What are Synchronicities and Their Meanings

What are synchronicities
Have you ever had a coincidence appear, and then noticed it happening again? If yes, you may be experiencing synchronicities. What are synchronicities? And why do they occur?

Synchronicities are when the same signs keep appearing in your life.

Their meaning is always significant because they are often signs from angels.

Keep reading to find out the deeper meaning behind synchronicities. And how to interpret the signs you are seeing. 

What are Synchronicities?

Synchronicities can be described as meaningful coincidences. They can come in the form of a pattern that you are supposed to notice.

All synchronicities are always meaningful and have a spiritual or metaphysical meaning that is important to you.

They often happen when you are not expecting them, and are usually a direct sign from your guardian angels.

You may see a certain number popping up frequently, or hear the same song repeating in your mind.

These special moments line up perfectly with what is going on in your life. Interpreting their meanings helps you to discover the exact type of guidance and support that angels are offering you. 

Examples of Synchronicities

What are synchronicities that might show up in your life? One way is by seeing the same sign over and over again, such as a feather. Or an image of a spirit animal or seeing the infinity symbol.

Repeating angel numbers may also signify synchronicities. Especially when you are able to link their descriptions to certain events occurring in your life.

Each time you see a repeating angel number, notice what you were just thinking about or doing. Because your actions and thoughts may indicate an additional meaning with the angel number you saw. 

How Other People are Involved with Synchronicities

Another example is when something specific unfolds in an amazing way. Maybe you were feeling uncertain or shy. Then, another person comes along who helps uplift you, builds your confidence, and helps you feel comfortable.

Or, possibly even helps you find the clarity you were seeking.

It is even more amazing when a person who crosses your path shows you a symbol that has a significant meaning to you. This is one way that angels directly send you assistance and signs.

Another form is connecting telepathically with a friend. If you were just thinking about someone and unexpectedly received a call or message from that person, it is a sign. The same applies if you see the person you were thinking about.

Additionally, it happens when someone tells you they were just thinking about reaching out to you. There is always a reason why this happens. 

How to Recognize Synchronicities in Your Life

How many times have you saw a particular image or heard a certain phrase, then had the same thing show up again later in the day?

Recognizing synchronicities in your life begins by paying attention to details. For example, seeing the same sign twice in one day may represent a synchronicity.

If you see an image of a rose, then later in the same day hear someone talking about a rose, it could indicate a synchronicity. Pay attention to the meaning behind it and thank the angels.

Synchronicities are generally positive experiences. However, they can also be warning signs from the angels.

It could also be a message from your angels that something important is about to happen in your life.

Trust your intuition, pay attention to how it makes you feel, and follow any guidance you receive.

When do Synchronicities Appear

They often show up when you are in the process of making a major life change, or thinking about making a big life change.

Always pay attention to your intuition and recognize how you feel about each sign and decision related to it. When possible, take one or more days if needed to make a final decision.

Sometimes synchronicities might appear when a person, environment, or situation is not for your highest good. It is a way for you to be informed to be cautious moving any further in that direction. Trust your intuition, and ask the angels for clarity when needed.

You can always ask the angels to show you more synchronicities or angel numbers when you are seeking answers.

Just remember that you must be willing to meet the angels halfway by doing your part through action steps. 

How to Interpret Synchronicities

When you notice synchronicities, it is important to spend adequate time on interpreting their meanings.

Pay attention to what is going on in your life when they happen.

What you are doing in the moment that synchronicities appear often indicates what the synchronicities relate to.

Are you facing a difficult decision?

Does it happen when you are feeling lost?

Is it a pattern that occurs off and on?

The signs you see offer guidance on whatever issue you are struggling with.

Or, will be used as a way to encourage you to keep moving in that direction.

The angels also use synchronicities to provide you with support, clarity, and guidance.

Angels often use your everyday surroundings to communicate with you, so be open to receiving their messages in various ways.

Questions for Discovering The Meaning of Synchronicities

Start to discover the meaning of synchronicities by paying close attention to the details of your experiences.

What synchronicities are appearing?

Is it possible that they are an answer or angelic guidance? Especially related to what you were just doing or thinking about when you saw them.

How do they make you feel?

Was it a series of synchronicities? If yes, are the signs trying to push you out of your comfort zone to help you manifest a big dream?

Do they reveal your next steps to take on a project?

What are synchronicities trying to show you?

Do they show up in recurring dreams? If yes, this could reveal a past life issue that is ready to be resolved. 

Basic Meanings of Synchronicities

  • You are not alone
  • Your thoughts are correct
  • Angels are with you and they love you
  • Keep going in the same direction; you are on the correct pathway
  • Think twice before proceeding when something does not feel right
  • Guidance and messages from angels or your higher self
  • Step out of your comfort zone to follow your dreams

Why a Lack of Seeing Synchronicities?

When you stop seeing synchronicities, it often happens for one of two reasons.

As you continue ascending higher, it becomes easier for you to receive angel messages more directly. Therefore, the amount and frequency of synchronicities may decrease in your life.

They will increase again when the angels are providing you with extra assistance or support. Or, when the angels have an important message to deliver.

The other reason for a lack of seeing synchronicities happens when a person gets stuck in repeating the same actions day after day. Their consciousness is not expanding. And they are remaining on the same timeline with the same set of energies.

Any new opportunities will be limited until the person starts taking actions to improve things in their life. This is more likely to happen to people who are spiritually unawakened. 

Use Synchronicities to Create Change in Your Life

Next time you have déjà vu experiences, do not brush if off as just a coincidence. It might be your guardian angel trying to get your attention.

Notice the frequencies of certain numbers or symbols along with what is going on in your life at the time.

With a little practice, you will start to interpret the signs you are seeing. And recognize guidance and support from your angels when you need it the most.

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of link4din.com/angelic-sparkles-numerology. Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 
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