Trusting Your Intuition with Angelic Support

Trusting Your Intuition
Do you ever find yourself doubting or second guessing what you know to be true? This is especially common when it comes to trusting your intuition.

Everyone has moments where it feels like you're just making things up, or that your instincts might not be worth following. However, your intuition is a powerful gift designed to guide you through life.

In this post, explore how angels can assist you in strengthening your intuition along with reassuring you that you are correct. So dive in to learn more about how to trust your intuition. 

Trusting Your Intuition is Part of Awakening

This is a time of great awakening for humanity. We are sensing with greater clarity the interconnectedness of all life. And are beginning to understand that we have the power to create positive change in the world.

This comes with a responsibility to use your intuition and spiritual gifts to make a difference in the lives of others. Angels are eager to assist you in the process of learning how to trust your intuition. So, you can more easily communicate with angels to intuitively know their guidance.

What is Your Intuition?

The definition of intuition is:
“The ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning.”

Sometimes this is referred to as trusting your gut feeling. However, intuition is much more expansive than what you might realize.

Your intuition includes your clairs: clairsentience, clairaudience, clairvoyance, and claircognizance. These are your intuitive abilities to clearly sense, hear, see, or know something.

The ability to clearly feel or just know something are the easiest clairs to begin working with. As you become more advanced with these, then developing your clairaudience or clairvoyance becomes easier to tap into.

Developing clairaudience requires setting aside your ego mind and completely trusting. The reason why is because the information you hear usually sounds like your own voice in your own head. 

Developing and Trusting Your Intuition with Angelic Assistance

Strengthening your intuition is easier to do when you practice on a regular basis, preferably daily until you feel confident.

An easy way to begin is by using angel oracle cards. There are many free apps available, so explore some to find an oracle deck that appeals to you. If a deck is difficult to use, then find a different one.

Always begin by cleansing the cards with white light. Even digital cards should be cleansed before each use, including between questions.

Next, ask your guardian angel a question. Then, choose the card intuitively. Close your eyes if it helps, and tap on a card that feels right to you.

First read the title on the card, then look at the image for your answer. Ask your guardian angel to help you clearly know the answer. And most importantly, trust the first piece of information that you receive.

Differentiating Between Your Intuition and Your Mind

How do you really know what is intuitive guidance versus the thoughts in your mind? The answer is found within your feelings.

Your feelings always reveal what is best for you. And it’s through your feelings that you discover wisdom shining through from your soul.

The more often you tune into your intuition, the easier it becomes to trust your intuition. This is also when you’re able to differentiate between your ego mind thoughts and your intuition.

Sometimes it can also be helpful to take a break away from the topic and come back to it later after you're refreshed. 

Channeled Message from Archangel Michael for Trusting Your Intuition

When you are faced with two options, how do you know which option is best for you? If you are having difficulties tuning into your intuition the best plan of action is to first make a list.

Write down why you prefer each of the options. Then for each option, write out either what you dislike about it, or what is holding you back from that option.

As you tune inward into your heart and your solar plexus chakras, how does each option feel? Does one feel better than the other? If yes, that is the correct option for you.

How to Request Angelic Assistance

If you are still undecided, ask your guardian angel for a sign. Designate a symbol to each of your two options. For example, assign a symbol of an eagle to one option and a heart to the other option.

These two symbols, an eagle and a heart, are common enough symbols for your guardian angel to show you the correct answer. Yet, they are not so common that you are likely to repeatedly see them every day.

These are only examples of symbols. Whichever symbols you choose, be sure that they are not so rare that your guardian angel will have a hard time lining it up.

Request that you see the symbol that represents the correct answer at least twice over the next three days. 

Questioning Yourself After Trusting Your Intuition

Have you ever questioned why your intuition was strong about something? Especially later after the outcome was very different than you expected?

Sometimes as events unfold your ego mind may start to question if your intuition was correct. This is likely to occur if your mind starts to analyze details. Or if you are faced with unexpected challenges.

If you suddenly start to have a new intuitive feeling that a change of plans is needed, ask your guardian angel or an archangel for assistance. If possible, take a short break to clear your mind and refocus within your heart.

Oftentimes, any challenges that appear are there for a specific reason. It could be to help you learn something, or you are being lined up to help another person.

You may also be aligning with a new option that you previously were unaware of. 

Overcoming Your Ego Thoughts

The best way to overcome a loud ego is to continue strengthening your intuition. Practice daily until you feel confident in your abilities and trust your intuition.

Meditating on a regular basis also helps quiet your mind. When your mind is calm, it helps you better tune into both your intuition and angelic guidance.

If your ego mind gets in the way, immediately call upon, I, Archangel Michael and specifically ask to quiet your ego and calm your mind.

Your ego mind may try to challenge your intuitive choices at times. However, only you choose whether you are going to allow your ego to control your life. Or, if you are going to let the wisdom of your soul shine through your intuition. 

Trusting Your Intuition is a Beautiful Gift

Trusting your intuition means that you are trusting the immense wisdom within your soul. And, trusting angelic guidance.

The more you strengthen your intuitive abilities, answers will come through more instantaneously.

Keep leaning on your guardian angel and archangels anytime you desire extra support and guidance. We are only a breath away, and will show up for you immediately when you call upon us. Please be patient if it takes us time to show you the best option in a way that you can understand it.

From all of us in the angelic realm, we send you blessings of love, trust, and faith. Plus, light to illuminate the best decisions for you each time you tune into your intuition. We love you. 
Thank you, Archangel Michael for this information. Channeled by Brenda Lott

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 
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