Returning To Love When Life is Challenging

Even when you're following a spiritual journey, life still has its ups and downs. Returning to love is possible, and love will aid you in feeling better quicker.

The love you feel for yourself can be a powerful force that sustains you through all of life's challenges. But when life gets tough, it’s often difficult to find your way back to love especially if you feel stuck.

This blog post shares ways you can return to love when life is challenging. And, you'll find out which archangels can help you when life isn't going very smoothly. 

11 Ways To Make Returning To Love Easier in The Present Moment

We all have days when life feels challenging which can make it easy to forget the love that surrounds you.

The unconditional love from angels and source light is always near you. Tap into this love, and ask angels to assist you in feeling their love, support, and comfort for you.

If you're having a difficult time coping with your current challenges, these 11 ways can help you return to love
  • Focus on self-love
  • Meditate with archangels
  • Take a bath with essential oils or Epsom salts
  • Spend time in nature or go for a walk
  • Take a break from social media
  • Write down three things you appreciate about yourself
  • Listen to uplifting music or solfeggio tones
  • Deeply cleanse your chakras and aura
  • Practice self-compassion without judging yourself
  • Read positive affirmations
  • Be mindful of your thoughts and replace unhelpful thoughts with loving thoughts

Improve Self-Compassion and Self-Love

One of the best ways you can start returning to love is by cultivating kindness and compassion toward yourself. It’s crucial to fill yourself up with love and light first before you extend those loving qualities towards others.

Self-compassion also includes accepting who you are, as well as what has happened during your past with understanding. And, to avoid judgment or criticism.

Next, recognize that everything that happens is an experience. Sometimes you will not like certain experiences, but remember they’re only temporary and they do not define who you are.

It may take time to increase your self-love, however it’s easier when you start with the basics. View little things as self-love because they are what creates a strong foundation for you to continue building your self-love. 

How To Start Increasing Your Self-Love

What makes you feel good, and what do you need to do regularly, perhaps daily for yourself? Make a list to see where you’re doing a great job already. And to discover where you need to spend a little more time on certain things.

Self-love obviously includes taking good care of yourself, and one aspect of this is caring for your aura and chakras.

Discover what you need for yourself and then give yourself the time and attention that you need. 

What Do You Need?

Do you need alone time regularly to refresh and recharge yourself? If yes, give that time to yourself because you deserve it. And, see it as a way of increasing your self-love because it really is a form of self-love. It helps you feel good, increases your vibration, and creates a better quality of life for you.

Do you need new friends who are supportive of you following a spiritual journey? If yes, ask Archangel Raguel to bring you new friends who are in alignment with your positive choices. 

What To Do When Grieving is The Cause of Life’s Challenges

Whether you’re grieving after a loved one passes away, or are grieving a relationship that ended, grieving is a process. Grieving is a part of life and must be given plenty of time for you to heal from the loss.

During these types of challenging times, it’s important to take extra good care of yourself, and to call upon Archangel Azrael for help.

Check out this blog post about grieving to help you through the recovery process. 

Returning To Love When The Ego is Loud

One of the most common ways that people start struggling or can feel stuck is often due to the ego mind. The ego is designed to protect you from getting hurt, however it often hinders your progress in many ways.

Returning to love can be delayed for a long time if you allow the ego to take control over your life.

Practicing awareness aids you in recognizing much sooner when your own ego is causing problems. Then, keep asking Archangel Michael daily to quiet your ego mind. Even if you need to ask for help several times a day, it’s okay.

Archangel Michael loves helping you. And the more you keep asking for help, the easier it becomes to quickly regain control over the ego when it starts to get loud. 

Call Upon These Archangels During Life’s Challenging Moments

  • Archangel Uriel helps you get through life's challenging moments, and when you're feeling disappointed
  • To find inner peace during challenging times, invoke Archangel Chamuel’s assistance
  • Archangel Haniel assists when you're navigating through life's most difficult challenges

Staying Balanced When Life is Challenging

When your entire world feels out of balance, returning to love can be accomplished quicker with help from healing angels.

Since everything is energy, one of the fastest and easiest ways to return to a state of love is by getting help from powerful angels. Give yourself the gift of an Angel Energy Healing session to help yourself get back on track sooner.

In only one distance session, the angels take care of your energetic system in every way possible to cleanse, refresh, and uplift you. 

Be Grateful in The Present Moment

Another way you can start returning to love when you’re surrounded by challenges is to focus on what you’re grateful for. Take a look around you and notice all the things you already have that make your life easier. Then, start feeling gratitude for those things.

Are you grateful for having electricity that helps power your Internet connection? What about being grateful for having heat and air conditioning so you can feel comfortable all year?

These might seem like unusual things to be grateful for, but they are things that improve your quality of life. And, when you feel more gratitude, you increase your vibration in addition to attracting more things to be grateful for. 

Make A Gratitude List

Writing a list is a wonderful way to start noticing everything you’re grateful for already having in your life. A list is also helpful for later when you’re in need of returning to love amidst life’s next challenging moment.

What other things are you grateful for having right now in the present moment? Are you grateful for having healthy foods that nourish your body and assist you in feeling good?

What about feeling gratitude for angels and archangels, and all the ways they've helped you so far?

Continue adding to your list over time, and see how as it grows. The quantity of new things in your life that you’ll be grateful for will also increase. 

Honor Your Achievements

Returning to love is sometimes easier when you take a moment to reflect upon good things from the past. Celebrate how far you have come on your journey through life so far.

You have most likely accomplished many achievements. And, have overcome some very tough moments. Be grateful for where you are at in the present moment.

Focus on The Love in Your Soul

As a soul of light, you are love. Focus within the very center of your heart to feel the unconditional love within your soul. If needed, ask your guardian angel and/or Archangel Jophiel to assist you in feeling this inner source of love.

Returning to love when you’re experiencing challenges is possible especially with angels.

Keep remembering that who you are, the real you, is a beautiful soul of light composed of pure love. You are not the heavy energies that affect you emotionally during life’s temporary challenges.

See the beauty of your soul that radiates outward from your heart, and use that love as a way to help you return to a state of love anytime. 

Always Returning To Love Makes Life Easier

When you focus on self-love and taking care of yourself during challenging times, it’s easier to recover. And, these things will help you feel better during the temporary phase when life is challenging.

Angels are always here to help you, but you must keep asking for help. Remember the law of free will. It prevents angels from interfering in your life unless you give them permission to help you with something specific.

If you’re struggling with a particular situation that just isn’t getting resolved no matter how hard you try, there is help. Angel Energy Healing For Situations is a wonderful way to have angels work on your situation to resolve it as quickly and as easily as possible. 

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 

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