Why It’s Important to Cut Cords with Others

Cut Cords
We often form energetic cords with other people, without even realizing it. It's important to learn how to cut cords with others so you are not held back in life. By cutting cords, you are able to move forward freely and without restraint.

This does not mean you have to remove people from your life. Cutting cords means freeing yourself and the other person to live your own lives.

Etheric cords are always detrimental and unhealthy, except in the case of a mother cording her infant.

If you find yourself feeling drained by certain people, cut cords with them. Doing so helps you maintain your own energy and well-being.

Keep reading to find out an easy way to cut cords with help from archangels. And, learn about the different types of etheric cords. 

What are Etheric Cords and How to Identify Them

Etheric cords are energetic cords that bind you and another person together.

If you are clairsentient, you may be able to sense the cords and their locations on your physical body. Or, if you are clairvoyant, you might be able to see the cords between two people.

The reason why people attach cords to each other occurs for various reasons. Sometimes, cords are due to one person wanting to control another person. Other times, cords appear when someone is seeking love and light, but they don't know how to get it for themselves from source.

Etheric cords can quickly drain your energy. You know this is happening if you feel tired, drained, or energetically pulled down after being around certain people. Monitor your feelings and energy level to discover which people might be cording you. 

3 Types of Cords

  1. 1
    Etheric cords are energetic cords that someone in your current lifetime attached to you.
  2. 2
    Karmic cords are often related to soul lessons, or are present between two people when karma is out of balance. 
  3. 3
    Past life cords originated in a past lifetime. These are often tied to traumatic experiences where deep healing is still needed. This is why they require more time to resolve and remove. 

Why it's Important to Cut Cords with Others

Etheric cords will never go away on their own; you must take action. The main reason to cut cords with people is because it gives you freedom to live your own life.

People will always unknowingly continue to attach etheric cords to you. When this happens, your vital life force energy becomes drained. And this leads to feeling physically and emotionally drained by the person.

This is how energy works. It is a part of life that everyone must deal with. However, etheric cords do not have to hold you back in life.

The higher you ascend, the brighter your light becomes, and the more people will become attracted to you. This is why protecting your energy twice a day becomes more and more important the higher you increase your vibration. 

7 Top Benefits of Cutting Cords

  • Releases negative emotions and attachments
  • Clears out stagnant energy
  • Improves your mental, emotional, and physical well-being
  • Creates more space for healthier relationships
  • Connects you more with your own intuition
  • Increases your vibration
  • Opens up your natural flow of vital life force energy circulating through you

How to Cut Cords with Angelic Assistance

Cutting etheric cords daily is essential to prevent other people from draining you. It also helps you to reclaim your energy.

Archangels Michael and Raphael will cut cords for you when you ask. Just be sure to give them proper time to complete the process.

When I timed this process, it took less than 2 minutes! Add cord cutting into your daily routine so you remember to do it. And, give yourself extra time until you have all the steps memorized. 

This process for cutting cords only works for etheric cords. Karmic cords and past life cords require deeper cleansing and healing before they're removed.

7 Steps for Cutting Cords

Communicate with angels by thinking in your mind all the sentences in italics.

Start by taking a couple deep breaths and focusing within your heart.
  1. 1
    “Archangel Michael and Archangel Raphael please connect with me now.” Give them a few seconds to connect with your energy.
  2. 2
    “Please cut all cords that are draining me. Archangel Raphael, pull on all the cords.” Wait 3 to 5 seconds for him to gather all the cords.
  3. 3
    “Archangel Michael, cut all cords.” Give him a few seconds to complete this work. You may have a deep breath of relief from the cords being severed.
  4. 4
    “Pull out all the roots, and transmute the cords.” Wait 5 seconds.
  5. 5
    “Cleanse my energy and fill me up with white light.” Wait ten or more seconds.
  6. 6
    ”Archangel Raphael, heal me on all levels from the cords.” Wait ten or more seconds.
  7. 7
    “Thank you!”

What are Karmic Cords?

Karmic cords form between two people when karma is involved. These types of cords mean that karma is not balanced between you and the other person.

Karmic cords are often created when one person has deep emotional trauma that is not yet healed. 

Removing Karmic Cords

In order to remove karmic cords, it is first important to understand why they are present. They could be from a childhood wound, a past relationship, or from another person intentionally hurting you.

Next, you need to heal from the unresolved emotional trauma. This is because the trauma creates an energetic imbalance within you. This needs healing first before the cord can be permanently cut.

You can work with Archangel Raphael to heal the underlying emotional traumas that are causing each karmic cord. 

Past Life Cords

Past life cords are always rooted in trauma that was endured during a past lifetime. These are very deep wounds that span the lines of time and can remain with a soul for hundreds or even thousands of years.

It’s common to only become aware of past life cords when you were the soul who suffered from the trauma.

Your soul may have chosen to have recurring challenges during this lifetime that relate to the past life trauma. The reason for this is to help your soul in the healing process. Overcoming these challenges is possible especially when you are aware of the trauma and choose to heal from it. 

Angels Cut Cords for You

If you find that cords are stubborn to remove, an Angel Energy Healing session can remove them. 

Remove unwanted cords with help from angels while restoring balance and harmony to your energy field. Get your distance session scheduled now to become freed from cords. 

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of link4din.com/angelic-sparkles-numerology. Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 
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