Message From Archangel Orion About Trusting

Trust Angels
In this post, Archangel Orion stepped forward to provide us with support and guidance for these transitional times.

The main message is to trust angels anytime you're going through a difficult time. 

Automatic Writing Message Channeled From Archangel Orion To Trust Angels

Greetings from Archangel Orion. It’s important to know what is currently occurring right now for everyone. Major transformations will continue to evolve both in your personal life and also for all of humanity.

It may appear that your life is completely falling apart. You might be wondering what to do when sudden, unexpected events occur. These will be life-changing events, however it’s vital to understand why these drastic changes are happening.

Anything that you are no longer in alignment with is being removed from your life. The angels do not want you to be alarmed nor worried if something in your life suddenly falls apart. Some of you may see things slowly beginning to crumble. While others of you might suddenly be hit without any prior warning. 

Huge Changes Required To Move Forward

Fully trust the angels and the universe during these necessary changes in your life. Keep calling upon us for assistance to navigate through the waves of changes.

And, please be understanding and patient with us if support and guidance does not appear in the way that you desire. The angels are supporting you, and working in your best interest.

However, you may not see the broader perspective right now. The future could easily appear clouded, and prevent you from seeing the bright, better pathway ahead for you.

Keep trusting the angels. And remember that we love you unconditionally. We understand that intense emotions can appear when you are transitioning through big life changes. 

Trust Angels To Comfort You Through Difficult Emotions

When emotions are difficult to deal with, your guardian angel and many other angels wrap you in their wings of love.

We hope you’ll be able to feel our support and comfort. If not, let it be okay. Even the highest vibrational people sometimes go through a period of not feeling connected. Or, not feeling the angels. This happens because you are in human form.

The ego can get scared which blocks the connection. Or, you might be flooded with sadness, grief, or worry. Angels are still always with you, trying to reach through so you can feel their love, comfort, and support.

Every time you cry, your team of guides and angels are next to you, flowing waves of unconditional love and peace toward you. Lean on the angels for anything you need anytime. Call upon archangels and let them know exactly what you want help with. 

Trust That You’re Heading Toward A Higher Timeline

Trust in the divine plan and trust in divine timing. What happens when you trust that the angels are walking you toward a higher timeline and a better life? Right away, it can feel like part of a big weight is being lifted off your shoulders.

The struggles of today will melt away. And you’ll be stepping onto a new foundation. A foundation for your future that will be strong, and provide you with everything you need to achieve your dreams.

Always remember that you are meant to live your dream life. You are supposed to live a happy life filled with love, joy, and abundance in all areas of your life. The universe and the angels are always supporting you in getting closer and closer toward living the life you wish for. 

Soul Lessons Can Appear As Roadblocks

Your pathway will contain curves. And perhaps might feel like you are meandering far off course at times. However, there is a purpose for these detours. They might feel like roadblocks in the present moment. But looking back, you’ll see that there was a life lesson to learn at that moment in time.

Once you learn each soul lesson, only then can you continue to move forward and ascend onto your next highest timeline.

The things that are falling away from your life, and are forcefully being removed from your life are all things that no longer serve you.

If you were to remain on your current pathway without making these necessary changes, then you would be held back in life. Your soul would not be able to step into the next phase of your life. 

Trust Angels Will Help Remove Stress

The angels understand that it is very difficult when you, as a human, filled with intense emotions, need time to recover and heal.

Drastic changes are stressful. So, call upon the angels daily to help you remove a layer of that stress. Or, do it yourself by connecting to source light. Then, allow a white waterfall of light to cleanse your mind, body, and spirit. Remember to ground your energy when you're done. 

Share Your Unique Gifts with The World

As a soul of light, you are special and you have unique gifts to share with others. How you share your gifts is through fulfilling your soul purpose.

How do you start to fulfill your soul purpose? The pathway first involves releasing everything that is preventing you from moving forward. Yes, this process can feel like everything in your life as you know it suddenly starts crumbling away. Do not resist the changes, and continue inviting angels to help you daily. 

Trust in Angelic Guidance

Trust that you are being guided by angels every step of the way. One step at a time, one day at a time, you will heal and recover from these challenging times.

And when you get to the end of the challenging road, you will look ahead, and see the most vibrantly bright road ahead. It’s your future, and it is more beautiful and more fulfilling than what you can imagine right now.

I, Archangel Orion, request from you to keep trusting that better times are ahead. Remember that all angels in the angelic realm all love you dearly. Keep trusting.
Thank you, Archangel Orion for helping us, and for reminding us to keep trusting in the divine plan.

Do You Need Answers? 

If you’d like more guidance from the angels, a personalized angel card reading can help. You’ll discover what the angels want you to focus on right now, guidance steps, and more.

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 
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