High Priestess as Feelings In Romantic Relationships & More

When it comes to understanding emotions in a relationship, the High Priestess as feelings represents the hidden depths of emotional understanding and a powerful sense of knowing.

When this card appears as romantic feelings for another in an upright position, it suggests a profound connection that goes beyond the surface.

On the flip side, when considering the High Priestess reversed as feelings in a reading, the emotions can become muddled and confused.

It may indicate suppressed feelings, a sense of being disconnected from one’s intuition, or even emotional blockages.

Whether upright or reversed, the High Priestess as feelings invites us to delve deeper into our emotional world, urging us to trust our inner voice and uncover the truths that lie beneath the surface.

Let’s explore how this enigmatic card influences the heart.

Upright High Priestess as Feelings

The Magician as feelings with people in the background.

In a tarot reading about a romantic question, pulling the High Priestess as feelings means the other person truly believes there are hidden depths and unspoken emotions between you.

They may sense a profound connection that transcends the ordinary, feeling intuitively drawn to you in ways that are hard to articulate.

This card often signifies a relationship with layers of mystery and spiritual resonance.

The other person might be experiencing emotions that are difficult to express, leading to a magnetic yet enigmatic bond.

Trust and patience are essential, as this card encourages you to explore the subconscious to uncover and understand these deep, often concealed feelings.

Drawing this card in a reading about how he feels about me suggests that his emotions are deep, intuitive, and perhaps not fully revealed.

A New Romance

When you’re single or just found somebody new, drawing the High Priestess in a reading about feelings means the other involved party feels you are worth getting to know more.

They view you as a fascinating and enigmatic individual.

They believe you possesses a depth that intrigues and captivates them.

The High Priestess as feelings for me suggests he or she is drawn to your mystery and feel compelled to explore the layers of your personality.

This card indicates that they are willing to be patient and let things unfold naturally, trusting that there is more to discover.

They may also feel a strong intuitive connection, sensing that your bond has potential for something deeper and more meaningful.

Established Relationships

If you’ve been with your partner for some time now, the High Priestess as romantic feelings in a reading could mean they sense a profound and spiritual bond with you.

This deep connection goes beyond the physical and emotional aspects of the relationship, touching on a shared intuition and mutual understanding that is almost mystical.

They might feel that you both are in sync on a soul level, experiencing a sense of destiny or fate in your partnership.

This card indicates that they value the spiritual growth and inner exploration that being with you brings, appreciating the unique and sacred bond you share.

Ex Partners

Pulling this tarot card in a reading when it comes to your ex means they still consider you an important person to them.

Despite any time apart, they likely reflect on your past relationship with a sense of mystery and depth, acknowledging that you had a significant impact on their life.

They may still feel an intuitive connection to you, sensing unresolved emotions or unfinished business. This card suggests they view your relationship as complex and layered, filled with hidden meanings and lessons.

While they may not openly express these feelings, the High Priestess indicates that you remain a significant and influential presence in their inner world.

The High Priestess Reversed as Feelings

In a tarot reading, pulling the High Priestess as feelings in a reversed position means the other person might feel disconnected or out of sync with you emotionally.

They could be struggling to understand their own emotions or finding it difficult to read yours. This disconnect might lead to misunderstandings or a sense of distance in the relationship.

They may be experiencing inner confusion, making it hard for them to trust their intuition or express their true feelings.

The reversed High Priestess as romantic feelings suggests a need for open communication and a deeper exploration of what’s causing this emotional gap, to realign and rebuild the connection.

Reversed for New Relationships

When you are in a new relationship and you draw the High Priestess reversed as feelings being put forth by another person, the card tells us that you should be wary and trust your own feelings. Be true and real about the kind of vibes they are giving you.

This card reversed suggests that the other person may be hiding their true intentions or not being entirely honest about their emotions.

They might be sending mixed signals or creating an illusion, making it difficult for you to see the real picture. Pay attention to your intuition and any red flags that arise.

Take your time to understand their actions and words, ensuring they align with what you genuinely feel.

Reversed for Established Relationships

If you’ve already been going out with a partner for some time now and you draw the High Priestess as feelings, it could mean you need to go beyond the superficial to really know your partner.

The card indicates that there are hidden layers and unspoken emotions that need to be explored. Your partner may have deeper feelings and thoughts that they haven’t shared yet.

This card encourages you to communicate more openly and honestly, fostering a deeper emotional connection.

By delving into these hidden aspects, you can strengthen your bond and gain a more profound understanding of each other, leading to a more fulfilling and authentic relationship.

Reversed Meaning for Ex Partners

As far as your ex is concerned, pulling the High Priestess as feelings in a reversed position about how they feel about you tells us that they most likely are not looking to get back together with you.

This card suggests that they may feel disconnected or emotionally detached, struggling with confusion or unresolved issues.

They might be keeping their true feelings hidden or avoiding introspection about the past relationship.

The card reversed indicates a lack of clarity and inner turmoil, implying that reconciliation is not on their mind. It’s a sign to focus on healing and moving forward, rather than dwelling on what once was.

Examples of the High Priestess as Feelings

This card can reveal deep insights into the feeling another person has about you, whether it’s in an upright or reversed position. Here are four real-world examples to illustrate the emotional nuances this card can signify.

Upright Position:

1. Deep Connection: Imagine you’ve been dating somebody for a few months, and things have been going well. When you ask how they feel about you in a tarot reading, this card in the upright position appears. This indicates that they feel a profound, almost mystical connection with you. They sense a bond that goes beyond the physical, appreciating your emotional depth and intuitive understanding of each other. They see you as a person that’s special and significant in their life.

2. Intriguing Mystery: Let’s say you’ve just started seeing somebody new, and you pull the High Priestess as feelings in an upright position, this could mean they find you intriguing and mysterious, captivated by your complex personality. They feel there’s so much more to learn about you, and this sense of mystery draws them closer. They are genuinely interested in uncovering the layers of your character, feeling a deep curiosity and respect for your inner world.

Reversed Position:

1. Emotional Disconnection: You’ve been in a long-term relationship, but lately, things have felt off. You pull the High Priestess reversed as feelings in a reading. This suggests that they might be feeling emotionally disconnected or out of sync with you. They could be struggling with their own feelings, finding it hard to express or even understand their emotions. This card indicates a need for better communication and addressing the emotional gap between you.

2. Hidden Truths: After a recent breakup, you ask how your ex feels about you and pull this card in a inverted position. This indicates that they may be hiding their true feelings or not being honest with themselves about the past relationship. They might be feeling confused, avoiding introspection, or not dealing with unresolved emotions. This card suggests that they are not ready for reconciliation and are likely still processing the breakup in a way that keeps their true feelings concealed.

Conclusion of the High Priestess as Feelings

The High Priestess as feelings for another person carries profound implications, whether it appears upright or reversed.

Upright, it symbolizes a deep, intuitive connection, an appreciation for emotional depth, and a sense of intrigue and mystery. 

Reversed, it points to emotional disconnection, hidden truths, and confusion.

This card invites us to look beyond the surface. It urges us to make a deeper exploration of our relationships and the emotions involved. 

And understanding the High Priestess reversed as feelings helps us navigate the complexities of human connections with greater insight and empathy.

Whether you’re deciphering the feelings of a new interest, a long-term partner, or an ex, this card offers a pathway to uncovering the hidden layers of emotions, fostering better communication, and ultimately, more meaningful relationships.

Embrace the wisdom when drawing the High Priestess as feelings in a reading, and let it guide you in understanding and nurturing the intricate emotional landscapes of those you care about.