Guide to Navigating Life When You are Sensitive to Energies

Being sensitive to energies is often a challenging experience. However, you do not have to suffer. You can reclaim your power.

If you are sensitive to energies, you may feel yourself being influenced by energies from people, your environment, and more.

This heightened sensitivity can sometimes feel overwhelming, especially in crowded or chaotic settings. The constant influx of external energies can lead to feelings of irritation, agitation, or stress. Or even a deep yearning for more peaceful surroundings.

This guide assists you with information and empowers you with tools so you can better navigate life. And start to feel better while maintaining dominion over your energy. 

Navigating Life When You are Sensitive to Energies

Understanding and embracing your sensitivity can be empowering. It allows you to tap into abilities that others may not possess, such as clairsentience, clairvoyance, or clairaudience.

By recognizing and developing these gifts, you can better interpret, see, hear, and know messages from higher realms. This includes angelic guidance and wisdom.

Being sensitive to energies is a gift.

The information within this guide aims to provide you with essential tools and insights to help you navigate life more smoothly. Feel more in control, and ultimately embrace your sensitivity as a profound gift rather than a burden.

Energy Sensitive versus Empath

Being sensitive to energies means you are affected by the various types of energies around you. Whether it is from people, the environment, foods, skincare products, toxic chemicals, or even objects.

For instance, you may feel irritated, agitated, stressed, or overwhelmed in crowded public areas. And you might not even know why. This may cause you to want to escape to a more peaceful environment.

Being an empath means that you feel other people's feelings. Until you learn how to distinguish between which feelings are your own and which ones belong to other people, life can feel difficult.

Being sensitive to energies means you are affected by energies without picking up on the exact emotions from other people. 

30 Signs of Energy Sensitivity

  • Empathy toward others
  • Emotional highs and lows
  • Physical exhaustion from others draining you
  • Knowing how other people feel before they speak
  • Withdrawing from busy environments
  • Needing alone time to recover
  • Possible addictions to numb energies
  • Feeling overwhelmed from a variety of emotions
  • Sensitivity to violence
  • Dislike pressures and time deadlines
  • Sensitive to loud noises, extreme temperatures, strong smells, or bright lights
  • Mind is filled with negativity 
  • Desire to learn deeper meanings and secrets of the universe
  • Agitation or irritation including from restrictive clothing
  • Low tolerance for pain
  • Daydreams contain vivid details
  • Being misunderstood
  • Hunger affects your mood
  • Avoid conflicts
  • Criticism rapidly drags you down
  • Beauty creates deep, pleasant feelings
  • Feel unwell when stressed
  • Wisdom beyond your age
  • Strong intuition
  • Feeling angels or spirits 
  • Deeply care about people, animals, and Earth
  • Sensitivity to certain foods and chemicals
  • Deeply caring about people, animals, and Earth
  • Repelled by negativity
  • Sense energies from the collective consciousness
  • Desire to help others

Identifying and Managing Your Triggers

Understanding what triggers you is crucial. Identify specific situations, people, or places that cause discomfort or distress. Whenever possible, try to avoid these triggers.

Also, create a coping plan in advance to put into action when you start to feel triggered. Pausing and stepping away from others is a beneficial first step for any coping plan. You may even choose to include spending time alone in nature or listening to relaxing music as part of your plan.

If avoiding a trigger is not possible, develop a strategy to manage the energies effectively. For example, hold a crystal when faced with challenging situations. Or use the power of the violet flame.

Having a plan in place can help you navigate these moments with greater ease and resilience.

Reclaim Your Energetic Sovereignty with Dominion

Embracing control over your own energy can become a seamless part of your routine with consistent practice. Each morning, affirm your power with conviction by declaring the following statement. Or create your own version.

"I command that I own my energy! My energy is mine alone! I refuse to let anyone bring me down. As I transmute lower energies, I stay elevated in a high vibrational state. I am love. I am a radiant soul of light."

This declaration elevates your vibration, boosts your confidence, and empowers you as an empath. It also assists you in swiftly regaining control over your energy when external influences begin to affect you.

Make it a habit to use this declaration daily, especially when you sense someone else's energy impacting you. 

How to Step into Your Power When You are Sensitive to Energies

Remember that you are an energetic being of light, a soul composed of unconditional love, interconnected with the universe. This connection means you have the power to control the types of energies you allow into your system.

The following techniques are how you can reclaim your power. 

Daily Energy Protection

Whether you are sensitive to energies, or are an empath, it is critical to keep your energy well protected.

Constantly absorbing energies from those around you and your environment can be exhausting. To maintain your well-being, make it a daily practice to cleanse your energy and protect your energy at least twice a day.

It is also important to note that you may need more powerful forms of energy protection. Along with using multiple layers of energy protection. 
Layer on Energy Protection When You are Sensitive to Energies
Layering different colors of light orbs with a mirror orb as your outermost layer is a wonderful option. Imagine your aura surrounded by a white orb, golden orb, violet orb, and/or mirror orb. Intuitively choose the colors and types of energy protection that feel right for you each day.

Plus, use Metatron's Cube around your aura or a purple pyramid.

In addition to shielding your energy, practice dominion over your energy. This a powerful way to own your energy without allowing others to drag you down. 

Make a Conscious Choice

It all starts with a decision. When exposed to negativity, immediately pause and put your coping plan into action. Practice mindfulness and wait to respond to others when possible.

If someone around you is emitting negativity, you can choose not to let their dense energies affect you. 

Set Boundaries

When another person drains you or is constantly being negative, take a break away from that person.

Practice Self-Love and Self-Care

Properly taking care of yourself is very important. Ensure your daily needs are being met.

Knowing yourself well and your personal needs assists you in recognizing when you need a break. This includes getting plenty of sleep, healthy foods, exercise, and clean water.

Spending time in nature is healing, relaxing, and relieves stress. Try to get outside as much as possible.

Also, be aware of electromagnetic frequencies. Turning off Wi-Fi at night may help you to sleep better. 

Invoke Angelic Assistance

Call upon Archangel Michael for immediate protection, support, and strength.

Embrace the Power of Restarts

Remember, life offers unlimited opportunities for new starts. It is perfectly fine to begin anew whenever you find yourself off track. This includes giving yourself multiple restarts in a single day when needed.

By embracing the ability to reset, you empower yourself to maintain balance and resilience, no matter what energies come your way.

Ground Your Energy

Take a moment every morning to ground your energy to the center of the Earth. This tool assists you in better handling the variety of energies you encounter with other people.

Energy Cleansing

Being sensitive to energies comes with its own set of challenges and benefits. However, energy cleansing and protection are powerful tools. Using these tools aids you in creating a solid foundation for your journey through life.

Decluttering your aura daily to remove other people's energies is an empowering action. Which also reclaims your energy and your power.

Cut etheric cords daily with Archangels Michael and Raphael. This ensures your energy is not being drained by others.

Release dense energies promptly when they appear. A wonderful tool for this is to use the power of the violet flame to transmute them.

Utilizing energy protection tools is one way to step into your power and maintain dominion over your energy. 
“You will never have a greater or lesser dominion than that over yourself... He who cannot establish dominion over himself will have no dominion over others.” - Leonardo da Vinci

Seek Extra Support

At times, everyone needs additional support. Especially when life feels difficult or when deeper energetic blocks are affecting you. This is where energy healing can offer powerful yet gentle assistance from the angelic realm.

With just one Angel Energy Healing session, you can experience a comprehensive cleansing and healing of your mind, body, and spirit. While also addressing your specific issues.

Click here to learn more about Angel Energy Healing sessions.

By engaging in this transformative practice, you can unlock a higher level of well-being and clarity.

Other Strategies to Manage Your Sensitivity to Energies

  • Become aware of what helps you feel better.
  • Pay attention to how your body reacts to different foods. Eliminate those that cause adverse reactions and strive to eat organic foods whenever possible. Focus on consuming foods that your body thrives on for optimal well-being.
  • Reduce exposure to chemicals. Sensitivity to chemicals can be mitigated by switching to more natural products. Choose natural alternatives in soaps, shampoos, lotions, cosmetics, and cleaning supplies. This minimizes exposure to harmful substances.

Top 5 Crystals for Energy-Sensitive Individuals

Crystals can help protect your energy, assist you in feeling calm and relaxed, and improve your overall sense of well-being. Wear crystal jewelry or carry pocket stones.

It is not always easy finding a reputable seller when looking for crystals. That is why I already did some research for you.  

Click here to visit Conscious Items. They have genuine crystals, crystal jewelry, and more.
1. Black Tourmaline
Benefits: Grounding, energy protection, and stress relief.
Carry a piece in your pocket or place it near electronic devices to shield against negative energies. Be sure to cleanse black tourmaline daily with white light or by asking the angels to cleanse it for you. 
2. Larimar
Benefits: Calming and relaxing.
Wear Larimar jewelry or keep a stone nearby to promote tranquility and ease tense emotions.
3. Indigo Gabbro
Benefits: Energy protection, and transmutes negative energies.
Meditate with Indigo Gabbro to cleanse your energy and transform negativity into positive vibes.
4. Amethyst
Benefits: Aids during times of transformation, cleansing, relaxation, and calming.
Choose raw amethyst, as treated amethyst (with heat or chemicals) loses its beneficial properties. Raw amethyst ensures you receive the full spectrum of its healing effects.
5. Selenite
Benefits: Protection, energy clearing, and connecting to Source.
Use a piece of selenite to sweep toxic energies out of your aura. Hold the selenite in your hand and swipe down from your head to your feet, covering the front, back, and both sides of your aura. To enhance the effect, hold the selenite next to your heart after cleansing your aura. 

Your Sensitivity is a Gift

When you are feeling extra challenged, it can be helpful to take a moment to remember that your sensitivity is a gift. Whether you are an empath or sensitive to energies, you can live the life of your dreams.

By embracing your sensitivity, you open up yourself to a richer, more connected experience.

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 

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