The Power of Acts of Kindness

Acts of kindness can have a powerful impact on the world. There are many ways to brighten up someone else's day, and you never know what a small act of kindness could do for the recipient.

Angels love acts of kindness, and they watch with joy each time you do good deeds. As a lightworker, you know the importance of being loving toward fellow humans because it makes their lives easier and happier too.

Within any moment, you can start a powerful wave of positivity that will have a ripple effect that spreads outward to reach countless people. It all begins with one, small random act of kindness. 

Acts of Kindness on Your Spiritual Journey

Ascending higher on your spiritual journey can be accelerated by performing acts of kindness on a regular basis. The reason why this works is because it increases your vibration. The more actions you take to keep increasing your vibration, the quicker you can reach and maintain higher and higher vibrations.

Each time you help another person by being kind, you’re also helping yourself. You can even think of acts of kindness as a form of self care. 

You Also Benefit When You’re Kind To Others

Are you looking for a way to feel better about yourself and the world around you? You are not alone in feeling this way. There are many people who feel the same way, but there is an easy solution to try.

Acts of kindness have a positive effect on you because they make you feel better about yourself. These acts don't need to be grand gestures or time consuming tasks either. They can be as simple as holding a door open for someone, washing dishes for a friend, or paying for someone’s coffee.

Afterward, pay attention to how the good deed made you feel. Maybe you’ll feel so good that you'll want to go find another person to be kind to?

This might also help when you're feeling down to help pull yourself back up again. 

5 Ways To Bring Acts of Kindness Into Everyday Life

  1. 1
    Say hello and/or smile at someone you pass by
  2. 2
    Thank a cashier or waiter
  3. 3
    Offer to help with carrying packages, or hold a door open for a delivery person
  4. 4
    Compliment a friend’s outfit
  5. 5
    Give a friend an encouraging hug or a message of hope

Channeled Message From Archangel Uriel

Dear one, the angels who watch over you daily are grateful for the good deeds you’ve already completed in your life. Each time you’re kind to someone, angels overflow with love and joy.

The uplifting energies of love, happiness, and joy transfer between you and other person's energy field. This is why it’s easy to feel good after you extend your kindness and generosity to help brighten up another person’s day.

It is not necessary to spend any money to be kind to someone.

Sometimes the most appreciated and most memorable moments are those when someone's heart is touched by your kindness. It's special moments like these that are often treasured for a long time. They have no price tag attached to them because they're created within the heart. 

Angelic Inspiration For Random Acts of Kindness

Make a goal to do at least one act of kindness once a week, but preferably daily. You’ll notice after a short time that your life is also enriched along with the people you’re uplifting.

Anytime you desire inspiration for new acts of kindness to perform, call upon me, Archangel Uriel. Then, pay attention to sudden flashes of ideas that enter your mind. Write them down because it’s easy for the downloaded information to exit your mind just as quickly as they entered your thoughts.

Enjoy brightening up the lives of others around you, and start a flow of positivity by completing an act of kindness today. Thank you for assisting in making the world a brighter, more peaceful place. Love, Archangel Uriel.
Thank you Archangel Uriel for this special message.

Be An Earth Angel

Think of yourself as an earth angel when you’re doing good deeds. The angels see you as performing angelic work anytime you help another person.

So, this title fits you perfectly not only when you’re being kind. Anytime you share a smile, extend a helping hand, or spread love in the world, you’re acting as an earth angel. 

Join Together with Others For Large Acts of Kindness

Acts of kindness are a powerful way to change your own life and the lives of others, but you don’t have to do them alone.

Ask someone to help you, or form a group to perform a larger good deed that helps many people. 

Examples For Brightening Up A Day For Many People

Visit a nursing home or children’s hospital to brighten up people’s day. You do not need to enter the building. Call ahead to let the administration know what you’re planning, and give them at least a one day notice before arriving.

Request that the residents or patients look out certain windows during your visit. Everyone in your group could dance, wave, and smile at the people inside to bring joy and variety into their day.

Maybe even create a little parade for the residents or patients to watch as everyone walks by the windows. People in your parade could create signs with words of love, hope, and inspiration to display while walking. You could also carry balloons or streamers for a short parade. 

You Can Touch A Person’s Heart Deeply Through Kindness

It only takes a brief moment to leave an imprint on someone’s heart that lasts for the rest of their life. This happened to me, and the kindness touched my heart so deeply that I’ll never forget that moment.

I was in the hospital after a near death experience, sitting in a wheelchair alone in the hallway, waiting for a scan. A lady was walking next to her husband who was in a bed being pushed by a staff member. They had to wait briefly in the hallway, but only for about a minute.

During that short time span, the lady walked over to me and sent me blessings. I returned the blessings for her husband. Those few seconds of interaction and her kind, loving, caring words touched my heart deeply.

She had her husband to be concerned about, yet she took time to also care about me. 

Start A Wave of Love and Kindness

Sometimes the best way to help both yourself and others is by being kind. Every little good deed you perform matters, and they make the world a more beautiful place.

Acts of kindness can be as small as doing someone's dishes or as large as changing someone's life.

When you commit to doing just one kind act daily, it can reduce your stress and bring you more peace. Additionally, you’ll be starting a wave of positivity that ripples outward to more people.

Start spreading more love and kindness into the world, and enjoy the benefit of a higher vibration as a benefit for yourself. 

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 

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