How to View Life from a Higher Perspective

Have you noticed how sometimes life can feel overwhelming which makes it easy to get caught up in little things?

When you take a step back to look beyond the surface, it can instantly improve everything.

Viewing challenges from a different perspective also helps you gain clarity and a more profound understanding of the situation. Which leads to navigating through life with more ease.

In this blog post, discover how to view life from a higher perspective, and learn easy-to-use techniques that will assist you in this process. 

Why is it Important to View Life from a Higher Perspective

Life is often compared to a journey. You walk along the path, encountering various obstacles and joys along the way. However, it is possible to get so immersed in the details of your daily life that you forget to see the bigger picture.

This is similar to being so focused on one individual tree that you miss the beauty of the entire forest.

Viewing life from a higher perspective is not about disregarding the details. Rather it is about understanding how the details fit into place within the grand design of things.

Benefits of Adopting a Broader Perspective

Having a higher perspective helps you understand how certain actions lead to specific outcomes. This gives you the opportunity to learn and grow.

Additionally, it allows you to see patterns and trends in your life that you might otherwise miss.

It also provides you with a sense of clarity and calmness. Which has potential to relieve you from the stress and anxiety that often come from focusing too much on the present moment's problems.

When you view challenges from a higher perspective, you see that your current struggles are only a small part of your overall journey. Which can provide comfort and motivation to keep moving forward.

So pause and take a step back to look at situations from a higher vantage point while appreciating the bigger picture.

Questions to Consider

What would the angels think about your situation?

Can you imagine how the angels would handle it from a state of love?

How would the angels guide you through it? You can ask them and you will receive guidance along with signs of steps to take.

How to Shift and Expand Your Viewpoint to Enhance Your Life

Imagine holding a single puzzle piece in your hand, scrutinizing it up close. The colors, the lines, the intricate details. You are so focused that the world around you becomes unnoticeable.

It is hard to interpret what this one puzzle piece signifies on its own. This mystery of colors and lines does not reveal much about the bigger picture.

Now, apply this analogy to how you might perceive certain situations in life.

Are you hyper-focused on singular moments, challenges, or setbacks? Allowing them to consume your thoughts and stir up an array of emotions such as fear and anxiety.

When this occurs, you are essentially looking at one piece of the puzzle. Forgetting that there is an entire image waiting to be assembled and recognized. 

What Happens when You Take a Step Back?

Suddenly, the whole puzzle spreads out before you. And now you can see how each piece, including the one you initially viewed fits into this grand design.

It is like unveiling a hidden masterpiece. 

The power of perspective is transformative. It does not modify the individual pieces, but it changes how you view them.

And from this new perspective, fears and worries are replaced with understanding and a sense of calm. This is the magic of viewing life from a higher perspective. 

Reimagine Your Approach to Goals

Your goals are like a grand, uncharted journey. While you have an idea of the destination, fixating solely on the endpoint can make the path seem longer and more challenging.

Here is a different perspective: think of your goal or big dream as a jigsaw puzzle. The big picture is important. Yet equally crucial are the tiny pieces that make up the whole picture.

View each piece as a small, manageable task. One step forward indicating one more piece of the puzzle is now in place. As you progress, your end goal starts to take shape.

The beauty of this approach is that with every piece you fit into place, the puzzle becomes less daunting. Every step you take gets you closer to your goal. And as the picture becomes clearer, your pathway to success transforms into reality. 

Effective Techniques that Support You in Obtaining a Higher Perspective

When starting to view situations from a higher perspective, take the learning process at a comfortable pace. Try to apply at least a couple of the techniques below at a time. Then, add in more as you are transitioning into mastering the skill of viewing life from a broader perspective.

Pause and Take a Step Back

One of the simplest ways to view life from a higher perspective is to pause and take a step back. Sometimes when you are too close to a situation, your judgment can be clouded.

Therefore, it is essential to create some distance and try to see the bigger picture from the viewpoint of the angels. 

Spend Time in Nature

When you are faced with a difficult challenge or life-changing decision, it can help to spend time in nature.

Nature has a gentle healing effect on you that clears your mind and relaxes you. Plus, it assists you in discovering a better way to handle the situation while also viewing it from a different perspective.

If needed, allow any intense emotions to flow through you. Then explore the challenge from a new viewpoint. 

Switch Your Focus

Another way to view life from a higher perspective is to switch your focus with your goals. When working toward achieving a goal or dream, you may get stuck on the final outcome. And disregard the progress you have already made.

It is essential to balance both the big picture and the small wins along the way. When you focus only on the desired result, it becomes harder to reach your goals.

Switching your focus from what could go wrong to what could go right, enables you to find solutions and stay motivated.

Focus on Living in the Present Moment

The reason why this is important is because filling your mind with too many thoughts about the past or present can trap you.

When you are living only in the present moment, you are free to shape the future. And are unrestricted from the past. 

Ask the Angels for Insight or Wisdom

When you desire angelic guidance, the angels are always there for you. Whether you choose to ask an archangel or your guardian angel, the angels will provide you with wisdom, insight, and answers.

Trust the answers you receive and follow your intuition when interpreting angel signs


Expressing gratitude helps you view life from a higher perspective. Because gratitude changes the way your brain focuses on things. It shifts your energy and aids you in seeing the good amidst challenges.

By taking a moment every day to appreciate the things you have, you begin to see your life as abundant and rich.


Practicing mindfulness is an excellent spiritual tool. It assists you in viewing life from a higher perspective. Plus, it guides you through life so you can ascend higher more easily.

By taking a few minutes daily to sit and quiet your mind, you can create a serene emotional and mental space around you.

Mindfulness also helps you to become more conscious of your thoughts and emotions. While understanding the reasons behind them.

This awareness and self-reflection builds a strong foundation for mental clarity. So you are able to respond better in any type of situation.


Find inner peace and clarity by meditating with archangels. This is as simple as closing your eyes and calling in one or more archangels.

For example, if you need emotional healing, call in Archangel Raphael. Ask him to connect with you and let him know what you want healing for, or if you want his help with cleansing your energy.

Imagine a waterfall of white light flowing into your crown chakra, filling your entire body, and expanding through your aura. Focus on inhaling white light while exhaling all the feelings that do not feel good to you.

Play relaxing music, such as solfeggio tones, to help keep track of the time. End by expressing gratitude and thank any archangels who helped you. 

Reset Your Emotions through Breathing

There may be times when you experience intense emotions that make it difficult to view anything from a higher perspective.

Never hold in emotions or they can become trapped within your energetic system. Allow the emotions to flow for 90 seconds, and then use this breathing technique to release the emotions. Or meditate with the violet flame to transmute fear-based emotions.

Your breath is a fundamental aspect of how your human self connects to universal life force energy. As you inhale, imagine inhaling white light into your heart chakra. And as you exhale, visualize the white light expanding outward from your heart, filling up your entire body with white light.

As you focus on your breath and the light, it calms and quiets the mind. Along with assisting you in releasing intense emotions and resetting your emotional body. 

The Power of a Higher Perspective

In conclusion, viewing life from a higher perspective involves seeing the larger picture. Trusting your intuition. And switching your focus more effectively.

Use practices such as meditation and mindfulness. Which help you to create an emotionally and mentally healthy lifestyle.

Remember, seeing things from a higher viewpoint enables you to smoothly navigate through the ups and downs of life's journey. 

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 

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