November Angel Card Reading

The energies present during November are setting up to take you on a ride that could feel like a rollercoaster.

You may notice this most strongly around the lunar eclipse, and again when the 11:11 gateway energies peak on November 11th.

The energies present this month will reveal where you need to let go, or allow something to fall away from your life. These types of changes can happen suddenly, but they are needed to help you move forward.

Use the angelic guidance in this November angel card reading to navigate the ups and downs this month. And find out what to do when a struggle appears so you can recover sooner. 

November is a Time to Maintain Your Positive Intentions

The overall energy for November is to maintain positive intentions. And through this, you will be shown all the abundance already in your life, plus more abundances that will be arriving.

This happens because when your thoughts are positive, it is easier to notice all the things you already have to be grateful for in your life. And energetically, having positive intentions aligns you with more abundance to flow into your life more easily.

How well are you doing with maintaining positive intentions? It all begins by taking a moment to notice how well you are doing with maintaining awareness. Then, make any adjustments where needed.

The more you are centered within positivity, love, and light, the more beautiful your surroundings appear. And, it is easier to see the path ahead illuminated with bright white light from the angels. 

How to Handle November’s Challenges

The challenges throughout November are related to learning and opportunities.

During the beginning of November, the 11:11 gateway and lunar eclipse energies can make it feel like you are having a setback. Or, it might appear as if there is a block standing in the way between you and your dreams.

Each day, focus on living in the present moment, and keep noticing anything from the past that arises. Heal, release, and uplift yourself as often as needed with help from angels. Even if you need several restarts to the day in one day, pay attention to what you need the most.

Archangel Metatron Helps with Difficult Topics

There may also be challenges related to learning new topics. If you are struggling with a complex subject that you need to learn, ask Archangel Metatron to help you learn it.

He will walk you through it, step by step, and may even ask you to repeat looking at something to ensure you fully understand it. And, he will help you see how all the pieces of the puzzle fit together. 

Struggles with New Opportunities

Another type of challenge during November is with obtaining new opportunities you are seeking. While it may appear that there is a large boulder on the pathway between you and your destination, it is only temporary.

Everything happens for a reason. Later on, when you look back and reflect upon the challenge, you might understand the reason why this delay occurred.

If your perfect opportunity appears to arrive, but it does not manifest, take time to first heal from what happened. Another opportunity will come along; perhaps even the same opportunity again that the angels will line up very shortly. 

Which Archangels Can Help You The Most During November

When you are experiencing unwanted feelings or thoughts, ask Archangel Raphael to help you release old patterns. He is also the perfect archangel to call upon for any physical issues.

When you work with Archangel Raphael on a regular basis, he will keep flowing his green healing light into you. And aid you in resolving any issue in your mind, body, or spirit.

Additionally, Archangel Chamuel is there for you during the toughest struggles. Archangel Chamuel assists you in easing heavy emotions. Plus, heals your heart, and provides you with inner peace during challenging times.

Call upon Archangels Raphael and Chamuel along with any other angels throughout November for love and support. You will get through these struggles and come out on the other side shining brighter and stronger than before. 

How to Overcome Challenges During November

Angelic guidance for resolving any type of challenge that appears this month is to begin by taking a look at the situation from a higher viewpoint.

Is forgiveness needed? If yes, forgive first only so you can heal. Do not think about forgiveness in any other way until after you have healed.

Do you need to forgive yourself for anything? It is not healthy to blame yourself or be extra hard on yourself. Doing that only creates energetic blocks which can keep you trapped in unwanted patterns.

Open up your heart, flood yourself with self love, and forgive yourself for any mistakes. Learning and healing from mistakes is what helps you ascend higher while living in a state of inner peace.

Additionally, be sure to make forgiveness a regular part of your life. As issues arise in each present moment, remember and apply the power of forgiveness

Monitor Your Thoughts and Emotions for Red Flags

How are your thoughts about your home, finances, and career?

Any lower emotions and/or thoughts related to these areas are very clearly showing you where there is an energetic block. They indicate that something needs to be healed, cleansed, and released.

Is there a trust issue, or feelings of being unsafe that are attached to any of these thoughts? If yes, provide your root chakra with extra cleansing and healing. While simultaneously improving your thoughts.

Remember to only monitor your thoughts in a non-judgmental way, so you are able to shift directions and start to manifest the outcome you desire. 

Awareness - Release - Heal - Repeat

Keep focusing on releasing everything that does not feel good to you. Whether it is a thought, feeling, or belief pattern. As you let go of these things, you open yourself up to hold higher levels of light and more love.

This is how you truly are able to transform your entire life for the better.

Keep Returning to Love and Gratitude

The more you keep returning to a state of love, joy, and gratitude, you travel higher and higher toward a magical future.

This is when you are also tapped into more of your unlimited potential as a magnificent soul of light inhabiting a human body.

Keep in mind that you are not separate from your soul's unlimitedness. Your soul and your human body are one. And they are always working together in unison, trying to lead you toward manifesting your biggest dreams.

It all begins by maintaining awareness so you know what is present within you that needs to be released. Through this cyclical process of releasing and healing, you ascend higher and higher into living your dream life. 

End November Beautifully

The most beautiful outcome awaits you when you begin to exit November. You will have grown so much, and yet are still learning and growing to even higher levels.

The angels are always watching over your life, your progress, and assisting you in blossoming into the most perfect version of you.

This happens as your higher self gradually merges more and more into your human body over time. It naturally happens as you ascend higher. However, you can also ask your higher self anytime to merge with you. To download into you all the qualities, characteristics, and gifts that you are ready for within each present moment. 

Shine Like a Beautiful Rose Garden

Think about how a rose garden starts out as only seeds underground. The seeds sprout, leaves start growing, and then little buds appear. As the flowers develop, they are creating the possibility for them to blossom into a beautiful rose.

This growing process is similar to your ascension journey. It is a journey that takes time, yet you are still able to feel lighter and brighter each new step of the way.

Keep growing in every way so you are able to shine your gorgeous soul light vibrantly in the world. 

Humanity Needs You to Feel Your Best

Humanity needs you right now to feel the best that you can, and as often as possible. There will always be ups and downs in life. Ascending higher helps you recover faster from the down times.

And one day you can look at how you have already begun living your dream life simply from ascending higher. The external situations in your life may not have fully caught up to your internal improvements yet. But they will catch up.

And what matters is that you claim your life back from the outdated human programming and the lower emotions that were holding you back in life.

You are unique, special, and are contributing to humanity ascending by focusing first on your own life. 

Personalized Angelic Guidance for November

Find out what guidance angels have for your unique journey this month by getting an angel card reading. 

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 

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