Walking Life’s Journey with Angels

Life’s journey is like a wild and free meandering stream where you have the ability to change course when needed. However, sometimes there are boulders and other obstacles that block the exact route you wish to travel.

When you invite angels to walk alongside you, traveling through your life’s journey can be easier and smoother. There will still be challenges, but with angelic help you can recover faster.

Angels can aid you in not dwelling on the past, and to embrace change because it can be a blessing in disguise. There will always be new doors opening up ahead. So, stay positive while the angels help you walk along your life's journey. 

Channeled Message From Archangel Gabriel

Dear one, when a door closes, reach your hand out to the angels. We are here for you, and we will comfort, support, and guide you along every moment of each day. Open your heart and enter into your beautiful soul light to feel the angels.

We hold you when tears flow and your heart is aching. The moment when you take a deep breath is when angels are touching your heart. Soothing and releasing the hurt, and flowing unconditional love into you.

We understand that certain emotions may make it harder to ask for help. If you ever feel that way, call upon Archangel Haniel. She gently heals by removing the hurt, and any feelings of smallness. It may take some time to fully remove all the heavy energies, however angels stay with you and continue helping you. We will always love you unconditionally. 
Thank you Archangel Gabriel for this comforting message. Channeled by Brenda Lott

Life's Journey When One Door Closes

When one door closes, it can be difficult to see what new door is about to open. Receiving guidance from angels can help immensely along with reducing stress.

The next door that opens up on your life’s journey is almost always better than the one that closed. However, looking back at the closed door for too long can make it harder to transition into the new door opening up before you.

That is why taking an approach to go with the flow of things can make these transition periods easier. 

New Doors Open Faster with Angels

One thing I’ve noticed since starting to work closely with angels is how changes appear in life.

Sometimes the new door opens up, you start walking through it, and then have to close the old door later.

It’s obviously much easier to transition through major life changes when this occurs. And, it’s another way that angels support you on your journey when you’ve been taking action on the signs they give you. 

What To Do When A Door Closes

When your life’s journey has a door that closes, know that brighter days are ahead. Life's journey is full of ups and downs, but the key to a faster recovery is how you handle them.

You cannot always control what life throws at you, but you can control your reaction. Remember to allow your emotions to flow so they do not clog up your chakras. Then, begin communicating with angels to open the new door sooner.

It may be difficult at times to see the light at the end of the tunnel. But, angels can assist you in feeling peace throughout any situation.

Remember that all things happen for a reason. A closed door also means you’re no longer in alignment with the old which is a good thing. New doors will continue opening up the higher you ascend on your spiritual journey. 

Walk Alongside Angels To Receive Guidance Every Step of The Way

When the sun sets on one part of your life, tomorrow’s sunrise will brightly illuminate the new path ahead.

Angels always walk with you every step of the way throughout your entire life. But, if you want their direct involvement in your life, you must keep asking them for assistance.

Remember the law of free will prevents angels from stepping in the majority of the time. They can only save your life when it’s not your time to go, and line things up in the background to keep you on track with your life plan.

When the angels show you angel number 333, it means that angels and ascended masters want to help you more. Don’t wait for this sign though. Create a daily habit of asking at least one archangel for assistance, guidance, or support. 

Which Angels Help You Deal with Changes and Uncertainty

When you’re dealing with any major changes or losses, the following archangels can help you the most.

Call upon Archangels Michael, Azrael, and Metatron for help with transitioning through any type of big life change. These include grieving whether it's after losing a loved one or a relationship ending. Also, they help after a job loss, when you're moving to a new location, going back to college, etc.

Archangels Haniel, Jophiel, and Raguel will help you when you’re feeling uncertain about anything. They also assist you in finding clarity so you know which option is best for you in the present moment.

Remember to prioritize yourself during difficult times and take care of your needs first. Also, try to find joy in little things every day to keep your spirits higher.

How To Make The Most of Your Life's Journey

Be grateful for every opportunity that appears. Expressing gratitude for even little things aids you in maintaining a higher vibration. Plus, the more often you feel gratitude, the more things the universe will bring you to be grateful for.

You are meant to live a happy life where all your dreams come true. The only thing often holding back progress for most people is an accumulation of dense energies within their system.

Clear away the energies that no longer serve you. And, ask Archangel Ariel to guide you along the route to obtaining abundance in your life.

Then, start recognizing when your life’s journey has aligned you with something better.

As your vibration continues increasing, you’ll begin magnetizing your desires to you through the Law of Attraction. This is when you can expect new and better doors to open that assist you in fulfilling your soul purpose. 

What Does Your Heart Desire?

An important aspect of your life’s journey is discovering and fulfilling your soul purpose. If you don’t know your life’s purpose yet, Archangel Uriel can help you discover it. Click here to learn more about finding your soul purpose in this blog post here.

One thing to note is that oftentimes your soul purpose is not fully revealed to you until you are ready. Your mind might think you’re ready, but energetically you need to start aligning with your soul purpose first.

The first step is cleansing away a significant amount of dense energies along with healing from your past. Then, the information will be placed into your hands.

Once you begin sharing your unique gifts with the world, your life’s journey will continue to get brighter. Abundance will flow into your life more easily. And, you’ll start having moments of feeling like you’re living your dream life. 

Enjoy The Experiences Along Your Life’s Journey

When one door in life closes, it can be hard to see what lies ahead. Inviting angels to help you can significantly aid you in stepping through a new door sooner.

Take extra good care of yourself when you’re transitioning through major life changes. Plus, practice self-love along with taking time to do something you enjoy so your mind can relax.

One of the best parts of your life’s journey can be achieving your dreams and manifesting both little and big treasures. These blessings that arrive are a direct reflection of the beautiful, loving energies that you’ve accumulated within you. It’s a way for the universe to thank you for doing energy work, and for starting to fulfill your soul purpose

If you need more assistance or clarity, get an angel card reading to find out what messages the angels have for you. 

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of link4din.com/angelic-sparkles-numerology. Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 

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