What are Timelines and Steps To Reach A New Timeline

What are timelines
Imagine the life you want to live. It may seem like a distant dream, but it’s possible, and begins with an open mind and heart.

One way to make your dreams come true is by stepping up onto your next highest timeline.

What are timelines? Timelines are simply different versions of your reality that you can choose from in order to get what you want out of life.

In this post, three archangels show you how easy it is to change your timeline and reach a higher one. First, let's explore what timelines are, and how to recognize when you're on a new timeline. 

What Are Timelines?

Timelines are the options you have available to you throughout life. Your current timeline is an accumulation of everything up to this point in the present moment. It contains all the feelings, beliefs, circumstances, and situations that you have experienced.

If you do not like your current timeline, you have freedom to change it. However, it’s a process that requires letting go of things that are no longer serving you on your current timeline.

This is how you open yourself up to energetically align with a higher timeline that you will be able to step onto.

Timelines can be viewed as unlocking a new set of experiences that you have aligned with thanks to doing energy cleansing and healing. Your new timeline might include new friendships, or even moving to a new location.

The possibilities are vast and are unique to you. 

What New Timelines Look Like

New timelines can always be sensed within your heart. And, they often come with feelings that everything is lighter or suddenly better. You will most likely feel uplifted and notice a subtle improvement right away when you’re on a new timeline.

It’s also possible to have nothing appear to change in your outer world right away, and to only have feelings shift within you. Be patient because improvements in your outer world will show up at a slower, more natural pace.

This is a perfect time to be grateful for reaching a higher timeline. And, to ask your guardian angel for the next action step you need to take toward manifesting your dreams. 

Channeled Message: What Are Timelines and How To Align with A Higher Timeline

Greetings from Archangel Orion, Archangel Gabriel, and Archangel Metatron. We bring forth a message today about timelines, including what are timelines, and the steps you can take to align with a new timeline in your life.

Plus, find out why you should be making goals to reach a new timeline, and what happens when you reach a new timeline. 

Your Current Timeline

The timeline that you are currently traveling upon is one that may include aspects that you dislike. While there will always be challenges in life, you can overcome them.

Exactly what are timelines? When we use the word ‘timeline’ what we mean is the current pathway that you are traveling upon can be changed. You have the option to energetically align with your next highest timeline. The options for your timelines are dependent upon your energies.

You always have free will, and this free will is what creates a multitude of options for you to change during your entire life. 

What are Timeline Changes verses Only Improvements on Your Current Timeline

How do you know the difference between a timeline shift and an improvement while staying on your current timeline?

A great example is when you get a new job. The rest of your life may remain the same, and only the job changes. This is not necessarily a change on your timeline.

A timeline change happens only after you have energetically aligned with a shift at the level of your vibration. When you step up onto a new timeline, your soul often senses that you are at a new place in your life. 

Indications of Timeline Shifts

A new timeline does not always necessarily mean that changes in your external life will occur immediately on the outside.

Timeline shifts may indicate something as simple as energetically reaching a new level where you feel better and are happier.

Or, a new shift can indicate that you will be manifesting a much desired improvement in your life. However, this typically begins unfolding one step at a time. Little pieces of improvements appear as you walk further along the new timeline.

A new timeline indicates that you are ascending higher on your ascension pathway. 

What it Feels Like Stepping onto A New Timeline

Exactly what it feels like when you reach a new timeline is unique to you. However, it often brings with it more uplifting feelings including a sense of relief. Or, feeling as if now everything will be better and easier from this point forward in your life.

This is also when you will be radiating more love and light from your heart out into the world.

Increased happiness, joy, and bliss may also be present. You could even have feelings of knowing that you now have everything lining up to achieve your dreams. 

5 Steps To Reach A Higher Timeline

While we mention five steps, they all go together. And, you might already be past the first couple of steps if you have been following a spiritual journey. 

1. Set Goals

First, it is important to set goals and dream big. You must know what you want to achieve in your life before you can start working on those goals.

Write down why you want to achieve your big dreams along with your smaller goals. Knowing the reason why is vital and can fuel your inner desire to keep taking actions. 

2. Release Everything That Does Not Feel Good

An often undiscussed aspect about stepping onto your next highest timeline is the importance of letting go.

Along each stage of ascension, things from your past reappear. The purpose is for you to heal and release. Once you are freed from outdated energies, situations, and certain people, then you open yourself up to move forward in life.

The same applies to letting go of blocks your ego mind creates.

If you struggle with subconscious mind beliefs that go against your dreams, then use positive affirmations. 

3. Let Go of Wanting To Control Situations or Others

It is equally important to not hold onto situations that you cannot control. Part of this is accepting that all other people are exactly where they are supposed to be in this moment in time. The other part is not grasping onto wanting a certain outcome for other people or stories in the news.

Every person is exactly where they are meant to be right now for learning and growing on their own pathway. 

4. Energy Management

Cleansing your chakras and aura daily along with protecting your energy is important. It is a requirement if you desire to energetically align with your next highest timeline.

5. Take Action

The universe cannot hand over your dreams without you taking actions. Take responsibility for what your role is with co-creating your dream life with the universe.

Then, start taking actions by completing one small task at a time. 

What are Timeline Shifts with Your Higher Self

When you want to start walking on a new timeline, you can start the process with your higher self.

Your higher self already is the perfect version of you for this lifetime. Therefore, you can gain assistance from your higher self to reach a higher timeline.

Do this by integrating more characteristics and qualities of your higher self into you. It is easy to download more parts of your higher self into you anytime.

Simply close your eyes, focus within the center of your heart, and ask your guardian angel to assist you in the process. Imagine source light flowing all around you.

Then, visualize your higher self above you, and coming down to merge with you. Ask your higher self to download the specific attributes that you wish to incorporate into your life in the present moment. 

What To Download From Your Higher Self

You can ask for more confidence, self-love, or kindness. Or, ask for acceptance of things you cannot control to be woven into your lower self.

You could also ask to be assisted with learning and feeling more oneness.

Once you do this, be patient. The new attributes will slowly appear over some time so your human system is not shocked by the changes. 

What are Timeline Shifts You Can Choose

Shifting onto a higher timeline is a natural process that you can control at the energetic level. As you travel along your pathway, deciding to make certain types of changes will align you with a higher timeline.

For example, assume a person continues to hold onto the same beliefs, and does the same actions day after day. The person’s timeline will not change.

If that same person makes a conscious decision to change, then improvements appear. If the person cleanses their chakras and aura, energetic shifts occur. And, this guarantees alignment with their next highest timeline.

Why? Because this is how you properly clear out the unwanted, heavy emotions. Dense feelings will always keep you trapped on your current timeline until they are fully released through doing energy work. 

What are Timeline Options and Choosing A Higher Timeline

Timelines may change based on a multitude of options available in your life.

One option of choosing a higher timeline is when you began awakening. You had the opportunity in front of you to decide between staying on your current timeline or changing it. Because you chose to accept that option, it meant you stepped up onto your next highest timeline.

You were already prepared and ready for this change, even if you did not realize it. Your team of guides and angels can lineup specific things in your life such as awakening.

When you reach a certain point, if you have not already awakened prior to that point, then this is the point where it will happen. This of course only happens if it is intended for awakening to occur during the current lifetime. 

Co-Create Your Dream Life Through Timeline Shifts

As you continue along your ascension journey, there is always a next highest level to reach.

You can always choose to change directions. The option is always there waiting for you to take responsibility over your own life.

Angels will always empower you to be a co-creator of your life. This means taking action steps, one at a time, toward succeeding at your dreams and goals.

We encourage you to take one action today that leads you closer toward reaching your next highest timeline. Yes, this can be as easy as cleansing your chakras and aura.

From all of us archangels, we love you and are here to assist and guide you in co-creating your dream life. 
Thank you Archangels Orion, Gabriel, and Metatron for this information about timelines. Channeled by Brenda Lott

What Action Step Do You Need To Take?

Ask your guardian angel to show you. If you're unsure, the one question card reading can help provide clarity and direction for your pathway ahead.

What timeline shifts you have noticed in your own life? Leave a comment below to help others recognize if they're on a new timeline. 

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of link4din.com/angelic-sparkles-numerology. Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 
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