Why Self Care is Important on Your Ascension Journey

Self care is important for everyone, but it's especially important when you’re following an ascension journey.

In this blog post, the angels explain why self care is important, and help you see how you’re doing with it. Plus, there is an easy checklist to assist you in keeping track of everything. 

Why Self Care is Important

When you're consistently giving of yourself to others, it's easy to let your own needs go unattended. But if you don't take care of yourself, it’s more difficult to do your work effectively.

When your own cup is depleted, you’re unable to be your best along with not feeling as good as you could feel.

That is why it's essential to relax and recharge your batteries.

By caring for yourself first, and replenishing your own cup, it’s easier to overflow your unique gifts into the world. 

Channeled Message from Archangel Michael and Archangel Gabriel

Dearest beloved souls of light, as you journey throughout your lifetime it is important to remember to take care of yourself. As the world continues to change and as life becomes busier, it is possible to become overloaded with too many things to do. Ensure that you do not slack off with your self care.

Take a moment to view your life from a higher perspective. Examine your day to day schedule along with any additional activities that you complete on a weekly basis.

Are you taking enough time for yourself?

How are you feeling at the end of each day?

Are you filling up your own cup first before assisting others?

What spiritual activities are in your daily routine?

Is there anything weighing you down? If yes, how can you improve it? Would asking for help work?

What can you remove from your life to make things easier? 

Daily Spiritual Activities to Continue Ascending Higher

We always suggest, whether you are at the beginning of your ascension journey or are advanced, that you protect your energy daily. Also, cut cords daily along with doing a quick cleanse; preferably at the end of the day.

However, always do these activities when the time is best for you. These spiritual activities help you have a strong foundation for your ascension journey. And help you maintain a higher vibration.

We also recommend longer chakra cleanses at least a couple days a week. Meditate by flowing white source light into each chakra, one chakra at a time. Then, finish by grounding yourself back to the center of Gaia. 

Review Feelings, Situations, and People in Your Life

Anytime you notice undesirable feelings rising up take a moment to acknowledge those feelings. Then, from a non-judgmental viewpoint, take a moment to see the cause of those unpleasant feelings.

When they arise it is often easier to recognize the root cause because it is related to something happening in the present moment.

What just happened, or what happened earlier in the day that might have led to these unpleasant feelings?

Is there an ongoing struggle?

Are you truly happy with the way things are in all areas of your life?

Reflect upon the people in your life. How would you define your relationship with every person?

When you spend time with each person, do you leave conversations feeling uplifted and happy? Or, does the person drag you down or drain your energy? 

Angelic Help for Challenging Relationships

One aspect of taking care of yourself is to either remove or limit time with people who do not make you feel good.

If you are dealing with someone in a work environment, get angelic support. Call upon Archangel Michael daily before you start working, and specifically ask him to help with that particular person.

You may also call upon Archangel Raguel for assistance in any relationships, but especially with the people that you live with. If there is disharmony among people in your home, Archangel Raguel is available to help. He will bring more harmony in a way that benefits each person involved. 

Maintaining Balance is Why Self Care is Important

One reason why self care is important is because it creates balance. Taking proper care of yourself requires balancing all areas of your life.

Notice causes of stress. Is there a certain type of situation where you are more likely to feel too much stress? If yes, call upon archangels to assist you in remaining calmer and in better dealing with the challenges.

Taking good care of yourself also means making time on a regular basis to do activities that you enjoy.

Discover the optimal balance between work, play, and all other activities.

What works best for you? Write out a schedule and keep modifying it until you find your optimal balance. 

Why Self Care is Important for Manifesting Dreams

Be sure your schedule includes steps toward working on manifesting your dreams. Replenishing your own cup regularly helps you feel your best, so you can continue taking steps toward your dreams.

When you are working on something you enjoy, such as writing a book, the time that you work on that goal is still working. Yes, it is work that you enjoy. However, it is also important to take time to rejuvenate yourself through playing and relaxing. Then, you will be able to accomplish steps faster to achieve your goal.

Another reason why self care is important is to ensure your mind, body, and spirit are operating at their best. Nourish your physical body, keep the ego mind under control, and fill up your spirit with source light. 

Why Self Care is Important for Lightworkers

Review your schedule occasionally, and make adjustments as needed.

Are you giving yourself enough time to complete each task? If not, how can you rearrange your schedule to make a busy life easier? If you live with someone, ask them to help with some chores.

How is your work balance? We see many lightworkers who must continue working at a job while beginning to fulfill their soul purpose. Many lightworkers can become overloaded if not careful.

If your daily schedule is too full, then focus on a weekly schedule. What tasks can you move to different days of the week? 

Angels Help You See Why Self Care is Important

We are here to help you figure out and create a schedule that works well for you. And, to recognize when you need to create more balance to ensure you are properly caring for yourself.

From all of us in the angelic realm, we are here to help you with everything in life. Whether it is something big or small, doesn't matter. We are happy to assist. All you must do is call upon us and tell us exactly what you would like assistance with.

In this moment, we send you a waterfall of white light to cleanse away any stresses, tensions, or energies in your aura that you picked up from other people. We also fill you up with divine unconditional love and light. We love you.
Thank you very much, Archangel Michael and Archangel Gabriel for this helpful message. Channeled by Brenda Lott

Self Care Checklist

  • Drink plenty of water
  • Meditate to cleanse your chakras
  • Take a walk or sit outside
  • Eat healthy foods that are best for your physical body
  • Get enough sleep, and take naps when needed
  • Do exercise that you enjoy
  • Read inspirational quotes
  • Have a morning and nighttime routine
  • Maintain awareness of your thoughts and feelings; release what doesn’t feel good
  • Create goals that you can accomplish; break bigger steps down into smaller tasks
  • Feel gratitude throughout each day
  • Be open to changes
  • Every week, do an activity or hobby that you enjoy
  • Keep your home and work space organized and clean
  • Create a schedule that works well for you, and modify it as needed
  • Make a plan for dealing with stress
  • Recognize when you need a break away from everything

Customized Angelic Support

If you're unsure about how to regain balance when you're overloaded, the angels can help. Get a channeled angel card reading to find out what the angels suggest doing. Or, ask the angels which of two options is best for you to focus on. 

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of link4din.com/angelic-sparkles-numerology. Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 

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