What To Do When You Feel Disconnected Spiritually

You may be feeling spiritually disconnected if you have been going through a tough time, and are struggling to keep up with your daily routine. Lightworkers, like all people, go through difficult periods sometimes. This is when extra attention from the universe is needed.

Feeling disconnected can cause you to feel drained, or unable to tap into your spiritual power. It's not uncommon to experience feeling disconnected at least once during your journey. It's more likely to happen when you’re processing and working through emotions, especially intense feelings. If you’re traumatized by a situation, the disconnection can last for what seems like a long time. 

Are You Feeling Disconnected?

While you are never truly separated from source, there are times when you might feel completely disconnected from the angels. It’s even more difficult if you’re able to communicate both ways with angels. For example, if you’re clairsentient or clairvoyant, and then suddenly feel as if those abilities are gone.

Your intuitive abilities never disappear, but you can feel cut off from accessing them.

The first step in healing is to take a moment and ask yourself what you need. Are you feeling exhausted, stressed, or drained? Sometimes the answer is easier to discover if you take a break or go for a walk. If it's not that easy, then there are many ways to reconnect with your spiritual self.

Can You Reconnect Quickly?

Sometimes the solution is as simple as cleansing your energy, reducing stress, and relaxing in a meditative state to reconnect. However, other times the situation requires outside assistance.

It really depends on the cause. When I suddenly became disconnected, it was due to my soul not feeling safe from a past life trauma. My case was a rare example of how sometimes help from others is required to fully heal and reconnect. 

Causes of Spiritual Disconnection

  • Past life trauma
  • Current life trauma, even if it happened years ago
  • Dense energies in your chakras coming up for resolution
  • Accumulation of low vibrational energies within your aura
  • Etheric cords attached to you
  • Your soul feels unsafe
  • Ego mind is controlling your life
  • Experiencing physical pain, especially ongoing pains
  • Crown chakra is closed or contains too much density to fully open
  • Entity or dark energies are in your aura 

What To Do When You’re Feeling Disconnected Spiritually

Live life one day at a time. Or, even one second at a time if needed. When you focus only on the present moment, it frees you from living in the past or future. Living in the present moment is recommended all the time even when not feeling disconnected. 

3 Most Important Things To Do Daily While Disconnected

At the very least, focus on these three things daily. However, it’s better to incorporate as many of the ideas as possible.

1. Download Love From Source Daily

Whether you’re feeling down or not, one of the most powerful things you can do anytime is to download love from source light.

It’s easy to do. Try to focus, then say “download unconditional love into me now.” Your intent and the angels make it happen.

Even if you do not feel the love energies, it works at the energetic level to help you recover faster. When I was feeling disconnected this made a huge difference. Instead of feeling very depressed, it helped me feel okay so I was able to complete daily activities without any problems.

You can also download anything else you need directly from source light. This includes joy for living life, excitement, safety, security, trust, calmness, or comfort. Again, you might not feel anything, but you are making an improvement at the level of your soul. 

2. Focus on Healing Energetically

See this time for what it really is: a time to focus on healing.

It’s vital to do at least some energy work daily because it’s how you remove heavy energies that are weighing you down. Continue to meditate even if you do not feel anything. At the energetic level, you are still benefiting from it.

Cleanse your chakras and aura with source light for a minimum of five minutes every day. Or, surround yourself with the violet flame to transmute low vibrational energies. If you use the violet flame, you can expand it to encompass your entire home to also cleanse your space. 

3. Take Extra Good Care of Yourself

It’s essential to take extra good care of yourself during this time. And to remember that your connection will return.

Enhance your self-love, and remember the importance of filling yourself up with love first before you try to fully give to others. 

More Ideas of Things To Do While Disconnected

  • Do an activity that you enjoy
  • Begin a new project, or work towards finishing one you already started
  • Clean your home
  • Organizing material items
  • Try new recipes
  • Make your favorite recipes
  • Spend more time in nature
  • Read an uplifting book
  • Watch an inspirational movie
  • Meditate or pray for guidance
  • Spend time with loved ones that make you happy
  • Nourish your physical body with healthy foods
  • Exercise
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Get enough sleep
  • Center within your heart
  • Ground your energy to the center of the earth daily
If it feels like you’re unable to ground, ask your guardian angel to ground you. 

How To Reconnect Spiritually

Be patient and do not force reconnection. Ask your guardian angel everyday to help you feel connected again. After making your request, switch your focus back to other things.

In some situations, dense energies might be the problem. Deeply cleanse your chakras and aura, then see if you feel connected again.

If nothing seems to help, then you could be dealing with deep traumas, possibly from a past life. When I suddenly became disconnected, it was due to severe past life trauma that lasted for three and a half weeks.

My soul felt unsafe so it blocked the connection. It didn't matter that my mind wanted very much to feel connected again. The soul had to heal. It took three angel energy healing sessions from friends in addition to daily energy work to become reconnected again. Sometimes outside help is needed especially if you’re dealing with severe trauma. 

Get Angelic Help

Feeling disconnected is never easy. However, there are ways to heal energetically so you’re able to feel connected again as soon as possible.

Use energy healing techniques to regain energetic balance, and to feel angels again. Meditating also increases your vibration, even if you only notice it while you’re in a meditative state.

Remember that angels will remain next to you even if you cannot feel them around you. Continue asking angels for help daily to get through the challenging time.

If you’re unable to resolve the situation yourself, an angel energy healing session can help you become reconnected.

Your spiritual connection will return. Sometimes your connection will be stronger than it was before you felt disconnected. 

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of link4din.com/angelic-sparkles-numerology. Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 

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