Welcome to


Transform your life with assistance from archangels
Angel Wings Chakras

Brenda Lott

Certified Channeler of

Angelic Healing Energies

and Angel Messages


I'm Brenda, and I'm glad you found this site. My soul purpose is to channel angelic healing energies and angel messages. And to help you on your spiritual ascension journey.

Open up your heart to the angels, and be amazed by how they start to work in your life. I look forward to assisting you through energy healing, and empowering you with spiritual tools to help you to ascend higher. 

Angels Help You

  • Improve and transform your life
  • Cleanse your chakras and aura
  • Uplift your mind, body, and spirit

Energy Healing with Angels

Discover a variety of ways that archangels help you through energy healing.
Purple Angel Wings

Angel Energy Healing Session

Revitalize your entire mind, body, and spirt with the most complete energy healing modality. Plus, remove any entities, curses, spells, or other dark energies. 
Purple Angel Wings

Arcfusion Energy Healing

New and unique energy healing modality created by Archangels and Arcturians.
Receive personalized energy healing within 24 hours, or schedule a session. Plus, receive ongoing support for 30 days. 
Purple Angel Wings

Arcfusion Energy Healing for Situations

Get help from powerful Archangels and Ascended Masters to resolve any situation between two or more people.
Sent to you within 24 hours. 
Purple Angel Wings

Arcfusion Energy Healing for Pets

Energy healing to balance your pet's chakras, cleanse their aura, and help them feel better. Get help for your pet within 24 hours.
Purple Angel Wings

Aura Drawings with Aura Cleansing

Discover what is inside your aura.
Remove density.
Cut etheric cords others attached to you.
Repair holes and tears inside your aura.
Rejuvenate your entire aura with Angel Energy Healing to address issues found.

Angel Card Readings

Find out what messages and guidance the angels have for you.
Get your personalized angel oracle card reading.

Explore The Blog 

Learn about:
* Angel Numbers and Angel Signs
* Archangels
* Ascension 
* Energy Healing & Auras
* Laws of the Universe
* Sacred Geometry
* Soul Purpose
Read the blog
The information provided on this site is for educational purposes only, and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. You understand that the energy healing and sound healing methods on this site are not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment, and they do not replace the services of licensed healthcare providers. By using this website, you understand, acknowledge, agree, and voluntarily accept all risk and responsibility associated with the services and information on this site. You hereby waive all claims, assume all liability, and release, hold harmless, indemnify, and agree to defend us from liability for any injury, claim, cause of action, suit, demand, and damages (including without limitation, personal, bodily, or mental injury, property damage, economic loss, consequential damages, and punitive damages) arising from or related to using the information and services on this site. By continuing to explore this website, you represent you have read, understand, and agree to the terms of the disclaimer.