Why The Love Within You is Powerful

Spiritual Courses
When you connect to the love within you, it opens you up to limitless possibilities.

This love is incredibly powerful, and can magically transform your journey into a wonderful life filled with an abundance of love and joy. The reason why is because love heals everything. And, when you begin with the love within you, it enlightens all areas of your life.

Feeling connected to this love also fills you with peace and bliss. Believe in the power of your love, and allow it to guide you on your journey. 

Channeled Message from Archangel Jophiel about The Love Within You

Dearest beloved souls of light, from all of us in the angelic realm we wish for you to know, feel, and see how we all love you unconditionally. As a human, we know that you go through challenging times and sometimes may not be the best version of yourself.

However, from the perspective of angels, all these challenges are for the purpose of your soul to continue learning and growing.

Start seeing more of the true you, the beautiful soul of light that you are. Your soul is pure love and light; that is who you really are.

It is the energetic blockages while you are in human form that clouds your ability to see completely the amazing soul love light that you are.

There are ways to tap more into feeling the love in your soul, and living with more feelings of love. 

Access Your Inner Love

Connecting to deeper levels of your soul means you can shine vibrantly in the world. Not only brightly, but to be the full embodiment of your soul expressing its uniqueness every day.

How you can start to accomplish this is through connecting to your higher self. And asking your higher self to download into you the qualities and characteristics that you desire.

Are you unsure about what to download from your higher self? Ask your higher self to download into you what will most serve you in the present moment.

Continue merging more of your higher self with your human self on a regular basis. A good recommendation is once a week. It does not take very much time to do this. Yet, the benefits are almost instantaneous. You will notice that more of your higher self is embodying your human self when you notice subtle improvements. 

What Happens When You Become More of Your Higher Self

For example, if you were struggling with reacting negatively towards a certain person, your higher self can help you stop this pattern. Your higher self is able to make it easier for you to pause during stressful moments. This makes practicing mindfulness of your thoughts, feelings, and words easier before you respond.

These types of improvements may seem minor, however they accumulate over time and lead to great transformations.

The love inside of you helps you live with more love and joy while not being as affected by other people around you. Even when you are among people who may be acting unkindly, negative, or trying to create stress, it will become easier to not react. 

Love Heals Everything

Take a moment to see how love heals everything. Love is the most powerful force in the universe. It is through love that you can completely transform your life into a magical life. Love is extremely powerful and healing.

Most people who are unawakened do not recognize how love is very powerful. This is because they are feeling unloved.

Many unawakened people have had their hearts shattered, and on the inside are crying out to feel love. Because they have been taught untrue things as a child regarding love, they continue to struggle due to outdated beliefs.

They have been taught that love comes externally, not from within. This has led to their inner child feeling unloved and unhappy along with creating other struggles that are unnecessary. 

How To Help People Who Feel Unloved

When you encounter a person who is feeling unloved, disconnected, or hopeless, the best way to assist them is to silently send them angels of love. Plus, healing angels to assist them in becoming reconnected to the truth of who they really are.

You Reflect Your Inner Love

When you direct your attention into your soul, into your own love, you shine healing light onto any heavy feelings. Through your intention, you can command any unwanted feelings to be transmuted into love. Or, call upon Archangel Michael to assist you in removing any unpleasant energies.

Always love yourself first, and it will evolve your entire life into a magical, joyful, and blissful life.

As you increase your self-love, you naturally magnetize more love back into your life. This happens through your vibration increasing, and the Law of Attraction complying with the higher-vibrational energies you are attracting. 

Enhance Your Self-Love

How can you increase your self-love? There are many ways that you can do this including through actions, affirmations, and meditating to connect to your soul.

Focus within the center of your heart. Feel the love of your soul here, and feel the love in the middle of your soul. Imagine a star in the center of your heart chakra.

See this star of light as it continues growing bigger and brighter. With each inhale, the light expands more and becomes brighter.

While with each exhale, you are removing the energies that no longer serve you and are holding you back.

Keep expanding your heart light until it completely surrounds you in a beautiful orb. Feel the love from your own soul. You are love. The light that you were created from is pure love. This is who you truly are. 

Increase Your Love, Joy, and Gratitude

Keep striving to embody more of your higher self into your human form. And through this, your entire life will transition into you feeling more love, joy, and gratitude every day.

Yes, there will still be some challenging days and moments. However, they do not have to bring you down for as long. Solutions will arrive with clarity, and the angels will be able to show you their messages and guidance in a way that you can recognize.

Align with the vibration of love by increasing your vibration. Do this through laughter, enhancing your self-love, and expressing gratitude. Additionally, request angelic assistance daily to have angels pull you up into the frequencies of love, joy, and gratitude. 

Love Begins Inside of You

When you stop searching for love externally and see the love within you that you already are, you access the love contained within your soul. Remember that you are more than good enough, and you are unique.

Take a moment to place both hands over your heart and feel the love that you are. Feel this love as, I, Archangel Jophiel, flow a waterfall of pink and gold light directly from source and into your heart chakra.

From your heart, this light flows outward into the rest of your physical body. Flowing love and light into your mind, your emotions, your spirit, and through your entire aura. Enjoy this love for it is who you truly are. 

The Love Within You is Powerful

The entire angelic realm is here to assist you in seeing and feeling the beautiful, powerful light of love that you already are.

Do not fear your power for its foundation is based in love. Through love, you are powerful in a way that extends love, kindness, compassion, joy, and healing out toward people around you.

We love you unconditionally. And, we look forward to assisting you in shining your light more in the world. 
Thank you, Archangel Jophiel, for this message about love. Channeled by Brenda Lott

Give Yourself a Gift of Love

If you’re struggling with heavy energies blocking access to the love within your soul, there is help. Get an Angel Energy Healing session to begin removing the energetic blockages so you can start feeling the love within you.

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of link4din.com/angelic-sparkles-numerology. Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 
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