Top 3 Most Effective Manifesting Methods

Effective Manifesting Methods
There are different manifesting methods available, but not all of them are effective.

For example, many people follow the Law of Attraction, but it often leads to disappointment without anything happening.

Even when you have put in significant efforts, your desires may still not arrive with no clear reason why.

What is the real reason behind why your desires are not manifesting? The answer is simple, and the solution is rather easy.

In this blog post, you can explore the top three most effective manifesting methods. Plus, learn how to discover your energetic blocks so you can start manifesting more of what you want.

So, if you are ready to start creating the life you desire, then keep reading.

Manifesting Methods are Dependent Upon Your Energy

When you want to start manifesting more of your wishes and dreams, it’s extremely important to start at the energetic level. Why?

Because everything is energy including humans, thoughts, feelings, and belief patterns.

Creating vision boards, journaling, and using crystals only help to a certain extent. They cannot create miracles if there is an energetic block working against what you desire.

This is why so many people have tried using the Law of Attraction unsuccessfully. No matter how many efforts you pour into trying to manifest, it all happens at the energetic level.

What happens if there is an energetic block in your subconscious mind related to receiving abundance?

The answer is simple: you will not receive abundance until that particular block is cleared.

How you clear this properly is through energy cleansing and subconscious mind reprogramming. 

What Do You Want to Manifest?

This might sound like a silly question, but what exactly do you want to manifest and why?

Knowing why is important because it aids you in understanding why you are putting in efforts to co-create your dreams with the universe. 
Being unclear or unsure about what you want to manifest means that you are sending signs to the universe saying you’re not ready to receive yet.
Take some time to write down each of your wishes, goals, and big dreams. Plus, include why you want to manifest each thing. 

3 Steps to Manifesting Your Wishes

The most effective manifesting methods involve three key areas: 
  1. 1
    Remove energetic blocks
  2. 2
    Increase your energetic vibration, especially through feeling gratitude
  3. 3
    Take action steps toward your goals and dreams
Everything you attract and manifest into your life is completely based on the types of energies and beliefs within you. You must first energetically align with what you desire to manifest before it appears.

1. How to Remove Energetic Blocks

The proper way to remove energetic blocks is through energy cleansing. And through subconscious mind reprogramming.

Oftentimes, both methods are needed. The reason why is because you picked up many outdated, limiting beliefs from adults when you were a small child.

Be sure to remove beliefs related to lack, limitation, or having too much. 

Reprogramming Subconscious Mind Blocks

To reprogram your subconscious mind, use positive I Am affirmations. Combine this with energy cleansing to ensure the blocks are gone.

Remember that it’s essential to use affirmations that are the opposite of your undesirable belief patterns.

For example, let’s look at a pattern related to money being hard to get, or never having enough money. This type of block, rooted within the subconscious mind, is always running on automatic. And is continuing to manifest the exact same things back into your life. Because the universe only sends you what you are an energetic match to.

Reprogram this type of belief with positive affirmations. Examples include “I am a magnet to money” or “money flows to me easily.”

Energy Cleansing

The most critical component of manifesting anything you desire is becoming an energetic match to each desire.

How you do this properly is through energy cleansing.

Click here to download the free chakra and aura cleanse to use daily. When it opens, right click to save it. 

Or, listen below. It’s only 7 minutes long, and also provides you with energy protection and grounding. 

2. How to Increase your Vibration

Increasing your energetic vibration is the second most important manifesting method.

There are several ways to increase your vibration. The quickest ways are through regular energy cleansing and feeling gratitude.

What happens when you express gratitude for things you already have? You are energetically telling the universe to bring you more things to be grateful for.

Create a habit of feeling gratitude throughout each day.

Additional ways to increase your vibration include:
  • Consuming more fruits and vegetables; all foods have their own vibration too
  • Drinking plenty of water helps the natural flow of energies move through you easier
  • Laughing instantly elevates your vibration
  • Listen to uplifting music
  • Exercise or dance

3. Take Action Steps

Part of co-creating your dream life with the universe requires you taking action steps.

What one small action step can you work on right now to help achieve your biggest dream?

The universe and angels will support you one step at a time until you achieve your goals. Doing your part is how you help create miracles and abundances in your life. 

More Manifesting Methods

In addition to the most effective manifesting methods, use these manifesting methods too. They support the manifesting methods mentioned above. 
  • Positive affirmations
  • Manifest small things while waiting for bigger things to manifest
  • Send your wishes to the universe inside an orb of light
  • Be open to receiving abundance
  • Give to others while following Law of Giving and Receiving 

Why Manifest Small Wishes?

Bigger dreams often require more time to manifest. By continuing to manifest smaller wishes while waiting for bigger wishes to arrive, it helps you stay in the flow of manifesting.

Ideas of small things to manifest:
  • Specific type of compliment
  • Cup of tea or a meal with a friend
  • Spending time with someone you haven’t seen for a long time

Steps to Send Your Wishes to The Universe

Repeat this process at least twice weekly until each wish has manifested. 
  1. 1
    Hold your hand out in front of you with the palm facing upward.
  2. 2
    Imagine an orb of white light in your hand.
  3. 3
    Visualize one wish at a time while feeling as if you already have it in your life.
  4. 4
    Place those images and the feelings inside the orb of light.
  5. 5
    Release the orb into the sky while saying: “thank you universe for making my dream come true.”

What is Your Energetic Vibration?

Your thoughts and feelings increase and lower your energetic vibration. And they are constantly in a flow of fluctuating back and forth.

However, your overall energetic vibration is what matters most when you are manifesting.

Use the Omega frequency chart to monitor your progress. And keep aiming to reach the vibration of love.

You will know when you reach the vibration of love because it’s much easier to feel love and oneness with everyone.

When you get closer toward the stage of enlightenment, your entire life will feel more joyful, peaceful, and blissful on a regular basis. 
Omega Vibrational Frequency Chart

How to Recognize Energetic Blocks

When you are working toward increasing your vibration, it’s important to remove energetic blocks. 
Always remain non-judgmental over the types of thoughts, feelings, and beliefs within you. All of these are just energies; they are not who you truly are. Remember that you are a soul of light, composed of unconditional love and light at your core.
Recognizing blocks that are getting in your way is as easy as paying attention to your feelings.

Your feelings expose the truths of the types of energies within you. Each time you notice a feeling that you dislike, cleanse it away at the energetic level.

Meditating within the violet flame while asking angels to assist you in removing the block is a great way to begin.

If this does not resolve the block, then deeper energy cleansing and/or subconscious mind reprogramming may be needed. 

Do You Have Blocks Related to Manifesting?

Take a moment to think about the types of patterns that have been recurring in your life.

Are you able to manifest abundance in your life?

Have you consistently had financial struggles?

What happens when you try manifesting?

If you’re continuing to struggle with manifesting, get powerful help from a team of Archangels and Ascended Masters. Through Arcfusion Energy Healing, they will dive deep to the root causes to dissolve your struggles. 

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 
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