Make The Law of Attraction Work For You

Law of Attraction in Hands
You’ve most likely heard about the law of attraction, but have you tried using it with any success? Many people try following the law of attraction, but then get disappointed and give up when nothing happens.

Why does the universe not deliver your desires? Especially after you’ve put in so much work following the law of attraction? The answer is because you were not energetically aligned with your desires. You might have heard of that before without ever learning exactly how to get into vibrational alignment with your dreams. 

Secret Key To Making The Law of Attraction Work For You

How do you align with your goals and dreams coming true? The answer and solution lies within how energy works. Cleansing your energy is the secret to making the law of attraction work successfully for you. This is the key to aligning energetically with your desires.

It’s crucial to cleanse your chakras and aura daily. And, to remove hidden blockages from your subconscious mind. Reprogram your subconscious mind by working with archangels and using positive affirmations.

Combining regular energy cleansing with angelic assistance is a very powerful way to make the law of attraction work for you. 

Energy is Always Flowing

Everything is energy including humans.

You might remember from science class that energy is never created nor destroyed. Energy is always in motion, and can be transformed into the types of energies that serve your highest good.

When you understand the basics of how energy works within the mind, body, and spirit, then you’re able to transform them into desirable energies. This is when you can make the law of attraction work very well for you.

You always have full power over the types of energies you allow into your life in every moment. If an undesirable emotion appears, you have full control to release it at the energetic level. 

How To Feel Your Energy

You might remember this exercise from a science class in school. Put the palms of your hands together, and rub them together quickly. When your hands get warm, move the palms of your hands about one inch away from each other. Then, keep moving your hands further apart. Continue to move your hands back and forth to feel your own energy. What you are feeling is your aura.
Human Aura

What Opened Chakras Feel Like

After cleansing your chakras on a regular basis, you begin feeling energies flowing through your opened chakras. It feels like tingling, a glowing feeling, or like warmth or pulsing inside the chakras.

Sometimes you might also feel a gentle tingling and/or warmth in your entire body when you are relaxing.

If you're extra sensitive to energies, you might feel energy flowing through your meridian system. This is a healthy process that signifies your energetic system is clear. And, it indicates you're properly flowing light from both earth light and source light. The sensations of energies flowing freely through your chakras is unique to each individual, but it always feels magical. 

What is Your Energetic Vibration?

All types of energies are composed of a unique vibration that can be categorized as high, low, or neutral. Feelings, thoughts, and spoken words all carry a vibration too.

Your energetic vibration is the frequency that you are vibrating at. When you're high vibrational, you experience an abundance of feeling love, joy, peace, happiness, and bliss. If your overall energy is low vibrational, you will experience feelings that do not feel good.

Low vibrational energies move very slowly. They include emotions such as fear, anxiety, depression, anger, hopelessness, and negativity.

High vibrational energies move fast. They include feelings of love, joy, happiness, bliss, peace, and gratitude. Expressing gratitude for the things you already have in your life is a great way to start increasing your vibration. 
Omega vibrational frequency chart

What Signals Are You Sending Out Into The Universe?

The types of energies stored within your chakras and subconscious mind are continuously sending out signals into the universe. These energetic signals are telling the universe to send you more of the same types of energies.
Law of attraction mediating
This is the law of attraction at work. Whatever you’re a match to energetically is what you can continue to expect to receive from the universe.

When you experience anything bad or negative in life, these energies are stored within your mind, body, emotions, and spirit. This includes fear-based energies.

Even if you do not realize where dense energies are hidden, they will continue to affect your life experiences. Can you see how this becomes a big problem when dense energies accumulate over the years?

A clogged up energetic system is unable to manifest your dreams through the law of attraction. 

How To Properly Clear Away Dense Energies

Trying to think away low vibrational energies does not work. This only pushes toxic energies deeper into your energetic system. Many people believe that only thinking positive thoughts will significantly improve their life. This is not true.

The only way to properly and permanently clear away unwanted energies is through energy work. The best part is that energy work is easy to do. Yes, it will take some time and dedication, but you will notice improvements right away.

Clearing away unwanted energies ensures that low vibrational energies stop affecting you.

You can start to transition into a better life where it's easier to attract your desires. And, much easier to create your dream life. It all begins by cleansing your energy. To speed up the process, an angel energy healing session removes density within your chakras, aura, and subconscious mind. 

Avoid Law of Attraction Disappointments

The universe wants to bring you your desires. But it cannot happen if your energetic system is not in alignment with your wishes.

The main goal of energy work is to cleanse away low vibrational energies which leads to your vibration increasing higher. The more you elevate your vibration, the more you can easily utilize the law of attraction to attract your desires faster. 

You Are Meant To Create Your Own Life and Live Happily

When you let anything happen, and take life as it comes, you're giving away your power. This is when your life will be controlled by others: bosses, coworkers, friends, and relatives. This occurs because you are allowing anyone, anything, and any circumstances to control your life. You may not see it as this way, but that is what is happening at the energetic level.

Remember that everything is energy. And you're always reacting to everyone and everything around you. When you let life happen to you, that is when you're energetically aligning yourself with powerlessness. When you're attracting experiences that bring more powerlessness into your life, it's difficult to attract anything different. 

Empower Your Journey with Angelic Assistance

Stop accepting reality as the way it appears on the outside. And remove the word "realistic" from your vocabulary.

Anything really is possible! Invite angels into your life every day to keep guiding you and supporting you every step of the way.

It all begins by making a conscious choice to keep striving towards taking the right steps to make your dreams a reality. Go within, cleanse your chakras, and increase your vibration. This is how you start aligning more with your dreams through the law of attraction. 

Do You Believe Your Dreams Are Possible? 

Do you believe your dreams are possible? Write them down. If it does not feel possible, that is a clear indication you have a block in that area. Discover the block, remove it with angelic help, and keep moving forward one step at a time. 

A Common Mistake

Trying to think away or wish away blockages does not clear them.

It only keeps them hidden within your energetic system so they can reappear later. Positive thinking is good, but it will not remove your energetic blockages.

This is why most people do not have good results when trying to use the law of attraction. It's crucial to take responsibility for your blockages and remove them at the energetic level.

Face your fears, heal them, and transmute them into source light. Cleanse your chakras and aura daily. Plus, use affirmations to reprogram your subconscious mind. That is the key to getting the law of attraction to work very well for you. 

Manifest Your Dream Life with Archangels

When you invite in powerful archangels, it’s sometimes much easier to align with your desires. Ask the following archangels to assist you when you’re using the law of attraction. They will help you whether you're trying to manifest something small or a big dream. 

Ask these archangels to assist you:
  • Archangel Michael cuts cords that no longer serve you
  • Manifest the material items you desire with Archangel Ariel 
  • Archangel Jophiel helps you feel positive, releases negativity, helps you believe in your dreams.
  • Become attractive to the right people, places, opportunities, and things you need to reach your dreams with Archangel Uriel
  • Archangel Jeremiel assists you in manifesting when you truly believe your dreams can come true

Request For Angelic Assistance

Use the following to request support from the angelic realm when working with the law of attraction.

“Beloved Archangel Michael, Archangel Uriel, Archangel Ariel, Archangel Jophiel, Archangel Jeremiel, and my team of personal guides and angels, please help me to manifest my dream life. Assist me in ________ (fill in the blank with your goals, desires, or dreams, only mentioning one at a time). Help me to fully release the past and dissolve all blockages that are preventing me from reaching my desires. Also, guide me in knowing the next step to take on my journey. So, I may reach my goals, and start serving the world by fulfilling my soul purpose at the highest level possible. I appreciate all of your guidance, support, and assistance. Thank you.”

Incorporate All Laws of The Universe

Learning about the other laws of the universe, and how they all work together makes you even more powerful at attracting your desires. 

For example, the Law of Giving and Receiving also plays an important role in your success with the Law of Attraction.

Be A Magnet To Law of Attraction Success

Now that you understand how energy works, you can get into energetic alignment. And, can make the law of attraction work well in your life.

Keep cleansing your energy to increase your vibration. This is one of the fastest ways to get into energetic alignment with your desires.

When your vibration is higher, that is the time to keep sending your wishes out into the universe. Angels can guide you with this process, or you can do it alone.

Take about five minutes daily to imagine your dreams as if they’ve already come true. Feel the feelings that you’ll have when you’re living your life with your dreams manifested. Visualize it if you’re able to, place your wishes into a ball of light, and then release it up into the universe.

Dream big, follow angelic guidance, and enjoy creating your dream life. 

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 
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