Navigating Crossroads in Life

Crossroads in life
The Council of Light provides you with helpful information in this post for times when you’re at a crossroads in life.

Plus, they give you a brilliant idea for how to discover ways to make extra money by doing things you enjoy. 

Channeled Message From The Council of Light

Dear one, we understand how challenging, difficult, and stressful it can be when your life reaches a point where you are at a crossroads in life.

Aspects of the way life used to be suddenly come to a standstill. You are at the end of one road, and the pathway ahead is still unclear.

When you are at a crossroads, it could occur because of any number of reasons. Such as a job change, a relationship ending, or even moving into a new home.

Any significant change always causes stress, even when it is a change that you initiate and that you desire.

You Have Several Options When Navigating Crossroads in Life

We understand the stresses, and we are always here to help you. It is important to remember not to limit yourself. There are always multiple options available especially when you step out of your comfort zone. However, within the moment it may not seem that there are any better options.

For example, think about when one job is coming to an end, or perhaps has already ended. There are other options to start making money besides starting another similar job.

Please avoid thinking that continuing with the same type of job at a different company is your only option. You always have a variety of options. We understand money and your need for it, and are here to help you.

A crossroads in life is not a time to limit yourself nor hold yourself back.

Are You Living Your Soul Purpose Yet?

Call upon angels for extra assistance when transitioning to a new career that utilizes your unique gifts. When you are fulfilling your soul purpose, you will be doing enjoyable work. It might not even feel like working because of how satisfying and delightful it feels.

Angelic Help For Soul Lessons

Never settle for less. You are meant to live a life full of abundance in all areas of your life.

The root cause of anything holding you back is always attached to the types of energies within your system. Plus, the types of beliefs held in your subconscious mind.

If you have a soul lesson to learn that is causing challenges, you can only move forward after you’ve learned the soul lesson.

Call upon Archangel Chamuel if you think a soul lesson is causing delays in your life. He will assist you in discovering the soul lesson, so you’re able to understand it, learn it, and move forward. 

Handling Crossroads in Life Due To Relationships Ending

When you are at a crossroads in life because of a relationship that ended, lean upon your guardian angel and other angels for help. We are here to provide you with comfort, healing, and love.

Let the tears flow. And accept the love that angels are sending to you.

Also, reach out to a friend you can talk to, who will listen and assist you through the heartache. 

Angels Understand Money Issues

When you're at a crossroads in life, if it’s related to money in any way, this will have the biggest impact on you until the issue is resolved. We have seen it many times before and understand how humans tend to rank money first.

When there is a lack of money, a survival instinct kicks in. Oftentimes this means that love and everything else comes second. We do not like seeing this occur, yet we understand why it happens for humans.

Survival is important, however we want to point out that you will survive. Your life will not end simply because of a temporary lack of money. Remove this outdated belief system you inherited from your ancestors. 

Self Care is Extra Important When Navigating Crossroads in Life

Please know that angels will be there to lift you up. During these transition times, take care of yourself and practice self love daily.

These are things you should be doing anyway, yet they are more important when you are at a crossroads in your life. We reassure you that you will be okay.

You are resilient. And with angelic help, you are able to recover quicker and rise above tribulations. Walk along with angels through the challenging times. And requesting angelic assistance and guidance every day to make everything a little easier.

Your emotions will be overloaded throughout transition times. This is normal. You may become sensitive to little things, or overreact, and that is okay. Allow the emotions to flow. Release the heavy energies for they do not serve you and will only hold you back.

Archangel Michael Aids You in Finding Peace

Take a step back from the situation and observe. Call upon Archangel Michael to help you find inner peace. If you feel overwhelmed or need a break away from your environment, focus within your heart for a moment. Sense the calm, still, serenity within your heart. Notice the light of your soul and how it is shining like a beautiful star in the night sky.

Enter into this place within your heart anytime to escape the external challenges and stresses. Tune into you as a soul of light, and remember that angels love you. 

Take A Refreshing Break

Take some time for yourself, go for a walk, or do an activity that you enjoy. This will help elevate your mood, and provide you with hope for the future. Read inspirational quotes or books. Or, watch an uplifting movie that inspires you to help take a step forward.

When you are at a crossroads in life, make the best choices for you, not for anyone else. Do what makes you happy.

Energy Cleansing Helps Significantly

When you are at a crossroads in life, the circumstances in life can force you to make a change. You cannot go back to the way things were, and this in itself can cause stress and anxiety. Release these emotions over to the angels.

Cleansing your energy and your aura daily also helps make this transition time easier for you. 

What Endings Mean in Terms of Energy and Alignment

Usually, when you reach a crossroads in life it means that you are ready for a positive change even if you do not see it yet. Energetically, you have aligned with something better.

That is why the old may be falling out of your life. Remember that old things sometimes crumble first to make space for better things to enter your life.

Although the new improvement may not be exactly clear yet, know that it is coming.

You are like a flower bud that is ready to open up and blossom into something beautiful. When you take that first step on to your new pathway, then you start to notice the beauty sparkling in front of you.

How To Make Money Doing What You Enjoy

You always have many choices especially when you are at a crossroads in life. Since a shortage of money is often the most difficult problem for humans, we would like to assist you in this area.

Do you know what your dream job would be, or are you already living your dream life? If yes, then utilize this exercise as a learning experience so you can teach it to others. 

Create A List of Things You Enjoy

Begin by making a list of all the things you enjoy. It does not matter what goes on this first list right now. Write out at least 10 things, but aim for 20 or more.

Do you like taking naps? If yes, put that on your list. No one is ever going to see this list because you do not need to share it with anyone. This is a creativity exercise to help you. 
  • Do you enjoy crafts, painting, or drawing?
  • What about inspiring other people?
  • Is volunteering or donating items to organizations something you enjoy?
  • Do you like making food or baking for other people?
  • Is gaming an activity you are passionate about? 

Play A Game with Your List

The next step of this exercise is to write down each item on your list onto a small piece of paper. Only one item per slip of paper.

Then, lay all the pieces of paper out on a table upside down. Mix them up. Now, choose two pieces of paper.

Get creative and try to come up with an idea of how you can combine both of these things. How can you use these two things together to make extra money?

Remove any items from your list that you do not want to use for this part of the exercise. 
Creative Example: Dessert Parties
For example, assume your two pieces of paper are baking desserts and parties. Combining them, a creative idea is to have parties with small groups of your friends where you bake for them.

Make three different desserts, and be sure to have extras of each. Double the recipes if needed. One batch is for serving to your friends at the party, and the other batch is to wrap up into individual servings.

Send out an invitation to your friends letting them know about your dessert party. 
Ideas For Hosting A Dessert Party
On the day of the party, have everyone vote for their favorite dessert after trying them.

Then, ask your friends how much they would be willing to pay for that dessert if it would be served at a restaurant, or purchased from a store. See what responses you get.

When everyone is done talking about numbers, let your friends know that you’re thinking about hosting dessert parties on a regular basis. And at the end, they can purchase pre-packaged individual servings for themselves, their friends, or to give as a gift to a coworker.

For someone who enjoys making desserts and having parties, this could be an enjoyable way to make some extra money. A creative idea like this even has potential to grow large and turn into a franchise business. 
Creative Example: Teach Paddle Boarding with Dogs
Let’s look at another example of two different things you might enjoy. Assume the two pieces of paper you turned over are for standup paddle boarding (SUP) and playing with your dog.

At first glance these two things might not appear to go together. However, when using your creativity, it is possible to create an enjoyable way to make money.

One way to put these two things together is by teaching standup paddle boarding classes where your students can bring their dogs to class. In addition to teaching people how to SUP, they can give their dogs a ride on their board.

Have fun with these creative ideas, and feel free to use these examples yourself. 

Angels Want To Help You Overcome Challenges

Being at a crossroads in life is rarely easy. However, when you overcome that hurdle and step onto the next pathway, the journey ahead starts to become easier.

Please keep calling upon angels every day for guidance, assistance, and to help you move forward in life. From the Council of light, we love you
Thank you Council of Light for this helpful and inspirational message.

Find Out What Guidance Angels Have For You

Get a personalized angel card reading to have your most important questions answered. And, find out what the angels want you to focus on to resolve challenges. 

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 
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