What is The Law of Vibration

Everything that exists in the universe is made up of energy that moves and interacts with everything else.

The Law of Vibration states that like attracts like. So if you want to manifest something in your life, you need to match the energetic vibration of what you desire.

Energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed.

The beautiful part about energy is that you have the ability to transform energies. You can do this by raising your own energetic vibration to align yourself with things that already have a high vibration.

In essence, understanding the Law of Vibration assists you in more easily attracting your dreams and wishes. And, it’s rather easy to understand how energy works through the examples provided in this blog post. 

Channeled Message about The Law of Vibration from Archangel Metatron

The second law of the universe is the Law of Vibration. It states that you attract things into your life based upon the types of energies within you.

Everything that exists in the world vibrates at its own unique energetic frequency. And everything is energy which includes humans, plants, trees, animals, water, and even the Earth itself. Objects also contain their own unique energetic signature.

The Law of Vibration explains how you attract the same types of energies back into your life. Energies that contribute to your vibration include those from your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. 

What Types of Energies are Within You?

The types of energies within you are constantly sending out energetic signals into the universe to send you more of the same types of energies. This is continuously happening automatically without you thinking about it.

It is part of being an energetic being, a soul of light, having a human life experience. If you dislike any energies within you, then you can change them.

Where do these energies originate, and where are they stored? They are within your chakras, aura, and subconscious mind beliefs. Plus, you generate them through your feelings and thoughts.

All these energies radiating outward from you are telling the universe to bring you more of the same. This is the Law of Vibration in action.

The energies coming back to you include similar types of feelings, life experiences, and challenges. 

Using Waves of Water to Visualize Energies

Energy can be scientifically measured as wavelengths.

An easy way to visualize wavelengths is to imagine that you have a long box that is half full with water. When you gently move the box back and forth, the waves will be short and further apart.

This slow motion of the waves represents how low vibrational energies appear.

Low vibrational energies feel heavy, they weigh you down, and do not feel good. Examples include negativity, jealousy, anger, sadness, nervousness, worry, and stress. 

Big Waves Move Fast

If you move the long box of water back and forth quickly, it creates big waves that are closer together. These waves travel fast across the surface of the water. And this type of wavelength represents high vibrational energies.

The crest of a wave is high when it is traveling quickly. Compare this to low vibrational energies that look like tiny, rounded waves traveling slowly across the surface of the water.

High vibrational energies lift you up higher and they always feel good. Examples include love, joy, peace, excitement, harmony, bliss, and enlightenment. 

2 Main Categories of Energies

When you look at the Law of Vibration, it is simplified by organizing feelings and emotions into two main categories: love and fear.

The energies, or feelings, that do not feel good are all based in fear. This could be fears of the unknown, fears of getting hurt, fears rooted in insecurity, or of not feeling good enough.

Everything that feels wonderful goes into the love category. Keep aiming toward accumulating more and more feelings that feel very good to you.

What makes you laugh? When you laugh, your vibration instantly increases.

What makes you feel loved? Do more of those things more often. And, be sure to continue increasing your self-love.

What are you passionate about? Engaging in activities you enjoy increases your vibration, and helps you align more with attracting your dreams. 

Replenish Yourself After Each Release

As you continue ascending higher, low vibrational energies from the past appear for release. Continue recognizing and removing all that no longer serves you.

As you do this, the Law of Vibration assists you in more easily attracting good things into your life.

With energies, your physical vessel, your human body, is like a cup that can only hold so much water. Releasing old energies opens up space within you to hold more high vibrational energies. This is why it is important to immediately fill yourself back up with white light after removing any low vibrational energies.

Doing this is also another way to increase your vibration so it is easier to work with the Law of Vibration. 

Recognizing Hidden Energetic Blocks

Hidden energies that can cause significant impacts in your life are often stored in the subconscious mind.

Common examples include beliefs that go against receiving abundance or being healed. If these are present, it is what you will continue to attract until the root cause of the issue is removed. They could also include beliefs of not being good enough. These are all untrue beliefs handed down to you from adults when you were a young child.

How do you discover hidden energetic blocks? The easiest way is to maintain awareness of yourself, particularly your feelings and patterns of beliefs. Your feelings always reveal the truth about what is no longer serving you.

Remember to view unpleasant feelings and thoughts in a non-judgmental way because they are just energies. And, you have the power to transmute them to open up space for high vibrational energies to enter within you. 

Positive Affirmations Work Well with The Law of Vibration

When you create a positive thought in your mind, you send out a high vibrational frequency that originates from that thought.

This is why affirmations are very helpful because they are high vibrational. They help to attract those things into your life that relate to each affirmation.

Are you aware of a certain belief that is no longer serving you? If yes, it is important that your positive affirmation is the opposite of that belief.

Examples of beneficial affirmations begin with “I am…”
These are the types of affirmations that reprogram the subconscious mind.

I am...
  • Worthy
  • Valuable
  • Good enough
  • Love
  • Light
  • Accepted for who I am
  • Free and safe to share my unique gifts with the world

5 Steps to Obtaining and Maintaining a Clear Energetic System

Now that you know how the Law of Vibration works at the energetic level, it is an easy law to master and apply in your life.

Follow these steps to assist you in working harmoniously with the Law of Vibration. 
  • Maintain awareness of your thoughts, feelings, and patterns of beliefs
  • Remove all energies that do not feel good to you
  • Regularly cleanse your seven main chakras and aura with source light
  • Cut etheric cords daily with assistance from Archangels Michael and Raphael
  • Protect your energy twice a day with protective orbs of light
At this time, we send you a waterfall of white and violet light to cleanse away low vibrational energies from your aura, and uplift to higher. We love you. 
Thank you, Archangel Metatron for this information. Channeled by Brenda Lott

Angelic Assistance for The Law of Vibration

If you’re struggling with removing deep layers of undesirable energies that are holding you back in life, the angels can help.

The quickest way to accelerate the process of removing unwanted energies is through an Angel Energy Healing session.

In one distance session, the angels dive deep into your entire energetic system. They locate your blocks, and gently remove them from you. Then, they fill you up with divine unconditional love and healing light.

After your session, you’ll feel uplifted, lighter, calmer, peaceful, and have a higher vibration. 

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of link4din.com/angelic-sparkles-numerology. Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 

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