High Priestess as Intentions of Another Person Towards You

In a tarot reading, when you draw the High Priestess as intentions of another person, it suggests they have a deep, enigmatic connection to you.

They may be contemplating their feelings quietly, seeking to understand their true emotions. This card indicates that their intentions are not yet fully revealed, urging patience and intuition.

This person might be keeping their true feelings concealed, relying on intuition to guide their actions. They are likely observing and waiting for the right moment to reveal their intentions.

The High Priestess reversed as intentions can indicate they are keeping secrets from you. It could mean that the person is struggling to understand their feelings or is purposely hiding something from you.

The reversed position may also point to miscommunication or a lack of clarity in your relationship.

This quick and easy guide helps you understand the High Priestess as intentions when you pull it in an upright or reversed position.

Upright High Priestess as Intentions

The High Priestess as intentions in a tarot reading.

When you pull the High Priestess as intentions in a reading, it means the other person plans to take your relationship to the next level.

They are likely contemplating a deeper, more meaningful connection and are waiting for the perfect moment to act.

This card suggests that their feelings are genuine and profound, though they might not be immediately obvious.

They may be relying on their intuition to navigate the relationship, trusting that the right path will reveal itself in time. 

In an upright position, this signifies positive, thoughtful intentions, while reversed, it indicates potential obstacles or hidden motives.

Understanding the nuances of the High Priestess can help you uncover the true depth of their intentions, guiding you to respond in a way that fosters a strong, intuitive bond.

The card encourages patience and trust in the unfolding of your relationship.

Intentions for New Relationships

If you’re not in a relationship or just starting a new one, drawing the High Priestess as intentions suggests they don’t want to move too fast.

They prefer to take a cautious and thoughtful approach, valuing the importance of building a strong foundation.

This person likely prioritizes emotional and spiritual connections over immediate physical attraction.

They may be observing and understanding you from a distance, waiting for the right time to deepen the relationship. 

Their intentions are guided by intuition and a desire for authenticity, rather than rushing into anything superficial.

The card encourages you to embrace this period of getting to know each other.

It’s a time for developing trust and mutual understanding. Patience and open communication will be key as you navigate this initial stage, allowing the relationship to grow naturally and meaningfully.

Intentions for Current Partnerships

For those already in a relationship, pulling the High Priestess as intentions means the other party will continue caring for you.

They are likely nurturing the emotional and spiritual aspects of your connection, ensuring it remains deep and fulfilling. 

This person values the inner workings of your relationship, focusing on understanding and supporting you on a profound level.

They might not always express their feelings openly, but their actions will demonstrate their commitment and care.

In this case, the card suggests a period of reflection and growth, where intuition and empathy play a significant role.

This card encourages you to trust in your partner’s intentions and to reciprocate their thoughtful gestures.

By fostering open communication and appreciating the subtle dynamics at play, you can strengthen your bond and navigate any challenges together.

The High Priestess reminds you that true love often lies in the quiet, unspoken moments of connection.

Intentions of Your Ex

When you pull the High Priestess as intentions regarding your ex, it means they intend to continue loving you. They may try to get back with you or just continue to hold you in their heart without telling you.

This card suggests a deep, lingering attachment that your ex feels, which might be hidden beneath the surface.

They could be quietly observing your life, waiting for the right moment to reconnect or simply cherishing the memories you shared.

This card implies that their love for you remains strong and enduring, even if they don’t express it openly. 

They might be relying on their intuition to gauge whether a reunion is possible or appropriate.

This card encourages you to trust your own intuition when considering your ex’s intentions.

Reflect on the past, listen to your inner voice, and decide whether rekindling the relationship aligns with your current path and emotional well-being.

High Priestess Reversed as Intentions

Now let’s say you draw the High Priestess reversed as intentions in your reading.

This would mean they might be feeling disconnected or emotionally blocked, making it hard for them to express their true intentions. 

This lack of clarity could lead to misunderstandings or confusion within the relationship.

They may be hiding their true feelings due to fear or uncertainty, causing a rift between you.

The reversed High Priestess encourages you to address these issues openly and honestly.

It’s essential to create a safe space for communication and to trust your own intuition in navigating these challenges. 

By doing so, you can work together to uncover the hidden truths and foster a deeper, more authentic connection.

Reversed and You’re Not In a Relationship

When you’re not in a relationship or just started seeing another person, drawing the High Priestess as intentions in a reversed position means they could be uncertain about their feelings and unsure how to proceed.

This uncertainty might manifest as hesitation or mixed signals, making it challenging to gauge their true intentions.

They may be grappling with internal conflicts or past experiences that prevent them from fully engaging.

This card from the Major Arcana deck urges you to be patient and understanding, while also trusting your own intuition.

Open communication is crucial to clarify misunderstandings and provide a clearer path forward. 

By addressing these uncertainties together, you can decide whether to move forward or give them the space they need to resolve their feelings.

Card Reversed for Current Partnerships

If you’re in a well-established relationship and you pull the High Priestess card in a reversed position, it means your partner plans on being more forthcoming with you.

They recognize the importance of transparency and want to address any lingering secrets or misunderstandings.

This shift towards openness indicates a desire to strengthen your connection by removing any emotional barriers.

They may be ready to share deeper aspects of themselves, revealing thoughts and feelings they’ve previously kept hidden. 

This can lead to a new level of intimacy and trust in your relationship.

However, this transition might require patience and sensitivity, as being more vulnerable can be challenging. 

Embrace this opportunity for honest communication and mutual growth.

By doing so, you can foster a more authentic and fulfilling partnership, where both of you feel seen, heard, and understood.

Reversed Card When Asking About Your Ex

When asking about your ex and you draw the High Priestess reversed as intentions, it might mean they are through with your relationship for good. 

They don’t plan on looking back anymore.

This card in a reversed position suggests a firm decision to move on, possibly due to unresolved issues or a desire for emotional closure. 

They might feel that revisiting the past would hinder their personal growth and healing.

The reversed High Priestess as intentions indicates they are focusing on their own well-being and future, rather than dwelling on what was. 

This card encourages you to respect their decision and reflect on your own path forward.

It’s an opportunity for you to find your own closure and embrace new beginnings.

Letting go can be challenging, but it opens the door to new experiences and growth, ultimately leading to a healthier, more fulfilling future for both of you.

Examples of the High Priestess as Intentions

The High Priestess tarot card meaning can reveal a lot about someone’s intentions in a relationship.

Here are four real-world examples to illustrate how this card’s upright and reversed positions can influence your understanding of their true intent.

Examples In an Upright Position

1. New Relationship with Depth: You recently started dating someone, and you pull the High Priestess as intentions in an upright pose. This indicates they are genuinely interested in you but prefer to take things slowly. They value deep emotional connections and are likely observing and understanding you from a distance, waiting for the right moment to share their deeper feelings.

2. Supportive Partner: Let’s say you’re in n a long-term relationship and you draw this card upright to understand your partner’s intentions. This signifies that they are deeply committed to supporting you emotionally and spiritually. They might not always express their love openly but are constantly thinking about how to nurture your bond and ensure your mutual growth.

Examples In a Reversed Position

1. Mixed Signals in a New Relationship: You’ve been casually seeing someone, and you draw the High Priestess reversed as intentions. This suggests they are uncertain about their feelings and may be sending mixed signals. Their intentions are unclear, and they might be grappling with internal conflicts or past issues that prevent them from fully engaging in the relationship.

2. Secrets in a Long-Term Relationship: In an established relationship, you draw the card reversed to understand the other person’s intentions with you. This indicates that there might be hidden secrets or a lack of transparency affecting your bond. Your partner may be feeling emotionally blocked or disconnected, making it difficult for them to express their true feelings and intentions openly.

Conclusion of the High Priestess as Intentions

In the end, the High Priestess as intentions provides profound insights into what a person has planned for your romantic relationship

In its upright position, the card suggests a deep, intuitive connection, where the person values emotional and spiritual depth, often choosing to observe and understand before revealing their true feelings.

This indicates thoughtful, genuine intentions, even if they aren’t immediately apparent.

Conversely, when you pull the High Priestess reversed as intentions, it highlights potential issues such as hidden motives, emotional blocks, or uncertainty.

This can lead to misunderstandings or mixed signals, urging you to approach the situation with patience and clarity.

By trusting your intuition and fostering open communication, you can uncover the true nature of their intentions and build a more authentic and meaningful connection.

Knowing the meaning of the High Priestess as intentions in both positions allows you to navigate the complexities of your relationships with greater awareness.