What is The Law of Rhythm

Do you ever feel like you are sailing along smoothly, and then get stopped suddenly? It might even leave you feeling clueless about what happened and why.

If it happens when you are enjoying working toward achieving a goal or dream, it has the potential to make your mind start to question everything.

This is where the Law of Rhythm can help explain things.

When you recognize how everything has its own natural flow of highs and lows, you can take full advantage of the highs. And prepare for the slow phases when you notice them arriving.

Keep reading to find out how to master this law of the universe. 

What is The Law of Rhythm?

The Law of Rhythm states that everything is cyclical and change is always around the corner. In the same way that nature changes seasons, your life has a similar cycle.

These cycles can have active and rest phases.

However, these cycles are not always positive and negative. It simply means changes are happening.

For ease of explanation, let’s focus first only on active and rest phases.

Active times might feel like you are riding a wave where everything flows smoothly, lines up well, and you can complete many tasks.

These are followed by rest phases where everything slows down. The reason for these slower times is to offer you an opportunity to relax.

Because when you are well-rested, then you can pick up the pace again when the next active phase begins.

The key is to recognize which phase you are in so you can take advantage of it.

How to Recognize Phases

Notice which phase you are in now. Are things in motion, and moving along easily? Or, are you struggling to accomplish tasks?

It’s also possible to be unsure of which phase you are in. If this is the case, watch for a slow phase to appear. Then you can more easily recognize when an action phase appears.

Another thing to be aware of with cycles is how retrograde planets affect your life. Retrogrades are often a time of rest, especially Mercury retrograde. If you only pay attention to one planet, make sure it’s Mercury because it occurs three to four times a year.

An example of harnessing the power of the Law of Rhythm is when you take advantage of the high times. For example, to accomplish more steps toward reaching your dreams. And, embrace the slow times while knowing that another action phase will be coming along soon. 

Ride the Wave During High Phases

When you are in the flow, keep taking steps forward toward achieving your dreams. While also remembering to keep each step simple.

This assists you in achieving your destination. And helps avoid being immersed in overwhelm or disappointment.

Also, distribute your work flow evenly throughout each day so you do not get too tired. This way, you will be able to keep up with a steady pace until your goal is achieved.

During these high phases, take advantage of new opportunities when they become present. You never know where it might lead or what doors it might open for you. 

How to Handle Slow Phases

When the pace starts to slow down, recognize that you are entering a rest phase. While you are resting, make notes about things you want to do during the next active phase.

During slow phases, you might endure unwanted emotions, experiences, or challenges. The reason these are showing up is only to help you long-term.

You are here reading this because you want to achieve your dreams and improve your life. Therefore, see how the undesirable feelings and situations are helping you know what needs to be removed. So you can keep moving forward in life.

Also spend some extra time on self care during these down times so you are able to start the next phase feeling better. 

How to Use the Law of Rhythm to Achieve Your Goals

  • Recognize when cycles are starting and ending
  • Accept that changes take time and your progress may speed up or slow down; it does not mean you will not succeed
  • Be grateful during the active phases
  • Rest when you are in a slow phase
  • End negative thinking
  • Listen to positive I AM affirmations
  • Be patient with yourself and the pace needed to reach your goals
  • Let go of the need to control when things happen
  • Trust that the angels are assisting you every step of the way
  • Deal with emotions as they arise; do not bury them back inside of you
  • Forgive yourself for mistakes, and use them as a learning experience
  • Remember that challenges are temporary and can be improved upon
  • See unwanted emotions as part of the natural cycle of life; learn, release, and move on from them

The Law of Rhythm is Cycles of Changes

It is important to remember that these phases do not always represent good and bad, or positive and negative cycles.

They are simply cycles of changes. This could be changes within a relationship, modifications with your job, or even your priorities shifting.

Some changes will be positive and welcomed while others may feel difficult and challenging.

You can also experience cycles with emotions or thought patterns. This especially happens when you are ascending higher. Things will come up to be healed from and let go of, so you can increase your vibration.

When nature changes seasons, it is only a natural cycle of moving through summer, autumn, winter, and spring. View your life from the perspective that all the changes are occurring for a reason. And that it is helping you along your journey through life. 

How To Master The Law of Rhythm

Begin to master the Law of Rhythm by observing your life to notice when a cycle is changing. Then, take advantage of the cycle you are in by either completing more steps toward your goals or resting.

With an emotional cycle, ensure that you heal from and release everything that does not feel good to you.

It is coming up for a reason, and should never be buried back within you. Otherwise it will resurface at a later date. 

Combine The Law of Rhythm with Awareness

Becoming a master at this law of the universe fits in perfectly with mastering awareness. They go together well because they assist you in monitoring your thoughts, feelings, and belief patterns.

The main difference is that with the Law of Rhythm you are recognizing cycles.

You are a master when you are able to stop lower emotions from keeping you down for long spans of time.

Instead, you let the emotions flow, and recover from them by returning to a neutral or loving state. This is how you stay balanced, centered within the light, and ascend higher more smoothly.

Energy is always in motion. That is why you have these natural flows of rhythm in your life. Stay in the flow as things change, and managing the transitions will become easier. 

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of link4din.com/angelic-sparkles-numerology. Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 

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