Living An Awakened Life

What does it mean to live an awakened life? Archangel Michael answers that question in this channeled message. Plus, he provides you with information about why you’re here on earth, and how to make the law of attraction work for you.

Channeled Message From Archangel Michael

Greetings from Archangel Michael. What it means to awaken is that you discover there is much more to the universe than what you previously knew. And, there is much more that exists than what you can see with your eyes.

Awakening means waking up to the truths of the universe, and understanding more about how the universe works. Everything is energy including humans. The truth is that you’re an infinite soul who lives on forever. 

The Process of Awakening

Once you know about these truths, then you can start ascending higher when you choose to follow a spiritual journey.

The process of awakening means you transition from living in the lower vibrational 3D plane to the 4th dimensional plane or higher. How do you do this? Through mindfulness, regularly cleansing your energy, and increasing your vibration. 

Choosing To Live An Awakened Life

When you’re awakening to higher level of light, it’s important to connect with your heart. Going within your heart is the direct pathway to opening up the connection to your soul. Listening to your soul, and trusting your intuition provides you with direct access to always knowing what is best for you in your life.

What it means to live an awakened life is that you're taking steps on your spiritual journey every day to improve yourself. These small steps include loving yourself more, properly taking care of yourself, and healing yourself energetically. Archangels will assist you anytime with healing at the energetic level when you ask for this type of help. 

Laws of The Universe

The universal law that is most commonly known is the law of attraction. However, there are others including the law of cause and effect, and the law of giving and receiving. Focus on learning these three and incorporating them into your life before diving into the other laws of the universe.

Everything is Energy in Motion

When you’re awakening to higher levels of light, it becomes easier to see how everything in the universe is energy. Everything operates at the energetic level in life.

Every thought, feeling, and spoken word is energy. And, every action creates energies.

The types of energies stored within your chakras and subconscious mind are continuously sending signals out into the universe. Those energetic signals are telling the universe to send you more of the same types of energies. Or, at least very similar energies.

That is how energy works, and this is the law of attraction in motion. It's also the reason why people can go on living for decades without much ever changing. Despite their best efforts to try to improve things, lasting improvements do not happen due to energetic blockages. 

How Energies Work In Your System

Everyone has dense energies that accumulate within their chakras and aura.

Everyday your aura interacts with other people's auras. Your aura also picks up energies from watching a video on social media, reading a book, and listening to the news.

This is the reason why people cry when watching an emotional movie. It's because humans operate at the energetic level. Humans base all actions on feelings whether they realize it or not.

The energies you pick up from others are not yours, but they will affect you if you allow that to happen. Take control over your own energic system. Properly cleanse away densities instead of continuing to carry them around with you. Remove all energies that no longer serve your highest good.

It’s essential to take time daily to cleanse away densities so you're able to reach higher levels of light. 

Why You’re Here On Earth

You are here on earth for a specific reason. You have a life mission. You're needed to help improve the world. Humanity needs your unique gifts and talents.

You’re supposed to share your unique gifts with the people around you and within your community. You are here to make a difference!

Yet not everyone taps into this, and not everyone fulfills their soul mission. Not everyone gets past the densities and the soul lessons that must be learned.

Your path does not have to be that way. You have full power over creating your own life, and angels want to assist you every step of the way. 

How To Reclaim Power Over Your Destiny

It all starts by cleansing your chakras and aura. Five to ten minutes daily is all that is needed. Ascending higher can only happen when you continue cleansing your energy daily.

You are an energetic being of a light, an infinite soul is who you really are. Your soul needs to connect to source light; just as much as your physical body needs water to survive.

It's also important to learn and practice mindfulness daily. Awareness reveals the types of energies, thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and patterns present in your system. This is how you spot the dense energies, fears, and blocks that are holding you back in life. It all begins through practicing awareness.

When you recognize what is holding you back and release it, then you're freed from it. Angels are here to help you with this process. 

You Can Create Your Dream Life

We congratulate you for embarking upon your spiritual journey, and taking the necessary steps over and over again. Continue ascending higher. Keep increasing your vibration. Keep aligning more and more with your dreams and goals.

The law of attraction can work wonderfully for you when you know how to use it properly. The law of attraction works at the energetic level to align you with your desires. 

How The Law of Attraction Works

What you're attracting into your life is a direct match to the energies you're carrying around in your chakras and subconscious mind. All of the experiences, people, and situations in your life are a direct reflection of the energies inside of you. 
You may have heard of the phrase "as within, so without." This means the law of attraction will always bring you what you're an energetic match to. What you see on the outside, in the physical plane, correlates to the types of energies, beliefs, and feelings within your energetic system. 

You Can Change What You Don't Like

If you don’t like what is present in your life, you have full control to improve it. Yes, much work is needed to remove all densities from the past. But you wouldn't be here if you could not achieve this. Your guidance team, angels, and archangels are here to help you every step of the way.

Always remember, angels cannot step in and interfere with your life due to the law of free will. You must keep asking for assistance over and over again. 

Take One Step At A Time

Angles only show you one step at a time. After you take action and complete that step, then you’re shown the next step.

This also applies to the steps needed to learn your soul lessons so you can move on from them. Plus, it’s how you fulfill your sole purpose. Everything in life is a process of taking one step at a time. This is what leads you to achieving any goal or dream that you desire in your life. 

Ascend Higher and Higher

This year of 2021 there will be rapid changes. More and more people are awakening to the truths of the universe, and more will continue to awaken as the years go by.

Your spiritual path is a journey where you keep ascending higher and higher along with increasing your vibration. There is always a higher level that you have the option to reach during your lifetime on earth. 

Angels Always Want To Help You

The angelic realm is here to support you and guide you, one step at a time throughout your entire life. Keep asking for help.

I, Archangel Michael, want to thank you for taking another step along your spiritual journey. Even if it’s only your first step, there are many steps, hundreds, or even thousands of steps. It’s your free will choice how far you choose to go on your spiritual path.

You can keep it simple by choosing to only do energy clearing to increase your vibration and transform your life starting from within. Or, you can go really far by serving humanity at the highest level possible.

We are always here for you. We love you. And we would love to assist you every step of the way. 
Thank you very much to Archangel Michael for bringing through this message.

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 

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