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Religion has a different meaning and interpretations for every person. Some people make it a way of life, some make it a tool for self-realization. But some are of the opinion that to understand God, and religion one should understand the value of humanity and the people around. ARUNA DIDI IS one such person who […]

Religion has a different meaning and interpretations for every person. Some people make it a way of life, some make it a tool for self-realization. But some are of the opinion that to understand God, and religion one should understand the value of humanity and the people around. ARUNA DIDI IS one such person who decided to take her idea of religion and worship for betterment of society.
An ardent follower and worshipper of goddess MAA RANI SATI, Aruna Didi has made it her purpose of life to work a direction of truthfulness, devotion, service to the society and helping anyone who comes to her door.
Aruna Didi comes from Assam and was brought up in an atmosphere where she saw charity and empathy for the poor and the deprived section of the society. Therefore, since childhood she had this deep down feeling for the people who were struggling and wanted to have a happy and peaceful life.

Aruna Didi happens to be an ardent follower of MAA RANI SATI. When she was going through a challenging phase of her life she had a dream where Goddess told her to visit Rani Sati Temple is a temple located in Jhunjhunu. It is the largest temple in India devoted to Rani Sati, a Rajasthani lady who lived sometime between the 13th and the 17th century and committed sati (self-immolation) on her husband’s death.
After her visit her long awaited dream came true and she felt immensely blessed. Following that she started having regular visions of Maa sati.
At first she was not able to understand what was happening but then she had a moment of epiphany. So she realized that she would make religion and her devotion a path and inspire others also to do all that is needed to help others to understand the difference between right and wrong. It was then that she started an organization in the name of NARAYANI DADI SEVA SANGH.
The organization works for a lot of social causes and for revival of the Hindu religion and promote, Santana Dharma. Aruna Didi feels that it is important to guide our children to understand the difference between good and bad; and right and wrong. She aslo believes that we should learn from everywhere bit the negative influence of western culture has somehow digressed our young generation.
So she decided to take up counselling to help families, youngsters and the people from different walks of life to understand and move in the right direction.

Aruna Didi says that most of the problems of life are caused because of lack of communication. She feels that today the families are breaking, children are getting into bad company. She believes that today society needs to be on the path of devotion and make their life worthwhile. They should worship with family and stay together and make sure that all the members of the family come together and learn to talk.
Aruna Didi, has the gift of gab and she talks to people, tries to understand their problem and also give a solution.

Aruna Didi, has taken the initiative of planting trees. She planted 13000 Peepal trees and tried to bring about awareness for saving environment and talking about the scientific significance of planting Peepel trees. She is firm believer of the fact that whatever steps we take we should first understand the reason behind the actions, understand the logic and with discretion move ahead. She is totally against the superstitions nd and the people who want to influence others in name of religion.

Aruna Didi who is a firm believer of MAA RANI SATI, feels that when a person starts mediation and chants mantra he becomes aligned to his purpose of life.
Chants can do magic in any case. Reiterating her personal experiences, she said that mantras can help people heal from any kind of crisis.
Talking of her own life she said that when she was feeling lost in her life mantra of the goddess helped her through. She feels that, “whenever you get stuck, you should just surrender before the Divine healing energy and chant her mantra. She is complete and the one who can guide you, protect you and bless you.”

In order to bring about positive change in the society, Aruna Didi says it is must to educate girls. To connect young girls to spirituality and help those who want to study but live with limited means, Aruna Didi runs campaigns through NARAYANI DADI SEVA SANGH. She makes sure that all the girls who have dreams and aspirations should be given a chance and freedom to pursue their dreams and move ahead. She feels that in today’s fast moving world it has become important for both husband and wife to work. But the children somehow are deprived of the value addition. In such cases it is important that the children are brought up by the elders of the family. The children should receive the blessings of their grandparents and learn about their culture, tradition and turn out to be happy and respectful human beings.

Aruna Didi hopes that with the blessings of the Goddess she wants every home to flourish, the society to be happy and live according to the ethos laid down by our holy scriptures. She wishes that all of us in the coubtry shod work to revive Sanatana, embrace values and live a life that can help others, motivate the people around and contribute for oneself and others.
So it can be said that with vision, religion and hope we all can be good human beings and do our bit for the world. But we must not forget that it is that Mother of the universe who does all wonders and miracles.
