Hierophant as Feelings: Upright vs Reversed Tarot Meaning

In tarot, understanding the Hierophant as feelings can reveal emotions tied to loyalty and a need for guidance.

In a reading about the emotions of another towards you, this card often relates to stability and established traditions.

It suggests that the person values a strong, committed relationship built on trust and shared values. Their sentiments may also indicate a desire for emotional security and following a clear, structured path in the relationship.

But what does the Hierophant reversed as feelings mean?

It suggests a resistance to commitment or traditional relationship dynamics. 

The person may be questioning established norms and seeking more freedom or independence in how they approach their emotions.

This card’s energy can influence the emotions of a person in regards to relationships, commitments, and even spiritual beliefs.

In this post, we’ll explore both upright and reversed meanings of the Hierophant as feelings. This will give you a well-rounded view of what this card is all about in this kind of reading

Upright Hierophant as Feelings

Couple looking to the Hierophant as feelings for answers.

In tarot, certain cards highlight strong emotional foundations and a desire for lasting relationships.

When it comes to the Hierophant as feelings with the card in an upright position, it represents stability and tradition. 

When asking about another person’s sentiments toward you, this card often shows a person who values structure and commitment.

They might have deep respect for the rules, both in love and life. This person may have a sense of loyalty, trust, and a desire to follow the right path.

It can indicate that someone wants a serious, committed relationship.

They may be focused on building a foundation based on mutual values. These emotions are rooted in trust, and there is often a sense of long-term planning.

This card can also mean that somebody is seeking guidance.

They might sense the need for wisdom or advice from a trusted source. 

In love, they want to follow the emotions that seem right to them, aligning with moral or spiritual beliefs.

The Hierophant, in a reading about the sentiments of another person towards you, implies emotional security if the card is drawn in an upright position.

Expect somebody that believes in loyalty and has a desire to maintain stability in relationships.

Feelings of Present Partner

This card as the sentiments of a present partner towards you reflects their sense of stability and commitment from you. That’s what they believe you are.

That’s what you exude in their eyes.

This person values tradition and structure in the relationship. They may feel emotionally secure and desire a long-term connection based on shared values. There is likely a deep sense of loyalty and respect.

Your partner might also seek guidance, wanting to follow a well-defined path in the relationship.

These emotions suggest a desire for security, with both partners working together toward a common goal.

Overall, it shows a solid emotional foundation, with trust and a sense of responsibility playing important roles in your bond.

What a Future Partner Might Feel

When the Hierophant represents the feelings of a future partner, it indicates someone who values commitment. 

This person may seek a stable, long-term relationship based on shared beliefs and values. They are likely to approach love with caution, wanting to build a solid emotional foundation. 

Your future partner’s emotions could revolve around loyalty, trust, and a desire for guidance within the partnership.

They might want to follow traditional paths, ensuring the relationship aligns with societal or family expectations.

These sentiments suggest a partner who is ready for emotional depth and a serious, committed relationship in the future.

They may also emphasize the importance of rituals or ceremonies to symbolize their commitment. This partner will likely be thoughtful and deliberate, wanting to ensure every step strengthens the bond.

Feelings of a Past Partner

The Hierophant as feelings from a past partner suggests a connection rooted in tradition.

This person likely valued stability and loyalty in the relationship. 

However, the end of the relationship may have been due to a clash in values or a resistance to change.

Their thoughts about you could have been tied to maintaining a structured or conventional dynamic.

A past partner might have struggled with emotional flexibility, focusing too much on following the “rules” of the relationship.

While there was likely a strong sense of trust, these emotions could have led to mental stagnation or a lack of growth over time.

They may still look back with a sense of respect, but also with the realization that their rigid approach limited the emotional depth. In hindsight, they might acknowledge the need for greater adaptability and openness.

The Hierophant Reversed as Feelings

When the Hierophant reversed as feelings shows up in our reading, it represents a break from tradition. 

With the card in this position, emotions can be more unpredictable. Some may resist conforming to established norms.

They might have rebellious sentiments or are unwilling to follow the rules in relationships. This person could struggle with commitment or question the values they once held dear.

There might be an urge to break away from restrictive situations. Instead of seeking stability, they may want to explore new or unconventional paths. 

Emotions can sometimes be uncertain or even chaotic at times.

In a love reading, the Hierophant meaning suggests someone is not ready for traditional commitment. They may prefer a more open or flexible connection. 

These sentiments are driven by a need for independence.

When we see this card reversed, it often points to emotional conflict. 

This person might be at odds with the idea of following the “rules” and instead seeks something more spontaneous or unconventional.

The Hierophant in a reversed position when doing a reading about what somebody feels about you shows a desire for freedom.

How a Future Partner May Feel (Reversed Position)

When the card is reversed in regards to how a future partner might feel about you, it means they may resist traditional relationship norms.

They could feel uncertain about commitment or question established norms. 

This person may prefer a more unconventional approach to love, avoiding rigid expectations or rules.

Instead of seeking stability, they might crave independence and freedom within the relationship. Their emotions could be unpredictable, and they may challenge the idea of long-term commitment.

In general, the Hierophant reversed as feelings of a future partner indicates somebody who values breaking away from tradition and exploring alternative paths in their emotional connections.

Their reaction to you could fluctuate, making it difficult to establish long-term stability.

How Your Present Partner Feels (Reversed Position)

As the emotions of another person towards you, the Hierophant in a reversed position signals there might be some conflict in your present partner.

They might believe you’re trapping them by the structure of the relationship, and they crave more freedom.

Traditional commitments are restrictive to them.

Their emotions could be unpredictable, and they might resist following established relationship norms.

This person may question the values that once guided the relationship.

Their attitude could indicate a desire to break away from the current path.

Emotional disconnect is possible, as they struggle to find balance between independence and commitment.

Overall, the Hierophant reversed in a reading about somebody’s emotions toward a partner reflects uncertainty and tension within the present relationship’s emotional foundation.

How a Partner from the Past Feels (Reversed Position)

If you pull the Hierophant in a reading about a past partner, it suggests that they may have felt constrained by the relationship’s traditional dynamics.

Currently, their emotions may reflect a sense of rebellion or relief from breaking away from established norms.

They could still harbor sentiments of resistance toward the structure the relationship once had, feeling as though it limited their personal freedom.

This card indicates that they may now view the relationship as a lesson in breaking free from conventions. Their attitude about rekindling the relationship is not a positive one.

The possibly prefer independence over reconnection or commitment.

Understanding the Hierophant reversed as feelings can give us insight into emotional resistance or the desire for independence in relationships.

It reminds us that not all connections follow traditional paths, and sometimes, breaking away from the norm is part of personal growth.

Hierophant as Feelings in Friendship & Family 

The Hierophant as feelings doesn’t just apply to romantic relationships.

It can also show up in friendships and family dynamics. 

When we pull this card, it speaks to loyalty and trust in close connections. 

In these relationships, the card represents a sense of duty and respect for tradition. Let’s take a closer look…


With friends, this card suggests that someone feels a deep bond based on shared values.

They may look to us for advice or guidance. The attitude here is rooted in a desire for stability and long-lasting connections. It’s about showing up for each other, no matter what.

This card reflects a friendship built on trust and mutual understanding, where both parties value consistency and loyalty. It suggests that the relationship thrives on a strong foundation of respect and shared life principles.


In family situations, the Hierophant in regards to how somebody feels about you can indicate respect for generational wisdom of a family member.

Someone may feel a strong sense of responsibility to uphold family traditions. 

These feelings come from a place of duty and care. When this card appears, it reflects strong emotional ties in friendships and family.

It reminds us that some relationships are built on mutual respect and the desire to maintain harmony. Stability and trust are at the core.


It’s a powerful card when it comes to emotions. It speaks to a comfort with stability, tradition, and commitment.

Whether upright or reversed, the Hierophant as the sentiments of another person toward you can reveal a lot about their emotional state.

Upright, it shows loyalty and a desire for structure.

It indicates that someone values tradition and is looking for a stable, long-term commitment. These sentiments are rooted in trust and a deep respect for shared values.

The Hierophant reversed as feelings points to a revolt and questioning of established norms. It suggests that someone may be seeking more freedom or independence in the relationship.

This person might feel restricted by tradition and crave a more unconventional path forward.

It also reminds us that emotional security often comes from shared values and beliefs. Whether it’s a romantic partner, friend, or family member, this card tells us where stability lies.

Learning the Hierophant as feelings helps us gain deeper insight into tarot cards in general.