Meaning of Soulmates in Your Life

Meaning of soulmates
Many people believe that only one soulmate exists for them, a romantic soulmate.

Another common belief is that once you find your soulmate, you'll never have any more questions or challenges in life. But this is not true.

So, what is the meaning of soulmates?

All soulmates are not meant to diminish your challenges and struggles, but rather to provide support for them. If you're struggling with something or feeling down, it's easy to turn toward someone special who understands you and can make you feel better.

This post is to help you understand the meaning of soulmates in your life. And, to provide you with information about how to get angelic help to bring a new soulmate into your life. 

The Meaning of Soulmates

A soulmate is any person who you have a connection with from a past lifetime. There is always an immediate reaction because your soul recognizes the other person’s soul.

When two people are soulmates, they’re brought together by divine forces. It's common to have a special connection that goes beyond anything physical.

Upon meeting, you might suddenly feel a deep love for the person without having an explanation of why. Or, feel like you’ve known the person for many years even after you've just met.

This does not mean that everything between soulmates will be perfect. But it does mean that no matter how hard things get in life, soulmates can always come back to each other. This is because they’re meant for one another on a spiritual level. 

5 Types of Soulmates

There are several different types of soulmates, however they can be organized into five main categories. Soulmate relationships can be very loving, or extremely challenging.

Understanding the meaning of soulmates is easier when you recognize the category that each one fits into. 
  1. 1
    Non-Romantic Soulmates
  2. 2
    Past Life Soulmates
  3. 3
    Karmic Soulmates
  4. 4
    Soul Teachers
  5. 5
    Romantic Soulmates and Twin Flames
Types of soulmates

1. Non-Romantic Soulmates

The meaning of soulmates who fit into the non-romantic category widely varies. This is the largest category because it includes every type of soulmate that is not in the other categories.

Non-romantic soulmates include:
  • Siblings, parents, or other relatives
  • Influential person who inspires you
  • Coworker or business partner
  • Close friend
  • Soul family member
  • Temporary meeting for a specific reason
  • Person you have a soul contract with
Non-romantic soulmates enter your life to support you in any way. They can provide emotional support, inspiration, or help you heal from the past. These types of soulmates may be in your life long-term or only temporarily for a short time.

Let’s look at the meaning of soulmates for some of the types of non-romantic soulmates. 

Siblings, Relatives, Friends, or Temporary Companions

These soulmates are here to support you, and give you love and encouragement. They can be with you for life or for only a short time.

Kindred Spirits

When you meet a kindred spirit, the relationship will be peaceful. The person understands you very well, and sometimes you can finish each other's sentences. It’s also possible that the two of you might share similar life experiences which further strengthens your bond.

Soul Families

Just like extended families on Earth, souls come together to form large groups of soul families.

Your soul family members can also be relatives during this lifetime. This usually happens to help heal your Earth family’s ancestral patterns of disease, abuse, or addiction.

With soul families, it’s easy to jump right into where you left off in a past life. If there is any karma involved, that will be resolved first. Then, you can choose to move forward with or without that person in your life. 

Soul Contracts

Some souls agree to do something specific together during this lifetime. These can include having a baby, working on a project, or building a business together.

These types of contracts can be changed anytime especially if they place you in an unhealthy situation. 

Souls Only Temporarily Crossing Paths

These are the people who enter your life at what seems like the wrong timing. While the timing might appear to be wrong from a human perspective, it’s actually part of the divine plan.

You can have very special experiences together. However, you two are not destined to remain in each other's life very long.

You will never forget these types of soulmates because they leave a lasting imprint on your life. One example is someone entering your life to trigger you into a spiritual awakening. 

2. Past Life Soulmates

When you meet a soul that you knew from a past life, the relationship can be extremely powerful in either a good or bad way. It all depends on what occurred in your past life together and whether there is any karma that needs to be resolved.

The energy between the two souls builds over each lifetime together. Therefore, when you first meet, your souls will instantly recognize each other.

A past life soulmate can be a friend, relative, or a romantic partner. You’ll both be strongly drawn toward each other especially if you previously had a harmonious relationship. 

3. Karmic Soulmates

These types of soulmates can be good, bad, or neutral. The person usually enters into your life to help you change something for the better. Karmic soulmates can help your soul to learn, grow, and evolve.

4. Soul Teachers

No matter how long a soul teacher is in your life, you will never forget that person. Their impact is powerful and memorable.

Soul teachers can be a mentor, healer, professor, or anyone who encourages you to improve your life.

They might challenge you, however these are always very special relationships.

5. Romantic Soulmates and Twin Flames

When you meet a romantic soulmate, or your twin flame, you will immediately feel a deep connection.

Romantic soulmates are people who you might marry, have a child with, or simply connect with intimately for either a short time or many years. Marrying a romantic soulmate is often a blissful connection that lasts for the rest of your lives. 

Twin Flame Relationships

Twin flames, or twin souls, are the ultimate connection that you could ever have with someone. This person makes you feel like you're at home, or as if you've found your missing half.

Ever since childhood, I intuitively felt that my heart was only made for one very special person. This meant knowing that “the one” would eventually come into my life. Therefore, my interest in dating other people was not very strong.

In twin flame relationships, the emotions are intensified much more than what you've ever experienced with anyone else. It's like looking in a mirror and having every good and bad thing reflected back at you. 

What Happens in Twin Flame Relationships

When you first meet your twin flame, your entire life begins to change drastically. If you're not already spiritually awakened, it often triggers awakening.

Many twin flames who choose to improve their lives will ascend higher, and can enter into a harmonious union.

The unconditional love and bliss between twin souls is heightened beyond words. At the same time, the low vibrational energies within their systems are also intensified.

The meaning of soulmates who are twin flames is to help humanity, often on a global scale. The couple might have a shared life mission to improve the world through a specific goal, or forming a business or organization together.

Wondering if you're a twin flame, or need help with your twin soul? Get help at

Archangels For Attracting a Soulmate

You have many soulmates, and can request angelic assistance when you want another soulmate to enter your life.

Make your request, then be patient while the angels line up a meeting. Remember that it’s not always easy for the angels to bring you someone new quickly. They will send signs with action steps for the other person to take, but ultimately the other person has free will to choose.

Do you want to start a new relationship or improve an existing relationship with anyone? Archangels Raphael, Chamuel, and Raguel can help. Archangel Raphael is especially helpful if you want to keep a relationship, but it feels impossible to improve it. 

How To Attract a Romantic Soulmate

Once you understand the meaning of soulmates, it’s easier to know which type you’d like to have in your life. Most people choose to only attract a romantic soulmate, but the following steps can be followed for any type of soulmate.

3 Essential Steps To Attracting a Soulmate

  1. 1
    Ask archangels for assistance
  2. 2
    Increase your self love
  3. 3
    Extend love, kindness, and peace to all people you come in contact with

1.  Archangelic Assistance

Ask archangels to help you find a romantic soulmate, your twin flame, or a special soulmate to marry. Say the following request to invoke angelic assistance.

Dear, Archangels Raphael, Uriel, Chamuel, Jophiel, Haniel, and Raguel, please help lead me. I wish to enter into a loving relationship with a romantic soulmate (or twin flame). My intentions for this relationship are to _____. (Insert as many intentions as you wish; including getting married, healing from the past, or to learn and grow with a soulmate). When this (romantic) soulmate enters my life, please assist me in recognizing the person immediately. And, help us both to join together into a harmonious relationship. And so it is. Thank you.

2.  Increase Self Love

The Law of Attraction states that we can only attract to us what we’re an energetic match to.

Therefore, increasing your self love will help bring you a more loving romantic soulmate. 

3.  Spread Love and Kindness

Treat others how you wish to be treated. Whether it’s with friends, relatives, coworkers, neighbors, or people you pass by in public areas, be kind.

Do a random act of kindness, hold a door for someone, or brighten up a person’s day with a smile. These little things help attract more love, kindness, and other good things into your life.

Plus, they increase your vibration which can attract a soulmate into your life who is vibrating at the frequency of love. 

The Meaning of Soulmates is Unique 

It's not unusual when you first meet someone to feel a connection. The best way to know if that person might be one of your soulmates is by seeing how the relationship progresses. Trust your intuition, and enjoy the process of discovering if the new person is a soulmate.

The meaning of soulmates in your life can be to support or inspire you in some way. You might share your lives together, or only have a temporary meeting to resolve past life karma.

Call upon archangels for assistance if you’d like to attract a specific type of soulmate into your life. Then, be patient while the angels work at bringing you two together.

Being grateful for the soulmates already in your life attracts more soulmates to you, especially your soul family.

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 
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