Mercury Retrograde Spiritual Meanings

What are Mercury retrograde spiritual meanings? And how can you unleash the power of this slower phase to transform, heal, and ascend?

This celestial phenomenon holds the key to finding balance, healing the past, and unlocking the door to profound transformations.

Embark on a journey of ascending higher by understanding the true significance of Mercury retrograde. Let's explore how this phase can empower your spiritual evolution and help you reach new heights.

Mercury Retrograde Spiritual Meanings

  • Transformations leading to spiritual and personal growth
  • Heightened intuition
  • Refine communication
  • Review relationships
  • Reconsider your path ahead

Channeled Message for Mercury Retrograde Spiritual Meanings

Greetings from Archangel Raphael and Archangel Gabriel. The spiritual meanings of Mercury retrograde revolve around a few key areas. These include transformations, healing, and reviewing your life.

While Mercury retrograde can cause several upheavals, there are also several benefits.

Mercury retrograde offers you the opportunity to ascend higher on your spiritual journey. This mostly occurs through releasing the old and healing from the past. Additionally, review areas of your life where adjustments need to be made, and recognize where you need to create space for new things to arrive.

When you are faced with miscommunication and technology problems, take a moment to breathe. Release stress into the violet flame, and return your focus to the love within your heart. 

Mercury Retrograde is a Time for Transformations

The route to achieving transformations always includes identifying what is holding you back in life. Take a moment to reflect upon where your mind is thinking about memories from the past.

Do any of those memories include traumatic events, or situations where you were deeply hurt?

Is your ego mind latching onto hurtful feelings, negativity, or anger?

Are you feeling anxiety, depression, frustration, or stuck in any other fear-based energies?

These are all signs directly from your thoughts and emotions that indicate exactly where you have old wounds to release from the past.

Remember that healing from the past can take some time depending on how deeply you were hurt. Be patient with yourself, and only view your thoughts and feelings from a non-judgmental state of mind. While remembering that thoughts and feelings are also energies. Just energies that you have full power to transmute. 

Heightened Intuition

Although Mercury retrograde is a slower period, it provides you with a wonderful opportunity to rest and reflect inward.

Your intuition is heightened during Mercury retrograde. Therefore, utilize this time to seek answers, guidance, and angelic messages for all areas of your life.

Write down where you are struggling, and then ask the angels for a solution.

Take time to write from your soul, through your intuition, to allow your soul’s wisdom and insight to guide you into the next chapter of your life. 

Refine Communication

The spiritual aspects of communication during Mercury retrograde can be viewed from two aspects.

First, spiritually communicating with angels or your higher self is easier. Which is why this is an optimal time to connect to and talk to angels.

Second, miscommunication on Earth is common during Mercury retrograde. Be sure to take extra time to refine your communications with others to prevent misunderstandings or confusion. As an awakened person, aim for remaining centered in love and light. And try to keep all your communications with other people loving or neutral along with being clear. 

Review Relationships

Utilize this phase to reassess the relationships in your life. Is there a person who triggers you? Do you leave conversations feeling drained?

If yes, these are signs to review how the relationship is playing a role in your life. Do you see how you might be playing the role of a teacher to the other person? Trying to help them learn something or attempting to assist them in becoming a better version of themselves?

Or, are you learning something from the other person? Such as gaining a greater understanding about how to view things from the other person’s perspective.

Is healing needed? Do you need to limit the amount of time you spend with the other person, or possibly walk away from the relationship?

Remember to only review relationships, and wait until after Mercury goes direct to take any actions. 

Reconsider Your Path Ahead

As you review your past, present, and future during Mercury retrograde, reconsider your path ahead. Where do you want to go in life? What do you want to achieve?

Rewrite your goals to create a better plan.

Reflect upon how you are being held back in life, and release all that no longer serves you.

Redo any parts of projects where improvements can be made.

Realign with your higher self.

Renew and refresh your mind, body, and spirit.

Rejuvenate your self-care routine.

Get plenty of rest every day. 

Refresh Your Life with the Angels

Mercury retrograde can be a challenging time. However, it also provides you with an opportunity for growth and transformation.

Understanding Mercury retrograde spiritual meanings assists you in benefiting from this astrological phase. And knowing how to navigate the challenges that can appear during this time.

Refresh your life with assistance from the angels by tuning into your intuition to receive angelic guidance. And revitalize your energetic system through releasing all that no longer serves you.

We are always here, only one breath away, ready to step in, and help you anytime you request our assistance.

At this time, we send you a waterfall of white light to rinse your aura. And to refresh your mind, body, and spirit with the healing energies you need most. We love you, and send you our blessings for navigating through Mercury retrograde. 

Thank you Archangels Raphael and Gabriel. Channeled by Brenda Lott.

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 

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