What is The Secret To The Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction is a powerful force. It's the energy that consistently creates your reality and shapes your life whether you realize it or not. You can use this power to attract what you want in your life, but sometimes things don't always work out according to plan.

What is the secret to the Law of Attraction? It all starts with your energy. And when you have archangels assisting you, it’s easier to manifest your desires. 

The Secret To The Law of Attraction

Have you tried using the Law of Attraction before? Did you have any good results?

If you’re like the majority of people who have tried it, the results are not always what you had hoped for. It can be even more disappointing when you dedicate significant efforts into following this law only to not receive any of your desires.

Why didn’t things change? And, why didn’t you get what you wanted? The reason why is because your energetic system is not aligned with your desires. Don’t worry, there is a way to remove those unwanted energies. And when you ask powerful archangels for assistance, it can speed up the process of manifesting your desires. 

Your Energy is The Key To Unlocking Law of Attraction Success

Out of all the secrets to the Law of Attraction, the most important one to unlocking success is your energy. You have full control over the types of energies within your system. If you do not like the types of energies present, you can change them.

Angels are always available to assist you anytime. And co-creating your life with angels can speed up the process. 

5 Steps To Mastering The Secret To The Law of Attraction

The secret to the Law of Attraction and your success lies within both your energy and how you word your requests when making wishes.

Follow these easy steps to manifest your desires using the Law of Attraction:
  1. 1
    Cleanse your energy
  2. 2
    Reprogram your subconscious mind
  3. 3
    Word your requests properly
  4. 4
    Imagine your desires as if they've already manifested
  5. 5
    Get assistance from specific archangels 

1. Cleanse Your Energy

This is the most crucial step because without cleansing away heavy energies, it’s difficult to make any progress with the Law of Attraction.

In only five minutes a day, you can cleanse your energy to start feeling better and attracting your desires. The positive benefits of doing energy work accumulate over time too.

Get a free chakra and aura cleanse here

A Common Misconception

People often try to think away or wish away blockages, but that only allows them to reappear again later. Positive thinking is good and necessary, however it will not solve the problem with dense energies.

Energetic blockages will remain stored in one form or another inside of you until you properly remove them. It's important to take responsibility for the dense energies within your system. Remove the energetic hold they have on you at the energetic level, and then you become freed from their restraints. 

2. Subconscious Mind Reprogramming

The types of energies stored within your subconscious mind also continuously send signals out into the universe. This can be very beneficial when the beliefs are in alignment with manifesting your desires. However, if they go against your desires, then you're unknowingly blocking your desires from manifesting.

How do you get beneficial beliefs into your subconscious mind? It’s much easier than it might sound. Simply listen to affirmations that have theta sounds in the background music. Or, listen to subliminals that have been proven effective.

Look for affirmations that reflect the desirable energies, or beliefs, that match up with what you want to attract into your life. Theta sounds as background music helps the brain enter a state where the affirmations are programmed more easily into you. 

How To Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind For Law of Attraction Success

For example, assume you want to attract financial abundance. Use affirmations such as “I am a magnet to financial abundance.” This reprograms your subconscious mind into believing the affirmation. It also sends out signals to attract more financial abundance into your life.

What happens if there are unwanted beliefs inside your subconscious that go against the affirmation? They're eventually removed and replaced with the positive belief. That is why it's called subconscious mind reprogramming. You have the power to transform any beliefs and energies within your system. Listening to affirmations with theta sounds is the easiest and fastest way to create new beliefs.

My favorite affirmations with theta sounds can be found on the PowerThoughts Meditation Club on YouTube. Create your own playlist of affirmations that are the most helpful for you. Then, listen to them daily until you notice an improvement in your thoughts and beliefs. 

3. How To Word Your Law of Attraction Requests

How you word your requests is important even though the universe does not understand any human languages. The universe recognizes the energetic frequencies attached to your words. That is why it's important to word your requests carefully.
Always remember that the vibrational frequencies you radiate out into the universe is what you will attract back to you. Monitor your words, thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. A great way to get good at this is to maintain awareness daily.

Another important aspect is the feelings you generate when making your Law of Attraction requests. Always try to feel grateful when you’re going through affirmations and when sending your wishes out into the universe. Gratitude is a very powerful emotion. When utilized, the universe will bring you more things to be grateful for. 

How To Effectively Word Your Requests and Affirmations

Avoid saying things like “I want..." or "I need…” Also stay away from phrases that contain “I desire..." or "universe bring me..." Even saying something like "I wish for…” is not a good way to word your affirmations or requests.

Phrasing what you want by using these words sends out energetic signals of “lack” into the universe. These types of words contain energies that tell the universe you do not have your desire right now. And, therefore do not bring it to you because the universe only brings you what you are an energetic match to.

Instead, use phrases like “I am grateful for…(insert your desires here).” Or, “I am a magnet to…(money, attracting new friends, success).”

Use the "I am..." phrase for both things you already have along with anything you want to attract. Such as “I am thankful for having…”

Do you see the difference? 

4. Imagine Your Desires Already Manifested

Continuing from the 'I am..." example, it contains energetic frequencies that are beneficial. It sends out signals into the universe that you already have your desires. While this is not true in the present moment, it’s all about the energies. Using positive affirmations and sending your wishes out into the universe in this way helps attract your desires faster.

Since we live in a world and universe where everything is energy, your words and the feelings you attach to them are essential.

Energy is always in motion, and you have full power to transform energies to attract your desires.

Imagine each of your wishes, one at a time, as if you are already living your life with those desires manifested. If it helps, boost your feelings of gratitude first by thinking about a memory where something made you feel very happy and grateful. 

5. Get Archangelic Assistance

The secret to the Law of Attraction can be easier to master when you get help from archangels. Call upon the following archangels for help with manifesting your desires in their areas of expertise. 
  • Manifesting dreams, prosperity, and abundance: Archangels Ariel, Orion, and Jeremiel
  • New Moon wishing: Archangel Haniel
  • Love, relationships, and friendships: Archangels Raphael, Chamuel, Raguel, and Jophiel
  • Infusing your wishes with divine light: Archangel Ariel
  • For help releasing fears so you can effectively work with the Law of Attraction: Archangels Uriel, Raguel, and Sandalphon
Additionally, if you’d like to work with all 12 Laws of the Universe, Archangels Raziel and Jeremiel can help you learn and apply them in your life. 

Manifest Your Dreams with The Law of Attraction and Angels

The Law of Attraction is a direct reflection of your thoughts, words, intentions, beliefs, and energies. What you think, feel, and believe within every moment is signaling to the universe to bring you more of the same.

Reprogram your subconscious mind by listening to affirmations with theta sounds. This is the easiest way to transform undesirable beliefs into positive beliefs.

The secret to the Law of Attraction is easy to master when you follow the steps contained in this blog post. And it’s even more powerful when you invite archangels to assist you in the process.

Have you succeeded at using the Law of Attraction? Leave a comment below to inspire others. 

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of link4din.com/angelic-sparkles-numerology. Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 

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