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The Nest of the Recluse Suchita Malik The Nest of the Recluse is an engaging tale of five characters who find themselves embroiled in complex relationships that makes them break away from the routine and seek refuge in art, culture, spiritualism, travel and explore different ways of living life. Each character has their own learning […]

The Nest of the Recluse

Suchita Malik

The Nest of the Recluse is an engaging tale of five characters who find themselves embroiled in complex relationships that makes them break away from the routine and seek refuge in art, culture, spiritualism, travel and explore different ways of living life. Each character has their own learning at the end of the tunnel. The result is a brilliant examination of relationships, ideology and history and their effect on individual lives. With dazzling energy and insight, Suchita Malik immerses us in the tumultuous lives of her characters in their desperate attempts to find what makes life meaningful or even happy.

Gods and Ends

Lindsay Pereira

Philomena Sequeira knows what she wants by the time she turns 14. Her father wants something else. Life is unyielding for the tenants of the rundown Obrigado Mansion in Orlem, a Roman Catholic parish in suburban Bombay. They grapple with love, loss and sin, surrounded by abused wives and repressed widows, alcoholic husbands and dubious evangelists, angry teenagers and ambivalent priests, all struggling to make sense of circumstances they have no control over. This book takes up multiple threads of individual stories to create a larger picture of darkness beneath a seemingly placid surface. It is about intersecting lives struggling to accept change as homes turn into prisons.

Alex Drake and Friends: Wasor Island

Aaditya Raj

Alex, along with his friends, Lester and Angelina, had just started off on his leisure trip to Japan but was interrupted abruptly by a plane crash. As the trio gets stranded on an anomalously peculiar island, they face havoc and death. After a billion moments of suffering, a weird man tells them a ridiculously unbelievable story about a curse inflicted upon the island. On further questioning, he also tells them the way to cure the place involves a series of deadly challenges. As Alex is hit with shock, grief and death-defying experiences, he figures that surviving on this island is not an easy task.

Leopard Diaries: The Rosette in India

Sanjay Gubbi

The leopard is perhaps one of the world’s most beautiful creatures. The spots on its body are even romantically called ‘rosettes’. In this book, Sanjay Gubbi, who has studied and documented the leopard for nearly a decade, gives us a close look at this fascinating creature. From detailing its food habits to throwing new light on how the young are reared, from offering suggestions on tackling leopard–human conflict to imagining the future of this arresting animal, this book is a 360-degree view of the leopard, its ecological context, its fraught relationship with the human world, and how wildlife and human beings can find a way to co-exist.

