Aphrodite Symbol Meanings and Spiritual Representations

Her main association is love. Then beauty, followed by fertility.

But there are also a myriad of other objects that became Aphrodite symbols throughout the years.

Each one offers unique insights to her spiritual essence, as well as the love, passion, and beauty she represented.

By interpreting these symbols, we can understand her persona in a much richer and deeper way.

From her nurturing love to her passionate desires, from her undeniable beauty to her slight trace of vanity, each Aphrodite symbol helps us unravel the layers of meaning that surround her.

If you’re as captivated by the stories of ancient goddesses as we are, then you’re in for a real treat.

In this guide, you’ll uncover how the dove, the rose, and all the other symbols of Aphrodite serve as a key to unlocking the true essence of what she represents.

Ready? Let’s go…

List of All Aphrodite Symbols and Their Meaning

Symbols around Aphrodite.

1. Dove

One of the main symbols associated with Aphrodite is the dove.

In Greek mythology, doves were believed to be sacred birds that represented purity, love, and peace.

They were often depicted as gentle creatures that carried messages of love between humans and gods.

Often seen with her heavenly chariot or surrounding her in elegant flight during countless artistic depictions, these birds hold a sacred place with her followers.

And they were said to be her favorite animal.

Not merely pretty ornaments, they embody romantic love and optimism, mirroring her core attributes.

Their presence also brings about an air of serenity whenever they are seen.

But the imagery surrounding doves extends beyond Greek mythology; they also influenced other goddesses such as Venus and Fortuna in Roman mythology.

With their spiritual message and hope for a renewed life, the dove symbol of Aphrodite is a testament to its timeless significance.

2. Rose

The Aphrodite rose symbol is a powerful representation of her due to the fact that it has long been associated with beauty, passion, and desire.

In ancient Greece, roses were dedicated to her as offerings in her temples.

The deep red color of the rose petals was seen as a representation of the intense emotions connected to love and lust.

The rose’s enchanting fragrance further enhances its symbolism of sensuality and attraction. And that’s why they were connected to this goddess.

In one story from ancient Greek mythology, the attraction between Aphrodite and Adonis is closely tied to the rose as a potent symbol of love and desire. So the rose holds special meaning for her.

The presence of Aphrodite roses can often be seen in decorative elements within illustrations of her.

3. Mirror

Known for her unparalleled beauty and allure, it was fitting that the mirror was another of Aphrodite’s symbols in Greek mythology.

Her connection to the mirror is deeply rooted in the concepts of self-reflection and vanity.

She was frequently depicted gazing into a mirror or holding one in her hand.

This imagery emphasizes the importance she placed on personal attractiveness and self-admiration.

Examples of her connection to the mirror can be seen in various myths and tales.

In one story, the magical mirror of Aphrodite was given to a mortal woman by the goddess herself.

This enabled the woman to see her own beauty and ultimately led to her downfall.

The tale served as a cautionary reminder of the dangers of excessive vanity and the consequences it can bring.

The mirror’s ability to reflect one’s true essence makes it one of the essential Aphrodite symbols and it illustrates her influence over beauty and self-identity.

4. Shell

In Greek mythology, the seashell holds significant symbolism related to birth and fertility – making it an ideal Aphrodite symbol and representation.

The shell’s resemblance to a womb led it to become an emblem associated with creation, rebirth, and feminine power.

In addition to its associations with birth and fertility, the shell is also seen as a sign of protection and good fortune.

It was believed that when the goddess appeared from the sea foam, she stood on a giant scallop shell which served as her birthplace.

These delicate treasures found along shorelines became associated with femininity, fertility, and new beginnings.

In art depictions of her, she is often portrayed standing on a seashell or emerging from one, emphasizing her connection with the sea and her divine origins.

The shell is one of the more prevalent Aphrodite symbols in pop culture.

5. Swan

The Aphrodite swan symbol represents her gracefulness and elegance.

But how and why did the swan become so prominent in her mythology?

Let’s dive into the fascinating story behind this connection.

According to one myth, when she emerged from the sea, she was carried to shore on a giant seashell by a flock of swans. 

This enchanting image solidified the connection between the goddess and these majestic birds.

And that’s just one example of swans helping Aphrodite in Greek mythology.

The goddess herself is synonymous with love and beauty, so the swan’s graceful appearance and gentle nature perfectly embody these qualities.

Their white feathers signify purity and innocence, adding to its association with her divine attributes.

Additionally, all throughout history artists have used the swan symbol of Aphrodite alongside other objects connected to her to paint a vivid picture of her.

6. Dolphin

The reason dolphins are symbols of Aphrodite stems from the belief that dolphins were present during her birth in the ocean.

They represent her deep connection to the sea, highlighting her association with water and fertility.

Their graceful movements and playful nature evoke the elegance and charm that she embodies.

Dolphins frequently appear in ancient artworks and sculptures of her.

In various artistic depictions, she is often surrounded by dolphins or even depicted riding on their backs.

These visual depictions reinforce the association between the two.

Their association with her adds a layer of depth and meaning to her character.

While some argue that these depictions may just be artistic interpretations, the Aphrodite dolphin symbol has endured throughout the centuries.

7. Apples (Golden Apple)

This is one of the Aphrodite symbols that came to represent desire, temptation, and discord in Greek mythology and various cultures worldwide.

In Greek mythology, the golden apple holds a significant role and is closely associated with this goddess.

Apples were considered sacred to her and were often used as symbols for declarations of love in ancient Greece. 

And they were also considered an aphrodisiac, representing fertility and abundance.

On top of that, this tempting fruit played a pivotal part in the events that led to the Trojan War.

In that story, she was awarded the apple after she was chosen as the winner of a contest. 

This eventually led to what is now known as the Trojan War.

The apple’s enticing appearance and sweet taste mirrored her irresistible allure, making it a fitting emblem of her divine powers.

8. Myrtle Tree

Now let’s take a closer look at a less familiar, but equally fascinating, symbol associated with Aphrodite – the myrtle tree.

It might not be as well-known as the rose or the dove, but it holds a special place in her symbolism.

But why the myrtle tree, you may wonder.

Well, ancient Greeks considered the myrtle tree sacred to the goddess, mainly because of its sensual aroma and the beauty of its blossoms and foliage.

The association was so strong that in ancient Greece, the myrtle was a key part of marriage rituals, a nod to her reign over love and marital harmony.

The evergreen nature of this Aphrodite symbol also represented immortality, a trait inherent to the Greek gods and goddesses.

And it’s another beautiful reminder of how interconnected the natural world is with Greek mythology.

9. Sparrow

This is another of the lesser known Aphrodite symbols because it contradicts the dove symbolism, so most people don’t link this bird with her.

Many sparrows, like the House Sparrow, are socially monogamous, but there can be instances of polygyny (one male mates with multiple females).

It’s also common for both males and females to engage in extra-pair copulations, leading to a significant proportion of offspring in any nest being fathered by a different male.

This fits with the stories of Aphrodite, as she was known to have multiple partners.

Additionally, in ancient Greek culture, sparrows were considered messengers of love, as they were believed to carry the souls of deceased lovers to the afterlife.

The sparrow’s devotion to its mate exemplifies loyalty and commitment, further connecting it to the goddess and her role in fostering affectionate bonds.

10. Colors

Aphrodite is associated with 2 vibrant colors that evoke passion and desire.

Red and pink are the sacred hues that symbolize her core spirit.

These colors represent love in its most intense form.

The color red conjures feelings of passion and sensuality, reflecting the romantic nature of Aphrodite’s domain.

Pink, on the other hand, represents tenderness and romance, capturing the softer aspects of love that she embodies.

Whether it’s through a stunning red rose or a delicate pink hue, these colors of Aphrodite serve as visual reminders to her captivating presence.

Also, check out our guide to honoring and working with her.

The Importance of Aphrodite’s Symbols

Symbols have always been an integral part of human culture.

And when we’re talking about ancient civilizations like the Greeks, they held an even more important role.

Each god and goddess in the Greek pantheon was associated with certain symbols, often linked to their powers, persona, or the myths surrounding them.

Each Aphrodite symbol was chosen to reflect not just her divine roles but also her personality, her stories, and the ideals she represented.

They were used to make her narratives more engaging and deeply insightful. They acted as shortcodes or emojis of their time, capturing complex stories, traits, and divine powers in simple, recognizable forms.

But her symbols didn’t just stop at the fall of the Greek civilization. They have continued to shape our modern understanding of love and beauty.

Can you recall a time when you saw a dove or a rose in a love story, a movie, or a song? Of course you can. That’s her legacy in action.

Symbols of Aphrodite Depicted In Art

Picture a stunning amphora, or a towering marble structure – what do you see?

Perhaps a beautiful woman, but look closer.

There’s a dove gently fluttering by her side or a rose clasped delicately in her hand.

These weren’t random choices by the artist, but conscious decisions to depict some of the symbols of Aphrodite right alongside her.

Now imagine an epic tale by Homer or a romantic poem by Sappho.

The words flow beautifully, describing the goddess of love. Yet, again, her symbols appear.

A mention of a swan gliding on a placid lake, or a myrtle tree swaying gently in the breeze – these were subtle ways for poets and storytellers to invoke her presence, even when she wasn’t directly involved in the plot.

The enduring fascination with her symbols in art demonstrates their timeless appeal and their continued influence on our understanding of beauty and romance.

Modern Interpretations of Aphrodite Symbols

In modern interpretations, Aphrodite symbols continue to captivate and inspire.

If you’ve ever seen a romantic movie, read a heartfelt love poem, or even just browsed greeting cards around Valentine’s Day, chances are you’ve seen her influence in action.

Consider the dove, a sign of peace and love, often used in wedding ceremonies.

Or the rose, the go-to flower for expressing romantic affection.

And it’s not just about love and romance. Her symbols also impact our notions of personal beauty and self-love.

For instance, think about the mirror, a familiar symbol associated with Aphrodite.

Today, it’s a common tool for self-admiration and maintaining our appearance, echoing the vanity and beauty element of her character.

You can see her symbolism everywhere in our contemporary culture.

From fashion runways to advertising campaigns, her iconic imagery is celebrated for its association with love.

Designers often incorporate elements such as roses, doves, and seashells into their creations.

Social media influencers embrace Aphrodite’s symbols as a representation of femininity and sensuality, using them to promote self-love and confidence.

All of these artists and creators are paying homage to the goddess of love.


In wrapping up our exploration of the many Aphrodite symbols and representations, we’ve journeyed through a myriad of connections that interweave nature, divinity, and human emotion.

From the gentle dove to the passionate rose, from the everlasting myrtle tree to the reflective mirror, each symbol provides a distinct perspective into the multifaceted influence Aphrodite has in Greek mythology.

They illuminate her roles as the goddess of love, beauty, and desire, offering rich insights into not only Greek mythology, but also the human condition and our timeless fascination with love and beauty.

As we recognize these symbols in our world today, we keep the spirit of Aphrodite alive, reminding us of the enduring power and allure of love and beauty in all their forms.

They give us a deeper understanding of how she exemplifies not only physical beauty but also emotional connections and desires.

And isn’t it amazing how these representations of her have endured through millennia, standing the test of time? Their meanings have evolved and been reshaped, yet they continue to evoke her essence.

Whether depicted in ancient mythology or embraced by popular culture today, Aphrodite symbols remain powerful reminders of the enduring power of love and desire.

FAQs About Aphrodite Symbols

Aphrodite’s symbolism teaches us about the power of love and its ability to influence our lives. It reminds us that beauty goes beyond physical appearances and encompasses emotional connections as well. By embracing these ideals, we can foster stronger relationships and a deeper appreciation for the world around us.

As Aphrodite is the goddess of love, beauty, and procreation, concepts traditionally associated with femininity in many cultures, her symbols also tend to represent these ideas. The dove, rose, and myrtle, for example, are all soft, delicate, and often associated with femininity.

The association between Aphrodite and the planet Venus comes from Roman mythology. Her Roman counterpart is Venus, who was associated with the second planet from the sun due to its brightness and beauty.

The association of the number five with Aphrodite might derive from the ancient use of a five-petaled rose as one of her symbols. The pentagram, a star with five points, was also an emblem of the goddess and was used in Pythagoreanism as a symbol of health and light.

Her symbols often have direct links to the myths and stories about her. For instance, the rose is connected to the story of Adonis’ death, the dove to her birth from the sea, and the apple to the Judgment of Paris. These representations serve as visual reminders of these tales and their role within them.