Tools for Empaths to Reclaim Your Energy

As an empath, you are exquisitely sensitive and have the ability to feel other people’s energies. When you become overwhelmed with taking on the energy of others, it can be difficult to distinguish between which emotions are yours. And which ones belong to other people. Fortunately, there are tools for empaths that can help.

These tools help you protect your energy daily. Plus, they provide you with a sense of control and aid you in ascending higher on your spiritual journey. Let’s explore seven powerful tools for empaths.

7 Tools for Empaths to Take Control of Your Energy

Empaths are often considered to be healers and caretakers because they make it their mission to help others in whatever way they can.

Yet, being empathic can be very draining when you are always feeling other people’s emotions.

So how can you learn to navigate being an empath?

These seven tools will assist you in making life easier. And when needed, Angel Energy Healing can quickly rebalance your mind, body, and spirit. Along with uplifting your energetic vibration. 

1. Grounding Techniques

Grounding techniques help ground you into the present moment. So you can remain connected with yourself while feeling secure within your environment.

Grounding exercises often involve activities such as walking barefoot outside in nature. Or focusing on each breath as it moves through your body while meditating.

When done regularly, grounding techniques help keep your energy within yourself.

There may be days when it is harder to feel grounded. When this happens, call upon “grounding angels” and ask them to help you ground. 

2. Set Boundaries and Dominion Over Your Own Energy

Having boundaries is key when it comes to being an empath. Because it prevents you from absorbing excess amounts of toxic energy from those around you.

Boundaries should be firm yet gentle. This means understanding how much you can tolerate before your own energetic wellbeing is compromised. And making sure that you stay true to your values despite any external input from others.

Establishing boundaries also allows you to exercise your free will. While respecting yourself and others. And also assists you in maintaining dominion over your own energy. 

Dominion simply means that you do not allow others to affect your energy. You own your energy field and can choose to block out all that does not feel good to you. 

3. Crystals for Protection and Healing

Using crystals for energy protection, grounding, and healing is very beneficial. Crystals contain their own unique properties that have the ability to shift your energy and help you feel better.

Wearing crystal jewelry is a wonderful way to help keep your energy protected. While holding crystals, such as pocket stones, is powerful for assisting you in removing energies you picked up from other people.

Click here for a crystals guide to discover which crystals can help you most. 

4. Meditate with Angels and The Violet Flame

Anytime you connect with angels, they will assist you in cleansing your energy and uplifting you.

One way to rinse away other people’s energies from you is by meditating in a waterfall of white light. You can do this with or without assistance from angels.

One of the most powerful ways to cleanse your energy is by meditating with the violet flame. The violet flame is a powerful energy that transmutes all unwanted energies so you quickly feel a sense of relief. It also helps you to reclaim dominion over your own energy.

Once you are familiar with the violet flame, it is easy to call upon it anytime and anywhere including in public areas.

Use this free violet flame meditation. Then carry the violet flame around with you inside your energy field when you are around other people or one person who is acting negative. 

5. The Best Type of Energy Healing for Empaths

Energy healing is the practice of channeling cleansing and healing energies into the mind, body, and spirit. This form of healing helps clear away any energies that do not serve your highest good.

Energy healing also assists you with ascending higher. And helps you transition into having an easier time managing your own energy field.

The best type of energy healing for empaths is Angel Energy Healing. Because powerful archangels gently work on your entire energetic system. They remove energies that do not belong to you, and also repair any damage to your aura. The result is feeling more relaxed, refreshed, and uplifted. 

6. Focus on Nature

When you are in a public setting outdoors, and start to feel overwhelmed by all of the energies from others, focus on yourself. Focus on each step you take.

Notice if there is nature around you. Is there a bird singing? Are there trees? Is sunlight warming your face? Or is there a cool breeze brushing across your skin? Are there raindrops or snowflakes falling upon you? 

7. Angelic Assistance

Another way to receive help quickly is by asking Archangel Michael, or for 100,000 angels for help. Ask them to completely surround you and protect you so that only love and light can enter into your space.

Also request that the angels block out all other energies so that they cannot enter into your energy field. 

Embrace Your Sensitivity

As an empath, you have a unique gift that you bring into the world. But without an effective set of tools for empaths to take care of your own energy, this gift can turn into a burden rather than a blessing.

Fortunately, there are many powerful tools for empaths that make it possible to protect your energy daily and ascend higher.

See yourself as a superhero for humanity while maintaining dominion over your energy. And remember the extreme importance of caring for yourself first. Extend compassion, kindness, and love to yourself every day. 

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 

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