Welcome to the world of the High Priestess tarot card! It’s card number two in the Major Arcana of Tarot. This card is all about power, mystery, and something higher.
While most cards tell you to act, the High Priestess says, pause. She wants you to step back and take a breather. Don’t try to control everything; instead, look for new paths.
It’s time to retreat and think when this card appears in a reading. Trust your feelings to guide you. The High Priestess card reminds you to listen to your inner self.
Let’s explore this card’s spiritual wisdom together.
Table of Contents
Key Takeaways:
- Trust your intuition and inner wisdom when the High Priestess appears; she reminds you that your gut feelings hold valuable insights.
- Embrace balance and harmony, seeking the middle path between opposing forces.
- Explore hidden truths and mysteries, knowing that deeper understanding and spiritual insights can be found within yourself.
What Does the High Priestess Tarot Card Symbolize?
Let’s start with the Priestess Tarot card description. The second card in Major Arcana shows a lady sitting between two pillars. One pillar has a ‘B’ (Boaz) and stands for strength. The other has a ‘J’ (Jachin) and stands for the establishment. The black and white pillars show opposites, like good and bad.
The High Priestess is a bridge between these opposites. She thinks both pillars matter, and we can learn from both.
She holds a scroll with ‘Tora’ on it. This could mean the Jewish scripture or the Tarot. It’s partly covered, showing that some knowledge is hidden until you’re ready to see it.
Her crown and blue robe show her divine knowledge. The cross on her robe is about balance in the four parts of us: body, heart, mind, and spirit.
The crescent moon at her feet means she gets her wisdom from reflection and connects with the divine feminine. The veil with pomegranates means abundance and keeps secrets hidden. Only those who know can enter.
What Does the High Priestess Tarot Card Mean?
This tarot card carries profound meanings rooted in spirituality and inner wisdom. She reminds you of the power of your intuition. Perhaps you should listen to your gut feelings more often. Additionally, she promotes balance and harmony and the exploration of hidden truths within yourself. Let’s discuss further!
1. Intuition and Inner Knowing
This card represents your inner voice, intuition, and the wisdom within you. When this card appears, it’s a reminder to trust your gut feelings and listen to your inner guidance.
2. Secrets and Hidden Knowledge
This card signifies the presence of hidden truths and mysteries. It suggests that aspects of a situation or your life aren’t immediately visible.
So, you must explore, uncover secrets, and gain a deeper understanding.
3. Balance and Harmony
The High Priestess embodies balance between opposites, such as light and dark, masculine and feminine. It reminds you to seek equilibrium in your life and decisions, finding the middle path.
4. Spiritual Connection
This card indicates a strong link to the spiritual realm and the pursuit of higher knowledge. It’s a call to connect with your spiritual side, meditate, or explore your inner self.
5. Patience and Non-Action
This card often suggests a time for patience and non-action. Instead of rushing into things, it advises you to step back, observe, and wait for the right moment to act.
6. Feminine Energy
The card embodies the divine feminine energy, encouraging nurturing, intuition, and receptivity. It reminds you to embrace these qualities in yourself and your life.
7. Trusting Your Instincts
Trust is a key theme. It asks you to believe in your instincts and the unseen forces guiding you. Sometimes, it’s better to go with your inner wisdom than rely solely on logic.
8. Seeking Answers Within
Rather than looking for answers outside yourself, the High Priestess suggests that the answers you seek are within you. Take time for self-reflection and introspection.
Overall, this card is a spiritual guide, urging you to trust your intuition, explore hidden knowledge, and find balance within.
What is the Meaning of the Pillars on the High Priestess Card?
The pillars on this tarot card carry deep spiritual significance. They play a crucial role in understanding the card’s meaning.
Black and White Pillars
The High Priestess sits between two pillars. One pillar is black, and the other is white.
These colors represent duality, the idea that the world is composed of opposites, such as light and dark, good and bad, or positive and negative.
The black pillar, known as “Boaz,” symbolizes strength, while the white pillar, “Jachin,” represents establishment or stability. They remind us that life is a delicate balance of these opposing forces.
The Middle Path
The High Priestess herself is like a bridge between these two pillars. She signifies the middle path, suggesting that finding balance and harmony between opposites is essential. This balance extends to various aspects of life, from our emotions to our decisions.
Connection to the Mystical
These pillars also hold a mystical connection. They represent the entrance to sacred spaces, much like the entrance to ancient temples.
They signify the gateway to higher knowledge and spiritual wisdom. Passing through these pillars is like entering a realm of profound insight.
The Role of the High Priestess
The High Priestess, positioned between these pillars, serves as a mediator between the worlds of the conscious and the subconscious, the seen and the unseen.
She encourages us to explore the deeper aspects of ourselves and the hidden mysteries of life. She reminds us to trust our intuition, a source of profound wisdom.
Balancing Masculine and Feminine Energies
The black and white pillars also symbolize the masculine and feminine energies within us. This Tarot card encourages us to harmonize our energies, recognizing their equal importance. This balance helps us make better decisions and navigate life’s challenges.
A Call to Reflection
The presence of the pillars suggests that when this card appears in a tarot reading, it’s a time to step back and reflect.
Instead of rushing into action, we should take a moment to consider our options and trust our inner guidance. It’s an invitation to seek answers within and embrace the wisdom of the middle path.
In essence, the pillars on this card remind us of the delicate balance between opposing forces in life, the importance of finding a middle ground, and the significance of trusting our intuition to access higher knowledge and spiritual insights.
They serve as a profound and mystical gateway to deeper understanding and self-discovery.
What is the Advice of the High Priestess?
The High Priestess has practical advice for us. First, she says, “Listen to your feelings.” Your inner voice often knows what’s right, even if it seems strange. So, give it a chance; it’s pretty smart. Next, she wants us to find balance.
Life has ups and downs, so try to stay in the middle, where it’s calmer and safer.
She also suggests we discover hidden things. Life can be puzzling, like understanding people’s feelings or what’s happening in your head. Taking time to solve these mysteries can make you happier.
“Be patient,” she advises. Slowing down and waiting for the right time when life goes too fast is okay. Rushing can lead to mistakes.
Lastly, she encourages us to look inside ourselves. Instead of always asking others, take a moment to think about your thoughts and feelings. You might find some great ideas right there.
In a nutshell, this card advises us to believe in our feelings, stay balanced, investigate life’s puzzles, wait when needed, and find wisdom inside ourselves. It’s like having a helpful friend guiding us through twists and turns.
The High Priestess Tarot Card Meaning Upright
When the High Priestess appears upright, she’s urging you to embrace a different approach. Instead of relying solely on your intellect and conscious thoughts, she encourages you to tap into your inner wisdom. The High Priestess upright advises a pause, a moment of reflection.
So, take time to absorb what you’ve learned and seek even more sacred knowledge before making important choices or taking action.
If you’re facing a major decision or dilemma, this card guides you into your subconscious mind. Here, you can connect with your higher self. When you do, answers will naturally arise from within, and you’ll achieve the High Priestess’s ideal.
She emphasizes the importance of listening to your intuition over your conscious mind.
Furthermore, she calls upon you to embrace your divine feminine energy, seeking a balance with the masculine aspects. Trust your divine feminine intuition, even if the external world seems dominated by masculine forces.
Consider her as the gatekeeper of ancient temples. In your daily life, when you encounter situations where others hold the keys, she advises letting go of anxiety about the outcome. Instead, invest your energy in reflection and preparation.
You’ll be fully prepared to take action when the path forward becomes clear.
The High Priestess Reversed Meaning
The High Priestess card reversed is another call to slow down and reconnect with your inner self. Moreover, the reversed High Priestess suggests that you might be suppressing your feelings and struggling to tune into your intuition.
Have there been times when you felt like your gut was nudging you, but you brushed it aside? Or maybe you let other people’s opinions weigh too heavily on your decisions instead of considering what truly resonates with you?
Beware of external influences trying to sway you; stand firm in your convictions. You don’t need anyone else’s approval. The reversed position advises you to trust your instincts because the answers you’re seeking reside within you.
Additionally, if you get the reversed High Priestess, take a moment to quiet the external noise and retreat from the world around you.
Listen to what your inner guidance is whispering. Rest assured that you already possess the solutions you seek. All it takes is self-confidence to follow your inner wisdom and do what you know is right.
What Does the High Priestess Tarot Card Mean in Love?
The High Priestess is all about you – especially regarding love and friendships. You should prioritize your desires and needs if she pops up in your love life or social circle readings.
When this card represents you in a reading, it could mean you’re feeling unsatisfied in various parts of your life, including matters of the heart.
If she’s symbolizing your partner or friend, you might be grappling with a sense of unattainable intimacy, no matter how hard you try.
The good news? There’s a simple solution for both situations: stop trying so hard! This doesn’t mean giving up on life or relationships; it means taking a step back and allowing things to unfold.
Deepak Chopra shares a story in his book “Fire in the Heart” about a young boy who tried to help a butterfly emerge from its cocoon.
The boy’s efforts inadvertently damaged the butterfly’s wings, robbing it of its ability to fly. Sometimes, pushing ourselves or others into commitments before they’re ready can breed resentment.
It’s perfectly fine to be patient and let things develop at their own pace.
So, remember to:
- Focus on your desires and needs.
- Ease up on the effort and take a step back.
- Embrace a passive and patient approach to life and relationships.
What Does the High Priestess Tarot Card Mean in Business?
While this Tarot card isn’t directly tied to wealth and work, it can appear in career readings, especially when further education or gaining secret knowledge is in the spotlight. Consider this: What truly ignites your passion? What are your deepest desires?
Finding the path to increased earnings isn’t straightforward with this card, but she can offer some guidance. Are there any hidden obstacles blocking your progress? Is there something unfolding behind the scenes that needs unveiling?
This Major Arcana card encourages you to step back and view your situation as an impartial observer. What advice would you offer a friend facing the same circumstances?
Here’s a simple roadmap:
- Identify your genuine passions.
- Pursue courses or readings related to those passions.
- Reflect on whether anything is holding you back from embracing your aspirations.
What Does the High Priestess Tarot Card Mean in Health?
If you didn’t specifically seek a health or spirituality reading, but the High Priestess has appeared, it’s suggesting a shift in your focus towards these areas. Have you sensed something isn’t quite right with your physical well-being? If so, it’s time to trust your intuition and seek medical advice.
This card can symbolize matters related to hormones, fertility, and even the potential for pregnancy. Her messages should not be disregarded.
The same principle applies to your emotional and spiritual well-being. Have you neglected your spiritual side or embarked on a path toward personal growth and enlightenment?
This card is encouraging you to stay on this path. Explore ways to enhance your vibrational energy, connect with your inner wisdom, develop your psychic abilities, and bring your most cherished desires into reality.
Here’s a simple guide:
- Prioritize your well-being.
- Trust your intuition and take action accordingly.
- Seek ways to elevate your vibrational energy.
The High Priestess as Relationship Outcome
When this card appears in a relationship reading, the outcome could be mysterious and not obvious. This card hints that you two might have hidden feelings or desires. To make this relationship work, you should follow your instincts.
It might not be straightforward, but it can lead to a meaningful connection if you explore your emotions together.
The High Priestess Tarot Card Meaning Yes Or No
This Tarot card doesn’t do simple “yes” or “no” answers. It’s about mystery and inner wisdom. When you ask a yes-or-no question and get this card, it means things are complex. Trust your gut feelings, look deeper, and be patient.
This card says to follow your instincts instead of “yes” or “no.” Sometimes, it means you need more info or time to decide. Be open to ambiguity and trust your inner wisdom.
The High Priestess Reversed Yes or No
If this card is upside-down and you want a yes-or-no answer, it suggests confusion or hidden stuff. It’s not the right time for a clear decision. The High Priestess reversed might mean you doubt your intuition or can’t access your inner wisdom when reversed.
Hidden factors might block a simple “yes” or “no.” Be cautious, gather info, wait for clarity, or talk to someone you trust.
The High Priestess Tarot Card Tattoo
Getting a tattoo of this card means different things to different people. It’s about inner wisdom, mystery, and intuition. People choose it as a reminder to trust their instincts in life decisions. Some get it because they’re into mystical things or want to explore hidden knowledge. Others believe in the power of intuition and want to tap into it.
It can also symbolize femininity and empowerment.
The High Priestess Tarot Card Combinations
Let’s explore some important combinations involving the High Priestess tarot card:
The High Priestess and The Magician
These cards may seem different, but both hold mystery and magic. The Magician brings external changes, while the High Priestess works within.
Together, they signal a life-altering experience. Expect major shifts, ultimately leading to a better life.
The High Priestess and The Two or Eight of Wands
The High Priestess usually encourages non-reaction, except when paired with the Two or Eight of Wands.
The Two of Wands suggests bold action, and the Eight of Wands emphasizes action with a plan. If fear is holding you back from changes in relationships or careers, it’s time to find courage and act.
The High Priestess and The Hermit
Though their meanings differ, the Hermit embodies energy akin to the High Priestess. This combo signifies a potent spiritual connection.
If you draw this pair, prioritize inner work and avoid seeking answers from external sources. Your Higher Self knows best. Spend solitary, undisturbed time exploring within.
The High Priestess and The Lovers
When these cards come together, they point to a deep love or relationship connection.
The Lovers suggest a time to trust your heart and inner feelings in matters of the heart. Choices made with genuine emotions lead to harmonious connections.
The High Priestess and The Tower
This pairing signals a sudden upheaval or revelation. The Tower advises you to rely on your intuition to navigate through unexpected changes.
Trust that the chaos will bring transformative insights and opportunities for growth.
The High Priestess and The Moon
The Moon and the High Priestess amplify intuition and spirituality.
This mysterious combination encourages exploring your dreams, subconscious, and inner truths. Pay close attention to your instincts, which hold the keys to understanding hidden matters.
The High Priestess and The Wheel of Fortune
When these cards align, it signifies a turning point in destiny. The Wheel of Fortune brings changes, and this card advises you to trust the flow of life. Embrace the cycles as they lead to personal growth and transformation.
The High Priestess and The Empress
This combination highlights feminine energy and nurturing. It suggests a time to connect with your inner wisdom and embrace your creative and nurturing side.
The Empress may signify a phase of fertility or motherhood and pregnancy, whether literal or symbolic. Trust your instincts to guide you in matters of family and creation.
The High Priestess Tarot Card Meaning: Closing Thoughts
In conclusion, the High Priestess card in Tarot signifies the importance of intuition, inner wisdom, and exploring the mysteries of life.
It doesn’t provide straightforward “yes” or “no” answers but encourages us to trust our instincts and delve deeper into our consciousness when faced with complex situations.
She represents a connection to the hidden aspects of ourselves and the world around us. When this card appears in a Tarot reading, it’s a reminder to tap into our inner knowledge and explore life’s deeper meanings.
Debra Smith says
Do you do 3 tarot card reading?
Wille says
Sorry, not right now.
Wille xxxxx
Lucy says
Good evening I just did my very 1st self reading, Well it was more of a Yes or No question & I pulled The Highest Priestess! I’m worried if I do what asked if I should, will I be happy with the outcome…
Wille says
The High Priestess is a really positive card! It suggests that you are a very intuitive person, so you will know deep down what to do
Wille xxx
mally says
I pulled the high prieates as the first card on my reading next to it came the 3 of swords in reverse
Purple says
I got the strength, the empress, and the high priestess in order. It was just a random gif post on my social media but i tried to pick 3 since that’s what i usually see in dramas. What does the cards in combination as a whole means? I hope you’ll see and be able to answer this. Thank you in advance
Wille says
Hi, thanks for your question ???? You have the energy to accomplish your goal and will gain rich experience if you do so.
This tarot card combination can also indicate an energetic strong woman, with a spiritual side as well.
Wille ✨
Elizabeth says
I’m not sure if this is the correct card that got read for me because the lady told me the card meant sexuality, not my sexuality, but maybe abuse or some sort. Then after that I got the full moon. She told me that I need to self reflect on my past and to stop worrying, things happen for a reason. So I’m curious as to if this was the card she talked about and if she gave me the right answer. I’m getting more involved in this type of stuff, so I’m still learning.
Wille says
Hi Elizabeth, thanks for your comment! The High Priestess normally indicates a time for learning and listening to your intuition rather than prioritizing your intellect and conscious mind. She tells you to slow down and reflect on what you’ve learned. Therefore, it’s possible that it was the High Priestess your reader was talking about, given that she told you to take some time to reflect on your past. As for advice, I would record your reading next time (if it’s allowed) so you can listen to it again when you’re home. I hope this answered your question!