What are Starseeds and 22 Signs You are a Starseed

Starseeds are souls that have a strong connection to the stars and planets. They often feel at home in nature, especially around water, and may be very sensitive to sunlight.

Starseeds often feel like they don't fit into this world or belong here. If you're feeling out of place on Earth, there is a good chance you're a starseed. Keep reading to find out if you might be one of these unique souls. 

What are Starseeds

All starseeds are highly advanced souls whose souls originated in star systems other than Earth. This is why they often feel disconnected from mainstream society, and have a sense of being different from others.

Starseeds volunteered to incarnate on Earth to assist with the shift in consciousness that is occurring.

Some starseeds may be aware of their origins, while others may never find out. Learning that you’re a starseed can be very helpful. Oftentimes this knowledge comes with a sudden sense of relief along with everything in your entire life up to this point making more sense.

Starseeds have a soul history filled with immense wisdom. Additionally, some have scientific expertise, and the majority have strong spiritual connections.

As a starseed, you have a very important life purpose which may also be called a mission for your lifetime on Earth. 

22 Signs You’re A Starseed

  • You are sensitive to energies and your surrounding environment
  • Feel a connection to the stars
  • Not fitting in or feeling out of place
  • Feeling as if Earth is not your home
  • Yearning to go home, but not knowing where home is
  • Deep inner knowing that you have a greater purpose in life
  • You’re highly intelligent
  • Genius ideas
  • Immense wisdom
  • Highly creative
  • Heightened intuition
  • Psychic abilities
  • Love being in nature
  • Animals and/or babies love you
  • You’re attracted to healing modalities
  • Empathetic
  • Low blood pressure
  • Easily get cold, or are the opposite and feel hot easily
  • You’re spiritual, but not religious
  • Struggle with authority figures or rules
  • You’re spiritually awakened
  • Your energy can cause electronics to not work properly: lights flicker, Internet signal weakens, etc.

Roles of Starseeds

The general role of all starseeds is to help humanity. Exactly how you serve and assist humanity in ascending higher depends upon your unique set of gifts and your soul purpose.

Many starseeds have chosen a life purpose that includes some form of healing. Or, uplifting humanity, or inspiring other people. Healing is not necessarily limited to helping humans. Some starseeds have a life mission to aid pets and animals, or care for the natural environment.

As an awakened starseed, your role is to fulfill your unique soul purpose along with spreading more love and light out into the world.

Starseeds who are already fulfilling their soul purpose are the ones leading the pathway for humanity. 

Archangels and Star Beings Love Helping Starseeds

There are two archangels who understand starseeds very well. Call upon one of both of them when you want extra assistance.

Archangel Zadkiel brings you calming energy and love. He understands that your journey is different from other people, and wants to help you.

Archangel Metatron loves helping starseeds plus indigo, rainbow, and crystal children.

Starseeds also have the ability to connect with beings from other star systems to gain wisdom and guidance. Once you develop your intuitive abilities, then it’s possible to connect to any spirits, archangels, or beings within the universe. However, it’s much easier connecting to star systems located closer to Earth than those further away. 

Channeled Message For Starseeds

Greetings from Archangel Metatron and Archangel Zadkiel. We bring forth a message today to assist starseeds on the ascension journey. Both of us, Metatron and Zadkiel, are here to assist you any time. We understand starseeds and the unique set of gifts that you have along with your challenges.

Dear one, as a starseed you have an extremely important role to fulfill during your life. You are meant to stand out sometimes in crowds for the purpose of attracting others to you.

As a leader, teacher, or healer, other people must notice you so you are able to help them. That is why you will stand out, and is why you have always felt different since you were a child.

We want you to know the overall aspect of your soul purpose. It is to help humanity and the Earth to heal, ascend higher, and align more with love. 

Characteristics of Starseeds

The characteristics of starseeds on the Internet are not always completely accurate. Some sources indicate that starseeds are tall and thin. Or, are identifiable by certain physical characteristics.

This is not always true. Yes, many starseeds have chosen some common physical characteristics. However, the truth is that starseeds come in all heights with an immense variety of physical characteristics.

There is no one particular set of physical characteristics for starseeds.

Higher Dimensions are Accessible by Starseeds

As a starseed, you have an easier time accessing higher dimensions for wisdom, messages, and guidance. Utilize knowledge gained from the higher dimensions for both yourself and others. What you learn can benefit your personal pathway and others on their journeys through life.

Anytime you desire a particular piece of wisdom or a solution, call upon Archangel Uriel. He will provide you with an answer which may suddenly appear as a genius idea in your mind. Or, reach out to star beings after you've mastered receiving messages from the archangelic realm. 

Identifying if You're A Starseed

Exactly how do you know if you are a starseed? There are lists of common experiences, qualities, and feelings that many starseeds relate to. However, lists are only general for all starseeds and may or may not completely fit you.

In order to truly know if you are a starseed, it is helpful to first look at the list and read about different types of starseeds.

After that, focus within your heart to connect to your soul. It is within your soul where you will find the truth about whether you are or are not a starseed. This is also where you will discover what type of starseed you are. 

Starseeds are Unique

While it can be helpful to know your starseed type, it is not required to fulfill your mission on Earth. And, you may not fully fit into one category. The reason for this is because many starseeds have had lives in multiple star systems.

Also remember that you are living a human lifetime on Earth right now. Your experiences in the present moment are what you should focus on along with fulfilling your soul purpose. 

Thank You!

We want to take a moment to thank you for your dedication. And, for choosing to come to Earth to experience human lifetimes.

You did this as a volunteer because your soul contains immense love and wisdom, and a desire to help others. We archangels and the universe greatly appreciate all your hard work and dedication. Plus, your assistance with helping during this crucial point in Earth's ascension history.

We send you our deepest appreciation and love. 
Thank you, Archangel Metatron and Archangel Zadkiel for this information about starseeds. Channeled by Brenda Lott

Uplift Your Journey Faster to Fulfill Your Starseed Role

Starseeds are old souls who have immense wisdom, insight, and some have incredible healing abilities. They have come to help humanity ascend higher and expand their consciousness.

It doesn't matter how many lifetimes of experience you've had as a human being. Sometimes you need a boost of assistance for your journey. An Angel Energy Healing session will help open up new doors for you along with clearing heavy energies. Get started on your brighter future ahead by taking the first step toward your destiny as a starseed.

Do you have a story to share about your unique journey as a starseed? Comment below to inspire and uplift other starseeds. 

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of link4din.com/angelic-sparkles-numerology. Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 

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