What is The Law of Repeating Patterns

Law of Repeating Patterns
The universal Law of Repeating Patterns is also called the Law of Correspondence. It reveals the reasonings behind why certain patterns and struggles continue to appear over and over again.

Everyone has patterns in life that they seem to keep encountering throughout life.

Sometimes these patterns are helpful while other times specific types of patterns can hold you back for many years.

This essential law of the universe can be found in many spiritual teachings. And is the basis for understanding and recognizing the energetic blocks within you.

Once you understand this law, you can begin changing negative patterns and creating positive ones to carry you forward in life. 

What is The Law of Repeating Patterns

The Law of Repeating Patterns means that the patterns repeating in your life act like a mirror reflecting your inner energies.

These inner energies include your feelings and thoughts. The patterns also come from your subconscious mind beliefs which continue to attract more of the same into your life.

The saying “as within, so without” is an sign of the types of repeating patterns in your life. It directly reveals that what is inside of you is exactly what you will continue attracting in your external life. At least until you make modifications.

If there are inner fears and negativity, that is what will continue appearing in the external.

On the inside, if you feel peace and love, that is what will continue to manifest in your life experiences.

Explore the root causes of your challenges to recognize where healing and changes are needed. 

How to Identify a Repeating Pattern

Look at the types of patterns that are repeating in your daily life. And those that occur as recurring struggles or challenges that appear off and on over many years. 
  • Are the repeating patterns positive or negative?
  • Can you see if the pattern is tied to an outdated belief?
  • Are there fears attached to the pattern?
  • Is it related to a past trauma or feeling rejected?
  • Are your thoughts leaning toward being negative around certain people?
Become conscious about which habits become automatic responses. These are key indicators especially if they involve the same person triggering you.

What can you do to change these patterns for a more fulfilling future?

One way is by removing fears and past traumas. This can be accomplished through energy healing along with working with Archangel Raphael

Deeply Rooted Generational Patterns

Take some time to examine the types of patterns in your extended family. What has been repeating generation after generation?

Perhaps beliefs and patterns that nothing is ever easy?

Or, that money is hard to get?

Maybe even a belief that hard work is always needed for everything you do?

These are passed down over and over again often at the subconscious level. Changing times and circumstances between generations may help some people to break the chain. But, this is not always easy to do.

Uncovering the obstacles provides you with the insight about what exactly is causing the issues. Then, it’s easier to release the grip they have within your life. 

Subconscious Mind Blocks

Any fears stored in your subconscious mind affects how you feel and act on a daily basis.

For example, if you are afraid of not having enough money for basic needs, then those fears will manifest. As well as attracting less financial stability with every passing day.

As a very young child, you began picking up on outdated beliefs from relatives and other adults who were in your life.

Where did they get their beliefs and values from? The generations before them. This creates a continuous cycle of patterns repeating until someone becomes aware and can break free. 

How to Reprogram Outdated Beliefs

Planting the seeds of success in your subconscious mind leads to them working on automatic to improve your life.

These seeds will sprout, grow, and blossom into positive manifestations. The easiest way to do this is through using positive affirmations.

When you are reprogramming outdated beliefs that are holding you back, be sure the affirmations are the opposite of the belief.

For example, if there is a hidden fear based in rejection, be sure your affirmations counteract this belief. Good affirmations for rejection include: “I am fully accepted for who I am,” or “I am good enough.”
Examples of Positive Affirmations for Common Blocks
I am…
  • At peace
  • Good enough
  • Loved
  • Perfect exactly as I am right now
  • Cherished
  • Respected
  • Confident
  • Appreciated
  • Worthy
  • Successful
  • Creative
  • Courageous
  • Abundant
  • Authentic
  • Accepted for who I am
  • Manifesting my dreams
  • Creating my dream life
  • Grateful for everything I have
  • Attracting good things into my life
  • Thankful for being alive
  • Infinite
  • Unlimited
  • Embrace changes
  • Accepting of situations that I cannot control
  • Radiating love and light into the world
  • Fulfilling my life’s purpose with joy and love
  • High vibrational
  • A master of my thoughts and emotions
  • Accepting of changes
  • Aligned with my dreams
  • At one with all that is
  • Living with my heart open

Benefits of Mastering The Law of Repeating Patterns

There are several benefits from mastering the Law of Repeating Patterns.

One of the most significant benefits is discovering inner blocks so you can transform them. And end the recurring cycles of struggles to open up to more positive life experiences.

Another benefit is freeing yourself from the repeating challenges.

Plus, opening up to completely transform all areas of your life. 
"Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny."
- Lao Tzu

Accelerate Your Progress

When working with the Law of Repeating Patterns, take time to dive deep into discovering exactly what is within you.

There may be much deeper cleansing and healing needed than what affirmations alone can do.

If you notice deep blocks, get angelic help to remove them and speed up your progress. An Angel Energy Healing session is a wonderful way to do a deep cleanse to remove blocks.

The angels also remain around you for at least 24 hours after your session to continue working on cleansing and healing you. 

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of link4din.com/angelic-sparkles-numerology. Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 
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