What is The Law of Compensation

When you understand the Law of Compensation, you can use it to your advantage to manifest more abundance in your life.

This law states that you will always receive what you give outward into the world.

If you put out positive actions and intentions, good things will come back to you. Or, if you focus on negative thoughts, that is what you will attract into your life.

Understanding and using the Law of Compensation is one of the most powerful tools for creating a joyful and successful life. By extending positive energy toward others, and aligning your thoughts with what you desire, you can achieve anything.

Keep reading to learn about this law of the universe. And to discover how it is different from the Law of Cause and Effect. 

What is The Law of Compensation

This law is about receiving what you give out. In other words, you get back what you put out in the world.

If you are kind, good, and loving to others, then you will receive those same qualities back from others. So be sure to always treat others with love and respect because that is what you will receive in return.

When thinking about the Law of Compensation, remember that everything is energy. This includes your thoughts, feelings, and intentions. All of these also contribute to what you receive through this law of the universe.

This is because the Law of Compensation is based upon your previous actions.

When you make improvements in your life, you will receive new rewards that match your improvements. 

What is The Difference Between The Law of Compensation and Law of Cause and Effect?

When comparing the Law of Compensation to the Law of Cause and Effect, there is an easy way to see the differences between both of these universal laws.

To recap, you know that the Law of Compensation is receiving back what you put out into the world. So, how is this different from the Law of Cause and Effect?

The Law of Cause and Effect is the actions that you take to create changes which lead to your desired results.

And the Law of Compensation is the energetic return, or rewards, from those actions. 
The Law of Cause and Effect regulates your abundances which you experience through the Law of Compensation.
It is not always easy waiting for your rewards to arrive, but with patience you will find the rewards are worth it.

How Do You Receive Abundance?

It is important to remember that your rewards might not always return to you in monetary ways. They could appear as new opportunities, new friendships, or special types of recognition.

The types of compensation you may receive from this law can be placed into two categories.

First is your physical or monetary returns on investment. For example, investing money generates more money as long as your previous inputs were good.

Second, you can experience abundance through things such as good health. This would occur naturally as a result of your previous self care actions. Especially when working at keeping the physical body healthy through exercise and healthy foods.

Also note that sometimes it may take the universe some time to catch up to any big improvements you make rapidly. If this occurs, trust and be confident that the universe will deliver your rewards. 

How to Apply the Law of Compensation

Using the Law of Compensation is rather simple. It starts through maintaining awareness. And, always trying your best with your thoughts, intentions, words, and actions.

By doing this, you will receive more rewards back into your life that match your genuine intentions and actions.

The Law of Compensation also works in other areas of life beyond money and material abundances. It works equally with love, joy, and kindness. 

Examples of How to Use The Law of Compensation

  • Do more than what is expected of you
  • When you see someone who needs help, offer to help or ask the angels to help the person
  • Bring more love and light into other people’s lives
  • Participate in random acts of kindness as often as possible
  • Uplift another person’s day with a hello, smile, and/or holding a door open for them
  • Do your work to the best of your ability every time, every day
  • Instead of focusing on the financial reward, focus on how your work is helping others
  • Genuinely care about others and show them that you care
  • Encourage others to follow their dreams and to do their best
  • Adjust your viewpoint to live a more positive life
  • Find ways to bring more love and joy into other people’s lives
  • Remain calm even in stressful situations or when around a negative person
  • Express gratitude daily

Example of The Law of Compensation in Action

As an example with gratitude, assume that you spend an entire day focusing on things that you are grateful for already having in your life. Your reward through the Law of Compensation is having more feelings of abundance and wholeness.

Simultaneously, this has the potential to ripple outward to benefit other areas of your life.

Because you would be feeling more uplifted, you would become more of a magnet to other people. This opens up the possibility to form new friendships, and maybe even have new opportunities arrive in your life. 

Are You Energetically Open to Receive Your Rewards

When you are working with the Law of Compensation, be open about how your rewards appear and how soon. Leave the details and timing up to the universe, and trust that you will be fully rewarded.

Additionally, ensure you are open to receiving your rewards. This might sound odd at first, but it is possible to delay or block your rewards.

Does your energetic system contains thoughts, feelings, or beliefs related to sacrificing? If yes, then it is possible to block your rewards.

You are still due your rewards. However, they can be delayed from showing up until your energetic blocks are cleared. Reprogram outdated beliefs related to lack or sacrificing if these are present in your mindset or feelings. 

How to Master The Law of Compensation

Modify your daily inputs so you start focusing more on gratitude, always strive to do your best, and do more to help others. These things will generate more rewards and abundance for you to receive back into your life.

Once you master the Law of Compensation, enjoy remaining in the flow of abundance.

Click here to learn about more Laws of The Universe.

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of link4din.com/angelic-sparkles-numerology. Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 

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