Taking Responsibility of Your Life To Manifest Anything

Do you feel like your life is not going the way you want it to? Perhaps it's time for a change, and that is what the angels help you with through this blog post.

When taking responsibility of your life to manifest all your dreams, it can be much easier than you realize.

Channeled Message for Taking Responsibility of Your Life To Manifest Anything

Greetings from Archangels Michael, Orion, Gabriel, Uriel, and Metatron. Today we bring you a message of encouragement and empowerment so you can manifest all your dreams.

Taking responsibility of your life is required. Otherwise the dense energies and outdated beliefs inside of you will do it for you.

You might already know the secret to the Law of Attraction. And, how all your thoughts, words, and feelings radiate energies out into the universe to attract more of the same energies back to you. This includes the energies found within your life's situations, experiences, and challenges. 

Stop Your Ego From Controlling Your Life

You have full power to take the things you do not like and change them around. How this happens always begins at the level of energy. Take inventory of the thoughts that appear within your mind.

While the ego was designed to keep you safe, it often holds you back by telling you untrue beliefs. If your mind begins spinning with many past and future thoughts, they can lead you off track and keep you stuck.

I, Archangel Michael, am here to assist you. In both quieting your ego mind and calming down a busy mind. Simply ask me for help, and I will be there immediately.

Take time to write down your thoughts and feelings daily for just one week. This reveals the beliefs that are holding you back. It is a small commitment that will help immensely. 

Taking Responsibility of Your Life is Easier When You See How Powerful You Are

Whether you realize how powerful you are or not, you are much more powerful than what your mind is able to grasp.

We encourage you and empower you to co-create your dream life with the universe. How this happens is one step at a time.

You can link to your unlimited potential by accessing the wisdom of your soul through your heart chakra. When you also expand your consciousness, you have access to immense wisdom and your true power as a soul of light. 

Succeed One Step at A Time

It is important to dream big. However, you must follow through with actions or nothing will truly begin to change.

If you are unsure how to move forward from a particular challenge, ask your guardian angel for help. Ask for angel numbers or for a message through a piece of information. The message might be inside a social media post, book, or article.

Pay attention and take action because this is the pathway to manifesting all your dreams. 

Understanding Expectations and Deservingness

We would like to address the words ‘expectations’ and ‘deserving.’ It is true that you deserve the best life possible and to succeed at all your dreams. However, the universe does not just hand these things to you.

Taking responsibility of your life is a crucial part of co-creating your dream life.

‘Expectations’ can be a complex word because it depends on the intent. Plus, the feelings associated with that word when you use it.

If you expect to receive something, what is the intent behind it?

Is the intent genuine?

And is it based upon you continuing to do the necessary work to obtain your desire?

If yes, then using the word ‘expectations’ is beneficial.

However, if the word ‘expectations’ is not accompanied with energy clearing and actions, then it is not being used in a good context. 

Genuine Intentions Combined with Actions

Dear one, yes, you do deserve to have all your dreams come true. However, you must take control over the energies and outdated beliefs that are holding you back. Free yourself from every thought and every feeling that does not feel good.

If a person uses the word ‘deserve’ to say they deserve to have everything they want without doing any work, nothing will improve. This is an example of when ‘deserve’ is used in a self-centered context.

Actions combined with energy work and true intentions lead to manifesting your dreams.

Taking Responsibility of Your Life Leads To Dreams Coming True

How do you co-create your dream life?

It all begins by becoming energetically aligned with your desires. An aspect of this is maintaining awareness of every thought, word, and belief. And, removing every thought and belief that does not feel good to you.

We give to you a plan for taking responsibility of your life which includes angelic assistance, guidance, and support. Follow these steps in order, or move around and incorporate all these steps at once. 

3 Step Plan for Manifesting Anything with Angelic Assistance

If you are currently not doing a certain step below, then spend at least three to seven days on each step. When you move on to the next step, incorporate the previous steps so you end up doing all of them together on a regular basis.

After a few weeks, you may notice significant improvements in your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs.

During your journey, please be grateful for tiny improvements because they build upon each other. And when you express gratitude for small things, you open up to receive even more things to be grateful for. 

Step 1: Create A Strong Foundation

Both energy cleansing and energy protection are the foundation because they build upon all other steps.

While it is required to do energy cleansing to achieve your dreams, it is equally important to protect your energy. You are going through the work to cleanse away dense energies. Therefore, protecting your energy is just as important.

The reason why this step is your foundation is because it is how you align with your dreams through the Law of Attraction. 

Step 2: Mind Work

Your thoughts and feelings create your reality. So if anything does not feel good, it means that it is not serving your best interest.

Reprogram your subconscious mind through positive affirmations. This helps immensely to change the outdated beliefs that are holding you back.

Also, maintain awareness daily to control the ego mind.

If you ever need assistance with quieting your ego, I, Archangel Michael, am here to step in immediately when you ask for help. 

Step 3: Take Action Steps Toward Your Dreams

You must take actions to achieve your dreams and goals.

Communicating with angels helps immensely to speed up the process. And, can make the action steps less stressful. Keep asking for one step at a time, and for things to flow easily. 

What To Do When You Feel Stuck

In order to empower you into taking responsibility of your life’s journey, the human challenges must be addressed.

For example, assume you are doing energy work, using affirmations, and taking actions. But, you are not seeing results. If this occurs, it indicates a bigger, deeper source of the issue regarding why you are being held back.

If this is the case, then we recommend diving into your soul lessons and past lives. These are the two main areas that often hold many people into positions where they feel trapped or stuck. 

Angelic Help Combined with Energetic Healing

When taking responsibility of your life’s situation, angels always want to help you. Just ask to receive assistance.

The only way to free yourself is to solve the problem at the source. Then, you can begin aligning with the better life that you deserve. Notice how using the word ‘deserve’ in this context is a good way? It indicates that you are doing energy work, and working on your dreams.

When you are stuck for a long time, always start looking for the cause within soul lessons or in past life traumas. Healing energetically from past life trauma opens up new doors in your life.

Ask Archangels Raphael, Jeremiel, and Raziel to help you clear past life traumas so you can start moving forward in life. 

Our Gift To You: Love and New Light Codes

In this moment, we empower you with gifts of unconditional love, high vibrational light, and new light codes. We infuse these things into these words as you read them. And, we ask your guardian angel to help you integrate these new light codes.

Take a moment to close your eyes. Focus within your heart. And think or say: “Yes, I accept all new light codes that will assist me in the best ways possible for this present moment. And so it is. Thank you.”

Taking Responsibility of Your Life Can Be Easy

The key to manifesting revolves around being fully committed to aligning with your dreams while taking action steps.

Following the three step plan also makes you more magnetic with the Law of Attraction.

We know it is not always easy being human. During challenging times, remember that you are a loving, unlimited soul of light inside a human body. The beauty and love in your soul is who you truly are. Utilize this truth to uplift yourself when needed.

We encourage you to feel empowered by this knowledge and wisdom. And, to begin using it to transform your life. From all of us archangels, we love you for eternity. 
Thank you Archangels Michael, Orion, Gabriel, Uriel, and Metatron for this helpful information and the 3 step plan. Channeled by Brenda Lott

Need Extra Assistance?

If you're struggling with a particular situation, Angel Energy Healing for Situations can be a wonderful solution. Powerful angels are sent to work on resolving your situation within 24 hours of requesting a session. 

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of link4din.com/angelic-sparkles-numerology. Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 

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