Miracles in Your Life

The world is full of big and small miracles that appear every day. Angels are always involved in bringing you unexpected miracles including delivering small miracles.

Definitions of The Word ‘Miracle’

"A surprising and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws. And is therefore considered to be the work of a divine agency."

"An effect or extraordinary event in the physical world that surpasses all known human or natural powers and is credited to a supernatural cause."

Small Miracles

There are several different ways to describe a miracle. It’s really a matter of personal perspective with no wrong answer.

A miracle can be a beautiful flower opening up for the first time on a sunny spring day. Or a raspberry bush growing along the shoreline of Lake Superior. The plants produce an abundance of berries even after 20 foot waves crash over them. And, after enduring harsh subzero weather conditions. It's a miracle that the raspberry plants survive and still thrive year after year.

Small miracles also include the laughter of a child, and seeing a spectacular sunset.

A little miracle is the kindness of a stranger on a day when you were feeling down. For example, a stranger paying for your coffee, and disappearing before you can say thanks.

There are many small miracles around you every day. How many are you noticing? 

How Do You Describe Miracles?

There is no right or wrong way to define a miracle.

You might have heard the famous quote from Albert Einstein:
"There are two ways to live; you can live as if nothing is a miracle, or you can live as if everything is a miracle."

If you believe in the second half of that quote, life can be full of little miracles daily.

Or, you could take a different perspective. Being grateful for good things in your life without thinking of them as a miracle is fine too. It’s more important for you to be your unique self, and shine your light brightly in the world. The world would be boring if everyone had the same perspective. 

You Can Create Small Miracles Daily

When was the last time you took a moment to thank a friend for being there for you? Or, tell a relative you love them even though you don’t get to see that person very much?

This is easy to do, and could end up being a small miracle if the person is having a challenging day.

Making time to send appreciation or thanks to someone is how you can create little miracles. It’s even more special when you do things like this on any random day when the person is not expecting it. Birthdays and holidays are when people expect special messages. So, try to create little miracles like this on days when it will surprise the recipient. 

Big Miracles

Any miracle has potential to be life-changing, but especially big miracles. Have you ever received a big miracle in your life? Leave a comment below if you want to share it.

Many people consider the birth of a baby to be a miracle. As the baby grows up, it can bring many miracles into your life including making you a grandparent in the future.

The most common type of big miracle seems to be when angels step in to prevent a vehicle accident. Or, when angels protect you from major injuries if an accident does occur. 

Near Death Experiences (NDE’s) Are Huge Miracles

Near death experiences are not very common, yet it’s easy to find miraculous survival stories from people who have experienced an NDE. One of the things I learned from my big miracle is that not all NDE’s are the same for everyone. 

My Big Miracle

When I almost died in 2002, the angels stepped in right away and helped me remain conscious. My life did not flash before me like it usually does for people who become unconscious. Looking back, it’s easy to know the importance of why I had to remain conscious during my NDE.

One of the reasons why I remained conscious is so I could bring a message to the world about dying. No one ever dies alone. People might appear to be alone when other humans are not around. But, the angels ensure that you never feel alone. 

No One Ever Dies Alone

When it’s time for your soul to leave your physical body, angels are always there. Angels completely surround you immediately. And they bring you a deep sense of peace along with unconditional love. Feeling this kind of immense unconditional love is another miracle.

The deep unconditional love I felt from angels was more than enormous. There are no words to fully describe how strong their love is. Nothing on earth can even come close to being as powerful as the unconditional love you feel from angels when your physical body is dying.

The entire time, I strongly felt the angels, even when first responders and medical people were around me. The angels never left my side.

So, why didn’t any other humans around me feel the angels too? Because they were not tuned into the angels. 

Tuning Into Angels and Miracles

To start receiving more miracles in your life, tune into them. The exception is with life-threatening situations. During those times, the angels will automatically tune you into them.

Think of it like tuning into a radio station. If you want to listen to relaxing classical music, you need to tune into that station. If you’re tuned into a station that only plays rock and heavy metal music, you’re not going to hear any classical music. The same applies with sensing angels and receiving little miracles. You need to tune into them.

If you want more miracles to appear in your life, be open to it. And, start seeing little things in life as miracles.

A great way to start noticing little miracles in your life is to look back at what occurred during the day. What was present that you're grateful for? What small miracles are you thankful for?

Asking Angels For Miracles

You can ask any angel or archangel to start bringing you more miracles. And, to help you notice more little miracles.

Also be sure your energetic system is clear and aligned with receiving miracles. This is where the law of attraction comes into play. If your chakras contain too many low vibrational energies, they need to be removed to align with more miracles. Angels are able to flow more miracles your way when you’ve energetically aligned yourself with them. 

Miracles Happen Daily

Every miracle, no matter the size, is always customized to be exactly what you need the most in the present moment.

When you notice a miracle appear in your life, remember to take a moment to thank the angels. Often, many angels work together to deliver your miracle.

Be grateful for what you receive, cleanse your energy, and the law of attraction will work in your favor. That is when you’ll start to become a magnet to attracting even more miracles in your life. 

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of link4din.com/angelic-sparkles-numerology. Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 

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