Who is Archangel Raguel

Archangel Raguel
Anytime you need more peace, Archangel Raguel is there to bring harmony into your life. When you have to be around a person that you do not get along with, ask Archangel Raguel for help.

Archangel Raguel Prevents and Resolves Conflicts

Whenever you have to be around a person that you do not get along with, Archangel Raguel will step in as a peacemaker. He helps everyone remain calm while remaining centered within themselves. He also ensures everyone behaves, gets along, and leaves peacefully from gatherings.

Archangel Raguel resolves conflicts especially when you do not have a choice about being around someone you dislike. Part of his role is to make sure that everyone involved will be okay and to protect everyone.

If you want justice and fairness in a situation, Archangel Raguel will provide a fair outcome for each individual. 

Ask Archangel Raguel For Relationship Harmony

Archangel Raguel will help you in any type of relationship. He assists both people in resolving arguments, and he prevents arguments from starting. Ask him for assistance daily to have more harmonious interactions with difficult people. He can help you anywhere including at work, at home, and even with unkind neighbors.

He assists people in cooperating which leads to disagreements being resolved. Plus, he guides groups and families to function harmoniously. When people and situations are well balanced, the result is a more peaceful environment for everyone.

If you’re in a situation where you’re the underdog, or if someone is treating you unfairly, call upon Archangel Raguel for help. He will empower you in addition to helping you feel respected. 

Archangel Raguel Restores Your Hope

When you’ve lost hope in either a situation or another person, Archangel Raguel would love to assist you. Ask him specifically for this type of help, and he will support you every step of the way in restoring your hope.

Even if the relationship seems impossible, remember that Archangel Raguel can create miracles. When you ask him for assistance, he heals feuds in a way that is in the best interest for all people involved. 

Brings You Clarity, Confidence, and Self-Worth

Archangel Raguel helps you find clarity in any situation in your life. Additionally, he guides you with decisions in a way that leads to you feeling confident in those decisions.

If you’re lacking confidence in general, or in a particular area in life, ask Archangel Raguel for assistance. He will help you improve your confidence.

On your spiritual journey, it's important to become more connected with yourself and your soul. Archangel Raguel guides you in strengthening the connection with yourself. And, he helps you gain self-worth. He achieves this first by helping you remember who you are as a soul so you’re able to shift back into alignment.

If you start to question yourself or your path ahead, ask him to provide you with clarity. Anytime you call upon Archangel Raguel, he will stay with you all day long. 

Helps You Release Fears and Uncertainty

Archangel Raguel helps you anytime you feel lost in life or on your spiritual journey. Sometimes you might feel disconnected from divine support. If this happens, he helps you remove the dense energies, fears, and anxiety. When these heavy energies are released, then it’s much easier to feel connected to your soul and angelic guidance again.

Part of the process of starting to feel better can also come through angelic signs. Archangel Raguel may lead you to information in the form of a video, article, book, or other sign. In addition to him using information to provide you with clarity, his guidance also helps you find relief from heavy energies. 

Archangel Raguel’s Energy

When you call upon Archangel Raguel to connect with you, his energy feels very strong and loving. While he’s a powerful archangel, his presence is often quiet due to him working in the background a lot. Oftentimes, you might not even notice that he is present when he’s helping you.

The best way to notice his assistance is by paying attention to how situations are improving.

His color is dark purple, however you might also notice white, gold, or silver lights if your third eye is open. 

Connecting with Archangel Raguel

When Archangel Raguel steps in to greet you, he takes both of your hands to establish the connection. Then, he steps to your side, holds one of your hands, and walks you along a pathway.

As you walk the path with Archangel Raguel, you reach a point with a bright white light orb. Step into the light orb with him so he can increase your vibration. Then, he walks you back along the path. At this point, he wraps you in sparkling silver light, and grounds you to the center of the earth. Finally, he sends you earth light that is white and gold lights to finish your time together.

He also guides you in improving your clairsentience if you wish to further develop that gift. 

Creator of Order and Positive Habits in Life

When you need to be more organized, or create better habits, Archangel Raguel can assist you in the process.

He will guide you in committing to new positive habits. Whether it’s with starting a regular meditation routine, helping people in need, or spending more time in nature, he is there to help. 
Balance Harmony
Archangel Raguel wants you to have a wonderful life filled with an abundance of love, peace, and harmony. Request his assistance to align you with more love, joy, and truth in your life.

Archangel Raguel Brings You New Friends

When you desire to make new friendships, he first assists you in improving the relationship you have with yourself. Then, he will bring you new friendships.

Ask him to bring you new friends who will treat you with respect, be honest with you, and support you in living a high vibrational life. 

Archangel Raguel Improves Your Life

As the angel of harmony, Archangel Raguel is very comforting, loving, and supportive. He resolves difficult conflicts, misunderstandings, and arguments. At the same time, he brings justice and fairness to the situation and to everyone involved in it.

Call upon him for assistance when you know you have to be around a person you do not get along with. He has the ability to guide people in remaining calm which is one way he prevents arguments.

He also brings you peace, forgiveness, and more harmony into your life.

Remember to ask Archangel Raguel for the exact type of help you want. Then, he will step in to provide harmony for the greatest good of all people involved. Anytime you call upon Archangel Raguel, he will stay with you all day long. 

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of link4din.com/angelic-sparkles-numerology. Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 
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