their professional background to ensure they're legitimate.
  • Establish Clear Boundaries: Before starting a reading, set clear boundaries about what you're comfortable with. A genuine medium will respect these boundaries and not pressure you into overspending or divulging too much personal information.
  • Report Suspected Fraud: If you've had a scammy encounter, consider reporting the medium to authorities or online review platforms. This could prevent others from having a similar experience.

Ensuring a Positive Experience

By taking these steps, you’re protecting yourself and helping maintain the integrity of genuine spiritual guidance services. Remember, legitimate mediums exist and can offer valuable insights and comfort. Being cautious, doing thorough research, and trusting your intuition is key to ensuring your interactions with mediums and psychics are positive and genuine.

Are Online Psychic Readings Real?

The digital age has brought the mystical world of psychic readings into the virtual sphere, allowing mediums and psychics to offer their services online through various platforms. This shift to digital readings raises questions about their authenticity and effectiveness compared to traditional, face-to-face interactions. Despite skepticism, many credible mediums have seamlessly transitioned to providing insightful readings online, proving that genuine connection and guidance can transcend physical boundaries.

Online psychic readings can be as impactful as in-person sessions, offering clients the convenience and comfort of receiving spiritual insights without leaving their homes. However, the key to a fruitful online reading lies in the seeker’s vigilance. Just as with in-person consultations, it’s crucial to research the medium’s background, sift through client testimonials, and listen to your gut feeling when choosing an online psychic.

Before committing to an online session, ensure you’ve thoroughly vetted the medium’s credentials, sought feedback from previous clients, and felt genuine trust and comfort with their presence, even through a screen. Online psychic readings, approached with an open yet discerning mind, can open doors to profound spiritual insights and connections.


In the realm of mediums and psychics, discerning between genuine practitioners and fraudulent impostors can be a challenging task. However, you can navigate this mystical world with confidence and clarity by understanding the signs of a fake medium, taking proactive steps to protect yourself from scams, and seeking reputable practitioners.

Whether searching for closure, spiritual guidance, or a deeper understanding of life’s mysteries, trusting your intuition and insisting on authenticity will guide you toward meaningful and transformative experiences with mediums and psychics. Embrace the journey with an open heart and a discerning eye, allowing the true essence of spiritual connection to enrich your life with wisdom and insight.