Your Auras Meaning and Functions of The Aura

When you think of your aura, what comes to mind? Your aura color? What an aura is? Or how your aura functions?

Whether you’re looking to find information about your auras meaning, or how energies flow through your aura, this blog post contains it all.

You’ll also learn how to keep your aura healthy and vibrant along with an easy way to discover your main aura color. So, dive in to learn all about auras!

Your Auras Meaning and Functions

What is an aura? Your aura is an electromagnetic field that completely surrounds your physical body. The aura is also called your energy field.

Your aura functions as your first line of defense to keep you safe by alerting you about possible danger in your environment. This is an example of when your aura contracts and snuggles up close to your physical body.

One function of your aura is that it contains the blueprints for your emotions, physical body, and for your personal development.

Another auric function is that it sends energetic signals outward to attract more of the same types of energies back to you. 

The Meanings of Aura Colors

Each aura color has its own specific meaning. To find out your main aura color, get an aura drawing.

White Auras Meaning

Adaptable, perfect balance, calming, gifted healer, highly intuitive, highly spiritual, loves simplicity, newness, one with nature, purity, quiet, sensitive, truth

Pink Auras Meaning

Friendship, love, sincerity

Red Auras Meaning

Centered, confident, courage, determination, grounded, honest, passionate, physicality, powerful, sensual, strength, vitality

Orange Auras Meaning

Adventurous, ambition, confidence, courage, creativity, excitement, independent, leadership, loves life, mentally focused, resourceful, self-control, strategic, thoughtfulness, vitality

Yellow Auras Meaning

Confident, connects with nature and animals, creativity, energetic, free-spirited, freedom, friendly, fun-loving, generous, happy, harmonious, inspiration, intellectual, joy, laughter, optimistic, positivity, sensitive

Green Auras Meaning

Accomplishes goals, balance, compassion, driven, empowers others, enthusiastic, generosity, growth, healing, highly intelligent, ingenuity, love of nature, optimistic, organized, peaceful, perfectionist, practical, responsibility, service, successful, teacher

Blue Auras Meaning

Artistic, calm, caretaker of people and the Earth, clarity, communication, compassionate, creative, emotional depth, forgiving, healing, imagination, intuitive, kind, loving, loyal, nurturing, self-expression, sensitive, spiritual, teacher

Indigo Auras Meaning

Creative, deep inner knowing, enlightened consciousness, highly intuitive, insight, kindness, non-judgmental, peaceful, sensitive, spirituality, spiritually gifted, wisdom

Purple/Violet Auras Meaning

Artistic, big ideas, charismatic, creative, dreamer, enjoys traveling, higher consciousness, highly spiritual, humanitarian, inspirational to others, intuitive, leader, loves to take chances, psychic, visionary, wisdom

Gray Meaning

Blocked energy, depression, distrust, exhaustion, fear, low energy, sadness, skepticism, weakness

Brown Meaning

Blocked energy, distrust, fear, greed, opinionated, self-involvement, weakness

Black Meaning

Blocked energy, distrust, fear, illness, lacking energy, physical imbalance, weakness

Channeled Message From Archangel Michael and Melchizedek

Dearest one, the state of your aura is as equally important as your physical health. It requires regular maintenance in the same way that you nourish your physical body with clean water, foods, and getting enough sleep.

Caring for your aura will assist your aura in remaining in an optimal state of health. When your aura is performing at its best, the benefits extend into your mind, body, and spirit.

An aura drawing can help you discover what is currently inside your aura that needs attention. Knowing how your aura functions helps you understand why your aura needs regular attention. 

How Your Aura Works To Keep You Safe

Let us begin by first explaining the flow of energies through your aura, and how your aura works.

Your aura extends outward from your physical body and acts as a radar. The main function of your aura is continuously scanning your surrounding environment. Your aura is always searching for any energies that could potentially be harmful to you.

If your aura recognizes that danger is nearby, it will alert your intuition, so you can take appropriate steps to remain safe. Think about a time when you were in a public space and you suddenly felt uncomfortable. Perhaps it was because of another person that you saw near you, or for an unknown reason. This was your aura working to assist you and to keep you safe. 

Your Aura Absorbs Energies From Others

Your aura picks up all types of energies from other people too. It is how your aura reads the energies within your physical space by reading the energies in auras of people around you. Your aura is always scanning energies even while you are sleeping.

While this is a fantastic feature of the aura, it also means that your aura is storing those same energies that it picks up from other people. If you are around one person or a group of people who are happy, joyful, and enjoying life, those positive energies transfer into your aura. This is beneficial for you.

If others around you are feeling fearful, angry, negative, jealous, or depressed, your aura stores those energies.

When your aura accumulates too many dense energies, it starts to feel stressed. And, it can get filled up and become cluttered. 

What Happens When Your Aura is Clogged Up?

Think of trying to fill up a full cup of water with more water. It does not work. The water will spill out over the edges.

With auras, your aura does not send stored dense energies out into the space around you. Auras read and hang onto energies similar to a computer storing information. The information remains, even if hidden, unless properly removed.

Heavy energies in your aura must go somewhere. So, they move into your seven main chakras when your aura is stressed. This is how your aura frees up space.

Eventually, your chakras can become clogged from all these heavy energies. When this occurs, the next step is for the heavy energies to leak out into your meridian system. As the heavy energies travel through your meridian system they can flow into any area of the body.

Physical Ailments Often Indicate Energetic Blockages

This is when a person begins to notice physical health ailments. It could show up as an injury, however in most cases, it shows up as the beginning stages of a disease.

When a person has reached this severe stage of energetic blockage, the situation can be reversed energetically. Starting to healing through Angel Energy Healing helps the person move those dense energies out of their system.

This is a process that naturally requires time. However, the person will notice improvements that accumulate over time. As long as the person continues daily energy cleansing and healing, the person has potential to return to an optimal state of health.

Even When You’re Alone, You’re Still Absorbing Energies

Your aura is continuously modifying itself. This is because you are always exposed to energies from other people daily.

Even if you live alone and stay at home all day, your aura still absorbs energies. This occurs through everything that you read or watch on television or in movies. Even having a conversation on the phone or through the internet creates an energy exchange.

Living in this energetic universe makes it extremely important to care for your energetic system daily.

Cleanse Daily with White Source Light

A quick chakra and aura cleanse daily with source light is essential. Yes, deeper cleanses are also needed. How often depends upon how far you are along on your ascension journey.

If you are newly awakened, your system most likely contains energies that still need to be released. Therefore, deeper chakra cleanses may be needed perhaps three times a week or more.

If you are further along your ascension journey, a deep cleanse once or twice a week is all that you will need. Only you know what you need, and what your energetic system needs.

The more you continue to cleanse and ascend, the benefits will return your aura to an optimal state.

We send you blessings of love, and are here to provide you with lifelong guidance and support. We love you. 
Thank you Archangel Michael and Melchizedek. Channeled by Brenda Lott.

Discover Your Main Aura Color

Are you curious to find out your main aura color along with other types of energies in your aura? Get an aura drawing to find out. It includes Angel Energy Healing to remove etheric cords, repair auric tears, and fills your aura up with new light.

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 

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