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How to ensure Prestigious Placements for College Students

In today’s highly competitive world, securing prestigious placements for students is a key objective for educational institutions, as it significantly enhances their reputation and provides students with a strong start in their careers. Achieving this goal requires a multifaceted approach that not only involves academic excellence but also equips students with the necessary skills, experiences, […]

In today’s highly competitive world, securing prestigious placements for students is a key objective for educational institutions, as it significantly enhances their reputation and provides students with a strong start in their careers. Achieving this goal requires a multifaceted approach that not only involves academic excellence but also equips students with the necessary skills, experiences, and support they need to navigate the complexity of the competitive job market. In recent years, the layoff ratio in Indian companies has surged to 22%, creating significant challenges for fresh graduates entering into the professional path.

Here are some of the strategies that institutions can implement to ensure their students secure prestigious placements.

Provide Industry-related Curriculum:
Having a strong academic foundation is the base of securing prestigious placements. Institutions should continually update their curriculum to align with industry emerging trends. This involves integrating practical skills along with theoretical knowledge, ensuring that students are well-prepared for the demands of today’s job market. Offering students real-world exposure through guest lectures, workshops, and seminars by professionals can also help to bridge the gap between academia and industry.

Provide Essential Career Services:
Career services play a crucial role in preparing students for the job market. This includes resume-building workshops, mock interviews, and career counseling sessions. Giving personalized guidance to students can help them to know their strengths, weaknesses, and career interests, through which they can make better decisions. Career services can also facilitate internships, providing students with hands-on experience and exposure to professional environments. Such opportunities not only enhance students’ resumes but also allow them to build networks and demonstrate their skills to potential employers.

Focus on Building Connections:
Establishing and maintaining strong relationships with industry experts is important for securing better placements. Institutions can achieve this by organizing foreign trips, job fairs, industry meet-and-greet events, and alumni networking sessions. These platforms allow students to interact directly with potential employers, showcase their skills, and learn about various career paths. Alumni networks can be a valuable resource as successful alumni can serve as mentors, offering guidance and facilitating introductions to hiring managers.

Give Emphasis on Soft Skills:
We know that technical skills are essential in today’s world but at the same time soft skills such as communication, teamwork, and problem-solving are equally important for securing top-tier placements. Workshops on leadership, time management, and public speaking can further enhance students’ professional world. Encouraging participation in extracurricular activities, clubs, and student organizations provides additional opportunities for students to demonstrate initiative and leadership.

Utilizing Digital Platforms:
In this digital era, having an online presence is effective for both students and institutions. Students should be encouraged to maintain professional LinkedIn, Indeed profiles, portfolios, and personal websites to enhance their visibility to recruiters. Institutions can leverage technology by offering virtual career fairs, webinars, and online workshops by providing greater accessibility for students and employers. Online platforms can also showcase student projects, research, and achievements which can attract employers.

The author is the chairman of FOSTIIMA Business School- Delhi.
