Terms and Conditions

All users of this Site are bound by these Terms of Service. You agree to abide with and be bound by these Terms of Use with JudithLaura.com ("Site") by using this Site. You may not access or use this Site if you do not agree to these Terms of Use.

You acknowledge and agree to be governed by these Terms and Conditions, including our Disclaimer and Privacy Policy, which are available on this website and incorporated in full into this document, by accessing and using link4din.com/judith-celestial-numbers (hereinafter the "website").

Everyone who uses, accesses, or observes the website is referred to as "you."  JudithLaura.com ("company," "I," "we," or "us") retains the right, in its sole discretion, to change or modify the terms and conditions at any moment without notice, and you agree to any of the changes by using the website. You are responsible for checking the website for revisions on a regular basis.

Your ongoing use of the website following the publishing of any modifications to our Terms and Conditions indicates that you approve those changes and revisions. If you do not agree to be governed by these Terms & Conditions, you should not visit or use this website.

Age Limit
This website's contents and materials are meant for people above the age of 18. This website is not suitable for children. Anyone under the age of eighteen is forbidden from using the site. Check our Privacy Policy for more info on this.

Privacy Policy
We are committed to keeping your personal data private. These Terms and Conditions clearly include your acknowledgement of our Privacy Policy. For additional info, please see our Privacy Policy.

The Terms and Conditions clearly reflect your acceptance of our Disclaimer. For further info, please see the Disclaimer.

You explicitly forgo any and all legal claims you could have now or in the foreseeable future originating out of or in connection with the website and our products/services. The terms and conditions shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws of India in the case of a disagreement, claim, or controversy arising from or pertaining to your use of this website.

You consent to settle the issue or claims through required arbitration first, and you agree to and adhere to the authority and courts of New Jersey, U.S.A. regardless of conflicting legal principles or the parties' locations at the date of the issue.

To the extent authorized by law, you consent to cover the whole expense of arbitration. Cooperation in arbitration in good conscience is required before seeking any legal or equitable measures, such as lawsuit or any other legal action. You further recognize that the successful party will be entitled to receive acceptable legal fees and other legal costs if a legal claim is made only after requisite arbitration.

Governance of Intellectual Property (IP)
Apart from any material from someone else that we are lawfully allowed to use, all material on this website, including but not restricted to text, articles, brand logo, marks, images, files, materials, services, goods, video content, applications, source code, styles, downloads, as well as all other info here (collectively, the "Content"), is owned by us and is protected by copyright law, trademark, and other intellectual property and unjustified competition laws. You are allowed a limited reversible right to print or download content from the website for your personal, non-commercial, non-transferable, instructional, and educational use only, provided that you do not infringe on any copyright, trademark, proprietary information, or proprietary rights.

Unless granted permission with our prior written authorization, you undertake not to copy, duplicate, steal, edit, broadcast, display, disseminate, copy, store, post, produce derivative works, re-engineer, sell, sublicense, or license any element of the Content to anyone. You undertake to follow all copyright, trademark, and intellectual property laws, and you are directly liable for any breaches of these terms and conditions.

Content and Legal Use Of The Website
You guarantee that you own or have been granted permission by the owner of any intellectual property rights to publish and supply that Content to us for any Content or information that you upload, share, post, publish, communicate, email, or provide to us on the website or on any of our media platforms.

By submitting your content, you give us, our employees, successors, partners, or anyone else with whom we do business with, a royalty-free, continuous, unchangeable, international, transferable right and license to name you, publish, post, modify, copy, distribute, display, edit, create any Content you provide on our website and on any of our other media sites for any reason. We are not responsible for any infringement of copyrights, trademarks, or other intellectual rights of any Content or information that you send to us. The responsibility is strictly yours.

We prohibit you from uploading, displaying, posting, transmitting, distributing, sending, emailing, or submitting on our website or any social media sites any content or information that is-

(1) against the law, violates others' rights, or infringes upon them

(2) threatening, abusive, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, libelous, or obscene material

(3) promotes or supports conduct that is criminal, creates civil liability or generally breaches the law

(4) to disseminate harmful information, such as malicious software, adware, computer viruses, and other malware that can be made illegal under law

(5) trying to get unauthorized access to any part or feature of the website

(6) conduct activities that may disrupt the operation of the website, such as sending unsolicited or unauthorized material. By using the website, you agree to use it lawfully and accept responsibility for damages that occur due to the violation of any stipulation

External Links
As a benefit to you, the website may provide connections such as links to external websites or resources. We may act as an associate for certain independently owned websites, promoting or advertising their products or services on our site. In any case, we do not own or operate these websites. We no longer hold you to our terms and conditions upon leaving this website by following third-party links. You acknowledge and accept that we are not responsible or accountable for the accuracy, content, or any other information on any third-party websites. You bear all risks and responsibilities associated with accessing these third-party websites or resources, and any transactions you have with them are solely the responsibility of you and them.

Product Usage
This site might offer free downloads as well as sell premium programs, real or online goods, and other associated items (together, "products") on our website. Our products, services, and content all have copyright protection under US and international laws. We grant you a limited, non-exclusive license to print or download Content from our digital goods for your personal, non-commercial, non-transferable, info, and instructional use only, provided that you do not violate any copyright, trademark, intellectual property, or proprietary rights. Without our prior written approval, reproducing or storing our content for purposes other than personal use is completely forbidden.

You understand and agree that you do not have the right to share, alter, resell, edit, duplicate, record, create derivative works from, reverse engineer, enhance, or otherwise misuse our services in any way. Without our prior written agreement, you may not sell or disseminate anyone of our products, either free or purchased. You undertake to follow all copyright, trademark, and patent laws, and you are entirely liable for any breaches of these terms & conditions.

Dissolution of Service
We retain the right, in our professional judgment, to deny, delete, restrict, rescind, and discontinue your use of our website, such as any or all material posted by you or us, at any time and at our discretion and without prior notice, for any reason whatsoever.

Refund Policy
On this website, all the sales of items or services are permanent and nonrefundable. There will be no refunds. We honestly feel that giving is more important than receiving, and each of our offerings are built with this in mind. The costs are purposely maintained low in comparison to market value in order to provide you with the resources and knowledge you require at a reasonable cost.

All the content, products, and info on this website are given to you as is and without any guarantees or warranties at all. Our company does not make any claims or warranties relating to the information, materials, products, or services on this site. The company does not guarantee that the website will function and work in a way that meets your requirements, or that the information contained here will be complete, accurate, up-to-date, or without any errors. Neither implied nor expressed warranties are made by us for any reason, to the fullest extent permitted by law.

Limitation of Liability
You concede that we and/or our officers, employees, successors, partners, or any other party working with us will not be responsible for any actual, indirect, unforeseen, consequential, special, compensatory, exemplary, or other damages arising out of your use of this website, such as but not limited to all content, products, services, and images displayed on this site. You fully acknowledge that your usage of this website is at your own discretion, and that you are solely accountable for the accuracy of any private or other data you submit, the consequence of your activities, individual and commercial consequences, and all other uses of this site.

You also accept that we, our, employees, successors, partners, or anybody else collaborating with us will not be responsible to you for any harm or losses stemming from

1) any inaccuracies or inconsistencies on the website, delays or denials of any goods, malfunctions of any kind, interruptions in the operation and use of the website, cyberattacks, including computer viruses, data breaches, and other system breakdowns;

2) any loss of revenue, profits, business, or goodwill associated with the website; 3) If a third party steals or unauthorized accesses your information from the website, irrespective of our fault; and 4) we are not responsible for misuse of the info, products, or services presented on this site.

This restriction and limited liability applies regardless of whether the liability is based on carelessness, breach of fiduciary duty, tort, or any other legal doctrine. You acknowledge that we make no stated or implicit assurances to you regarding the content contained here, and that no specific results are promised to you.

You consent to protect and hold the Company and/or its employees, successors, partners or anyone else associated with us free from all losses, claims, damages, demands, suits, litigations or verdicts, as well as expenses and appropriate attorneys’ fees (“Liabilities”) levied against or otherwise sustained by you related, in part or in full, from:

(a) Intentional or negligent actions or omissions by you, your employees, or representatives;

(b) how you use the website, including the purchases you make;

(c) failure to comply with any law, rule, regulation, or ordinance; or

(d) Any violation by you or anyone affiliated with you of any of the terms and conditions of this website;

e) any violation upon the intellectual property or any other rights of anyone by you or any other user of your account. If there are any such claims or liabilities, the Company will inform you right away, and may choose to defend them at your risk and expense. If requested, you will fully work with us and assist us in defending any such claims, without any cost.

It is understood that any conflict resulting out of this pledgement will be resolved between you and the Company. As a result, you forfeit the right to bring a class action against us and pledge never to file a lawsuit against us as part of a class or as a representative.

Full Agreement
All of these Terms and Conditions combined with our Privacy Policy and Disclaimer represent the whole contract between you and us with regard to this website. These Terms and Conditions supplant any prior or subsequent communications, correspondence, contracts, or proposals we may have had with you in any form whether electronic, oral or written.

A printed version of this arrangement, including the Privacy Policy and Disclaimer, as well as any notice given in electronic form, will be admissible in judicial or administrative proceedings involving this website to the same extent and under the same conditions as other business contracts and documents that are stored and preserved in printed format.

If any provision of these Terms and Conditions is found to be unlawful or unenforceable by a court, regulatory body, or other public or private tribunal of competent jurisdiction, that provision is presumed to be omitted from this Agreement. The remainder of this Agreement continues in full force and effect, with modifications made only to the degree necessary to provide the remaining provisions such force and effect.

Company has the right, in its sole discretion and without prior notice, to (a) amend or change these Terms and Conditions; (b) update the website and/or any services or products it provides; and (c) terminate the website and/or its products or services at any time. If these terms are changed, they will be immediately effective. You undertake to examine these Terms and Conditions, as well as any other online rules displayed on the website, on a regular basis in order to stay informed about any changes. If you continue to use or access the website after these changes, you agree to be bound by the amendment.

When you use any of our products, services, or access our site, you confirm that you have read and agree to be governed by these terms and conditions.

For any questions, please contact us * rights - at - judithlaura.com