What are Spiritual Contracts and How to Clear Them

Soul contracts
Have you ever wondered about the unseen forces shaping your experiences and personal development? These are often the result of spiritual contracts influencing your life. With each contract designed to assist in your soul's evolution.

These divine agreements are pivotal in navigating the course of your life. Weaving your path intricately with specific individuals. However, the law of free will provides you with the option whether to learn or not.

If you find yourself trapped in a negative cycle or struggling to progress, it might be time to consider clearing these soul contracts.

In this post, examine the essence of spiritual contracts and explore their intended purposes. Plus, learn how to renegotiate or dissolve them when they no longer serve your highest good. 

What are Spiritual Contracts

Spiritual contracts are also referred to as soul contracts or spiritual agreements. They are profound agreements that your soul makes with other souls before entering into a physical body for a new lifetime.

While these agreements are made in the spiritual realm before birth, they can be modified during your lifetime. Your soul can renegotiate the terms or break these soul contracts. Especially when they contribute to harmful patterns.

Spiritual contracts are designed to ensure your path intersects with specific souls. Serving a multitude of divine purposes. Each contract is pivotal in shaping the lessons, challenges, and experiences that you encounter during life. 

Key Aspects and Purposes of Spiritual Contracts

Spiritual contracts sketch out the overall theme of significant life events and relationships. These contracts provide a framework through which you experience various challenges and interactions. All for the purpose of guiding your soul's development and learning.

The primary aim of these contracts is for your soul to evolve. Especially by learning valuable lessons from different life situations and relationships. Some of these relationships are karmic which are intended to resolve past issues. While other contracts may lead to meeting soulmates with whom deep, soulful connections are shared.

Despite the predetermined aspects of soul contracts, free will remains paramount. While certain experiences are destined, how you navigate these experiences is up to your free will. Because you always have the choice of whether or not to learn from these encounters with other people.

Let's look at the most common aspects and purposes of spiritual contracts.

Soul Growth and Soul Lessons

The primary purpose of these spiritual contracts is often cited as soul growth. Through experiencing various challenges, the soul learns valuable lessons. This is what contributes to the evolution of your soul.

Soul lessons are based on past life issues that need resolution. Especially when your soul needs healing. 


Certain relationships are planned prior to birth. These always include choosing your birth parents and siblings. Soul contracts with your immediate family members always include a key theme. This theme shows what will be worked on by each person throughout the relationship.

Soul contracts are also created to align destinies. These are often contracts for romantic relationships, especially if your soul chooses to get married. However, they can also appear as relationships with someone you share a close bond with, such as a best friend or a sibling. 
Karmic Relationships
Some spiritual contracts involve karmic relationships. This occurs when souls agree to meet again in a new life to resolve unfinished business.

These types of relationships could be romantic, or show up as a teacher or boss. They can even be with a parent or sibling. If a person pushes you and makes life feel difficult, it can be a sign of a karmic contract.

Karmic relationships occur when one soul is trying to balance karma with another soul from past life issues. Therefore, try to see the bigger picture in challenging situations. The other person is being given a chance to balance their old karma with you. Whether or not they succeed is based on their free will choices.

If there is abuse within a karmic relationship, seek appropriate assistance to get away from the person. Plus, ask the angels to help you end the spiritual contract. 
Supportive Friendships
Connecting with souls that provide unwavering support and companionship is equally important. These types of connections aid your passage through life's voyage. Your closest friendships are often formed with people in your soul family and contain a spiritual contract for your meeting.

These are the people who often inspire you to embrace changes. Take bold steps forward in your life's journey, and they encourage you to reach your dreams. 

Personal Development and Healing

Spiritual contracts also assist your soul in gaining valuable knowledge and wisdom. Additionally, they enrich your perspective by helping you see things from various viewpoints.

Becoming aware of your spiritual contracts can be a significant aspect of personal development and healing. When you are aware of how and why another person is challenging you, it is easy to see patterns within the relationship.

Take a moment to reflect on what the other person might be trying to teach you. Along with seeing how your soul might be providing the other person with an opportunity to become a better version of themselves. 

How to Clear Spiritual Contracts

It is common for commitments from previous incarnations, such as vows and promises, to influence your present lifetime. These ancient contracts can continue to affect you, often in unseen ways.

There are a couple of ways to clear spiritual contracts. The first method is easy and can be done to quickly remove outdated contracts. The other technique is clearing through the Akashic Records. 
Spiritual contracts linked to past lives can weave complex energetic threads. Accumulating density in your aura by tethering you to souls that may not even be incarnated with you in the present moment.

3 Steps to Clear Outdated Soul Contracts

This process clears outdated soul contracts that are no longer relevant to your current lifetime. To cleanse these old ties, the process is easy and rather quick. 
1. Enter into a state of calmness
Begin by taking several slow, deep breaths while relaxing your body. Then focus within the middle of your heart.
2. Invoke archangelic assistance
Request the presence of Archangel Michael and Archangel Metatron. Ask them to help you clear all outdated spiritual contracts. To do this, think or say:

"I now call upon Archangel Michael and Archangel Metatron. Please connect with me now to clear all outdated soul contracts."

Give them a few seconds to enter in closer to your energy field. You may feel tingling or a sense of warmth or coolness. 
3. State your intention to burn the old contracts
Start by imagining a pile of old papers in front of you. Then, think or say the following intention:

"I set the intention that I am now severing and purifying all forms of contracts, vows, promises, agreements, and commitments. This includes the release of all associated low vibrational energies. And dark influences, spanning across all timelines and dimensions. Ensuring the highest and greatest good for all involved. And so it is. Thank you."

Next, imagine the pile of papers burning quickly and turning into a pile of ashes. Then, see a waterfall of white light flowing over the pile, completely washing them away.

End by thanking the angels. 

How to Clear Contracts in the Akashic Records

The Akashic Records are a collection of all human events, thoughts, words, emotions, and intents that have occurred.

Working with contracts in the Akashic Records involves releasing or renegotiating the contracts. This is only for contracts that are no longer serve your highest good.

The following steps assist you in clearing contracts within the Akashic Records. If you would like angelic assistance for this process, call upon Archangel Metatron. He is the keeper of the Akashic Records and can aid you in locating your records along with modifying or clearing spiritual contracts. 
Preparation and Intention
Begin by setting a clear and strong intention to access your Akashic Records. For the purpose of understanding and clearing outdated or unhelpful contracts.

Prepare yourself through meditation, ensuring you are in a calm and centered state. This helps in aligning your energy and opening up to higher spiritual guidance.
Accessing the Akashic Records
You can access the Akashic Records using visualization while meditating. This shifts your consciousness to a state where you can perceive and interact with the records.

Visualize yourself rising up into the sky with assistance from angels who take you to a beautiful white building. Walk up the three steps, and enter through the door on the outside of the building.

As you walk inside this large building, you immediately see a door with your name on it. This is your personal room within the Akash. Walk inside the door, and you are greeted by your Akashic record keeper. 
Reviewing Contracts
Ask your recordkeeper for the specific contract to be brought up that you want to be changed or cleared. You can ask by saying this is for your contract with ____ (state the name of a particular person).

Request clarity on how this contract has influenced your life and personal growth.

You can change or clear contracts that are causing recurring issues, blockages, or patterns in your life that you struggle to overcome. 
Seek Guidance for Clearing
Ask for guidance on how to clear or renegotiate these contracts. This might involve forgiveness, releasing vows or promises, or simply an agreement to part ways for the highest good of all involved.

Be open to receiving insights, symbols, or even direct messages on the steps required to release these contracts. Trust your intuition and the messages you receive. 
Use a declaration to formally release and clear the spiritual contracts. This could be a statement such as:

"I now release any and all soul contracts that no longer serve my highest good, across all time, dimensions, spaces, and realities."

Be clear, firm, and compassionate in your intentions, acknowledging the purpose the contracts once served in your soul’s growth. 
Gratitude and Closure
Before walking out of your room, express gratitude to your Akashic recordkeeper. Plus, thank any angels who assisted you in this process.

Walk out of the building, back down the steps, and slowly return to feeling grounded within your body. 
After clearing spiritual contracts, it is important to allow some time for integration. This may involve changes in your perspectives or relationships. Or changes in life circumstances as old patterns are released on the physical plane.

Your Free Will to Modify Soul Contracts

In conclusion, spiritual contracts play a pivotal role in guiding you through life. Presenting you with challenges and experiences designed for your soul's growth and evolution.

While you may not always be conscious of these spiritual agreements, recognizing their influence can empower you. So you can make choices that align with your soul's true path.

If you are feeling burdened by outdated contracts, clearing them can offer a profound sense of liberation and renewal. Ultimately, spiritual contracts are not just about the predetermined aspects of your life. They are about how you exercise your free will to evolve, learn, and fulfill your soul's destiny.

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of link4din.com/angelic-sparkles-numerology. Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 
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