Steps to Find Your Life’s Purpose

Do you ever feel lost or unsure about your life’s purpose? You might have a deep feeling of just knowing that you were meant for something much bigger and better. Yet, you are not exactly sure what that is, or how to find it. Do not worry, you are not alone.

It is not your fault that you were never taught how to discover your life’s purpose. The good news is that there are various ways to discover your life purpose. So you can be assured that at least one of these options will work for you.

In this blog post, explore some important steps you can take on your quest toward finding clarity when discovering your life’s purpose. 

The Difference between Life Purpose and Soul Purpose

Many people use these terms interchangeably, however they are different.

First, remember that you are an infinite spiritual being having a human life experience. Your soul is multidimensional, and is already enlightened in the higher dimensions. The soul always wants to keep learning and growing. And in order to do this, the soul chooses to come into a human lifetime to continue its evolution.

Therefore, your ‘soul purpose’ is to create the human life experiences that you want which always begins at the energetic level. Think of the Law of Attraction and like attracting like.

Your ‘life purpose’ can have multiple aspects along with changing over time. A good way to think of your life purpose is finding your calling in life. Many people think of this as their career or feeling called to start a family. It also means sharing your unique gifts in the world. 

How to Discover Your Life Purpose

When you are seeking to find your life purpose, look at what gives you direction, passion, meaning, and fulfillment in life.

Explore each of these steps to help identify what you are most passionate about. 
  • Identify your strengths
  • Reflect on past experiences to see if there is a pattern that you can figure out
  • Find a way to use your strengths to help others
  • Be willing to step out of your comfort zone
  • Ask Archangels Uriel and/or Zadkiel to help you discover and understand your life purpose
  • Trust yourself and be patient with the process as it unfolds before you
  • Take care of yourself so you can start to achieve your goals 
Let’s look at these steps in more detail. 

Notice Patterns in Your Strengths

Make a list of your strengths, and note which ones bring you joy. Also look for patterns that have been in your life since you were a child.

An example is a child who enjoys playing with pets and has the ability to relax them. The child grows up and has a hard time finding passion in any area while attending college. After spiritually awakening, the person discovers that their life purpose is to be an energy healer. This is when everything from the past makes sense and the pattern can be seen more easily. 

What Can You Do with Your Passions?

Once you have identified your strengths, then look at how you can turn them into a career. Consider all the ways that you could make money by sharing your passions. If needed, ask the angels to provide you with some ideas.

Ask yourself how you can help others by sharing your passions. Would you prefer to work one-on-one to help people? Or, in a group setting including through video meetings?

Another option is to teach others by sharing your passions through a course, writing a book, or doing a podcast. 

Identify Your Comfort Zone

Make a list of what you are currently comfortable doing? This list provides you with a starting point for sharing your passions.

Next, where do you need to step out of your comfort zone?

Often, fulfilling your life’s purpose means taking a leap of faith to try something new. For example, a shy person opening up by sharing their voice and/or publishing videos online to share their gifts with others. 

Self Care and Trust

When discovering your life’s purpose, it is important to create a new goal and write it down. Break it down into smaller steps that are easily achievable. This helps prevent stress and gives you adequate time to properly take care of yourself.

When working toward starting to fulfill your life’s purpose, trust in the process, and trust your intuition. The angels are always there anytime you need assistance especially if you need to step out of your comfort zone. 

How Archangels Help You Find Your Life's Purpose

If you are still struggling after going through these steps, work with Archangels Uriel and/or Zadkiel to find your life’s purpose.

Start by reflecting upon your heart's desires and what you truly enjoy doing. Then, ask the angels for assistance when your mind is focused within your heart.

Ask Archangel Uriel or Zadkiel to help you know one aspect of your soul's purpose. Tune into your intuition. And write down any insights or messages that you receive.

The key is to be open to whatever guidance they offer and trust that it will lead you in the right direction. Even if it does not make sense in the present moment, it may become very clear later. 

Is an Energetic Block Holding You Back in Life?

Look at your energetic system to see if your mind, body, and spirit are balanced.

Energetic blocks have immense potential to hold you back from discovering your life’s purpose. The reason why is because you cannot carry around a large amount of unhealed past wounds when you are trying to fulfill your purpose.

You need to feel your best first before you can expect to help others through sharing your passions.

Also, when you are feeling joyful by sharing your unique gifts, other people see that joy. They are more attracted to you, and will appreciate how you uplift and enrich their lives. 

Angelic Help for Resolving Energetic Blocks and Old Wounds

When was the last time you deeply cleansed your chakras and aura?

Have you done any inner child healing, past life healing, and ancestral lineage clearing?

Did you reprogram your subconscious mind beliefs to remove outdated beliefs that you picked up from other people?

Resolve energetic blocks by getting help from powerful archangels. Give yourself the gift of an Angel Energy Healing session to cleanse, heal, and uplift your entire mind, body, and spirit.

Or, get Arcfusion Energy Healing when you need assistance quickly. 

Do You Know Your Life’s Purpose?

Leave a comment below if this information helped you to discover your life’s purpose. Or, if you enjoyed learning how to get started on the pathway to finding clarity.

When working with archangels, be open to whatever guidance comes your way. And trust that it will lead you toward a life that is rewarding and joyful from sharing your unique gifts in the world.

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 

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