Orion’s Recommended 3 Step Routine

Angel-Sparkles Blog
Archangel Orion began the following channeled message by jumping right into explaining what light is. At the end, he reveals his top three list of the most important things for your spiritual journey. Enjoy his messages.

Channeled Angel Message

Greetings from Orion. Light is energy, and light is love. The light that we refer to comes directly from source light. Source light is the origin of everything, and it’s pure love. This light is where all souls are created. Through source light, all souls are connected as one. Yet, you're unique as an individual soul with your own set of gifts, talents, and skills.

Receiving Light From Archangels

When you connect with archangels for any kind of healing, they send you different colors of lights. The exact colors that you receive are based upon what you need most in the present moment. Colors are energies too. You can use light to improve your life and to feel better.

The reason why light helps you feel better is because who you are is a being of a light. Utilizing light to cleanse, heal, and uplift your soul improves your life at the same time. 

A World Composed of Duality

The earth that you live on is a world where duality exists. There are both light and dark energies which are often expressed through feelings. The feelings that you experience on a day to day basis are feelings that you have control over. However, most people do not yet understand the importance of energy work, which is one aspect of how you gain control over your feelings.

Another way of explaining this is that energy work provides you with freedom over the types of energies you carry within your system. If something does not feel good, release it. 

High vs Low-Vibrational Energies

All feelings are energies vibrating at different frequencies. Feelings that are high-vibrational include love, joy, happiness, bliss, and peace. These lightweight feelings make you feel good.

Feelings that contain darkness are those that do not feel good. They are low-vibrational in nature, and they bring you down. They also create more challenges in your life. Dark energies include negativity, anger, depression, sadness, anxiety, jealousy, and anything that does not feel good.

You Are Born with Dense Energies

All humans are born with human collective dense energies in their system. This is because at birth you take on the qualities, characteristics, and outdated ancestral human patterns of being either male or female. Initially these were based on survival instincts, and are no longer needed in modern day life.

You have the freedom and power to release all low-vibrational energies, and all dark energies that no longer serve you. When you release these dense feelings, you become freed from the darkness. And you open up yourself to hold more light, more love, and more high-vibrational feelings. All light is good. It is the darkness that does not feel good.

Practice mindfulness for this is the direct pathway to knowing the exact types of energies contained within you.

Everyone Has A Choice

The earth is heading into a more high-vibrational way of living. However, not everyone will consciously choose this new path. Some will resist, and that is okay. It means their soul has not learned all the soul lessons they need to learn yet. They will continue to go through challenges until they learn their soul lessons.

Those who choose a higher path, a higher-vibrational life with more light and more love, they will ascend easier. Plus, they will lead happier lives.

Transforming Your Life

Anyone can go through a complete life transformation and improve themselves. It all starts within. You must go within your heart and directly connect with your soul. It is here where you feel that you’re a being of light, an infinite soul. That is the truth of who you are at your core.

Expand your consciousness by rising up into source light. When you expand your mind with an open heart and lift higher, you’re able to experience from within the loving energies of source light. You’re also able to start healing at the energetic level.

Any wounds within your energetic and emotional system, along with anything that does not feel good, can be healed with love and light. Divine source light and love heals everything. Some things will take longer to heal. But every human on the planet has this potential.

The Veil Continues To Get Thinner

The veil between Earth and the higher dimensions is the thinnest that it has ever been. And, it’s only going to continue getting thinner.

It’s now much easier for you to connect to the angelic realm. Simply close your eyes, focus within your heart, and call upon angels to lift you higher while expanding your consciousness. 

Your First Line of Defense In The World

Your aura is the first line of defense against harsh energies in the world.

Every time you come into contact with someone your auras are exchanging energies. Even if it’s just walking past someone without looking at them, and without saying a word to them, your auras are still interacting.

If the other person's aura contains dense energies, your aura picks them up. If these energies remain within your aura, they will affect you.

When your aura becomes full of dense energies, that is the point where they seep into your chakra system. From here, you can cleanse them out of your chakras. However, if you do not cleanse your chakras regularly, your chakras become blocked.

When your chakras are blocked, the toxic energies begin to seep out into your meridian system which is when physical symptoms can appear. Your meridian system flows throughout your entire body. 

Orion’s Recommended 3 Step Routine

There are three most important things you need to remember going forward into the new world that is quickly approaching.

While there are other parts of energy work, these three things are essential to do on a daily basis. They are the foundation of your spiritual journey.

On your spiritual path you can go as far as you wish. However, if you only do these three things daily, it will lead to you transforming your entire life for the better.

1. Awareness

Remain aware of your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs within every moment of every day. Release anything that does not feel good when you notice its presence.

2. Daily Energy Work

Incorporate energy clearing into your daily routine. It does not have to take much time. In only five to ten minutes, you can be completely done with the process of cleansing all your chakras and aura.

3. Energy Protection

After you’ve put in the effort to cleanse yourself, it’s vitally important to protect your energy.

Place yourself in a white, gold, or purple bubble of protection.

Remember that your bubble will be worn down by dense energies from people around you. This is how energy works.

You must reapply your bubble of protection, at least twice a day. Normally a protective bubble lasts for 12 hours. However, if you are around a person who is low-vibrational negative or angry, they will wear down your bubble immediately. Please remember to reapply your bubble of protection right away. 

Emergency Assistance

Sometimes you’ll find yourself in a situation where you’re suddenly and unexpectedly around a negative person. During these times, please immediately call upon Archangel Michael for help. Think or say: “Archangel Michael, please protect my energy on all levels. Thank you.”

He will immediately step in as a shield to block the other person's toxic energies from you.

How To Monitor Your Progress

The Omega vibrational frequency chart is a good tool to monitor your progress. Remember that energy work is not a one time thing where you reach the level of love and you’re done. You must consistently repeat energy work to keep increasing your overall vibration.

Everyday your vibration fluctuates. It’s a normal process. However, your overall vibration is what counts. 
Omega Vibrational Frequency Chart

Your Large Spiritual Support System

We are always here for you. And we look forward to working with you this year while the earth is transitioning into a much higher vibration.

All of us angels and archangels, plus your personal team of guides, spirit guides, guardian angels, and I, Orion, am also here for you. Call upon us, and we will be there to help you. We love you. 
Thank you to Orion for providing us with this helpful information.

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of link4din.com/angelic-sparkles-numerology. Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 
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