List of Archangel Roles and Areas of Expertise

When you need help in your life, it can be hard to remember which archangel is best for the situation.

Sitting down to memorize all the different archangel roles is not very practical especially if you have a busy life. When you’re unable to remember which archangel can help with a certain situation, Archangel Michael is always the best option. But who else should you call upon?

This blog post contains a downloadable PDF, so you can quickly look up which archangel is right for your situation. You’ll have easy access to all the common archangels and their roles so you can make an informed decision on who can help you. 

Get To Know The Archangels Roles By Forming A Relationship with Them

You already know that archangels are very powerful angels who want to help you throughout your lifelong journey. But, have you created a relationship with any of them yet?

One of the best ways to create or strengthen a relationship with them is by calling upon specific archangels for assistance. Getting to know each archangel is easier than you might imagine.

Each time you call upon a specific archangel for assistance or wisdom, you’re getting to know that archangel’s roles. Over time, it becomes easier to recall exactly which archangel to call upon for certain things.

You're also memorizing the archangel's roles when you keep asking the same archangel for help until the situation is resolved.

Click here to learn how to communicate with angels

Archangels Roles For The Most Common Archangels

Each archangel has an area of expertise, however the majority of archangels specialize in multiple areas. The list starts out with the four watchtower archangels, then is organized alphabetically.

Utilize this guide of archangel roles when you quickly want to look up who can help you with something specific.

Copy the contents into your phone or tablet for convenient access when you’re away from home. And, remember to use the ‘find’ feature inside your PDF reader to quickly locate the best archangel for you in the present moment. 

Click the link below to download your guide of archangel roles.

Archangel Michael

  • Oversees all other angels
  • Powerful protector and healer
  • Performs miracles when they’re in alignment with the soul’s divine will
  • Assists you in ascending higher
  • Stops the ego and clears a busy mind
  • Clears negativity and low vibrational energies
  • Releases limiting beliefs, thoughts, and emotions
  • Assists with soul fragmentation
  • Guards against psychic attacks
  • Discover your soul purpose
  • Assists with important life changes
  • Strength, courage, self-esteem, confidence, integrity, peace, harmony, compassion
  • Support when you’re lacking motivation, dedication, and direction in life
  • Determination when you’re struggling with a project
  • Organization when life is chaotic

Archangel Raphael

  • Powerful healer
  • Breaks up low vibrational energies so they can be cleared away
  • Self-love
  • Finding truth and balance
  • Helps heal relationships
  • Boosts low self-esteem
  • Helps when you feel stuck in life
  • Past life healing
  • Helps you reconnect spiritually
  • Assists with figuring out mixed emotions
  • Comforts you when you’re feeling hurt

Archangel Uriel

  • Angel of wisdom and knowledge
  • Inspiration including for writing
  • Genius ideas
  • Assists with important life decisions and finding solutions
  • Helps with challenges and disappointments
  • Releases blocks so you can connect to your higher self
  • Trust your intuition and angelic messages
  • Cleanses emotions
  • Discover and understand your soul purpose
  • Stands up to bullies
  • Protects in abusive situations, then helps you recover self-worth
  • Release fears and insecurities
  • Strengthens bonds between soulmates

Archangel Gabriel

  • Communication expert supports you in all forms of communication
  • Opens your throat chakra
  • Gain confidence
  • Soul purpose
  • Dream interpretation
  • Spiritual insights
  • Knowing which direction to take next
  • Brings you healing in a way that will have a healing effect (someone sending you a gift, doing a favorite hobby, spending time in nature, etc.)
  • Boosts your emotions
  • Support when making career changes
  • Guidance for making big purchases or moving to a new home

Archangel Ariel

  • Protector of nature and animals
  • Boosts your ascension journey
  • Prosperity and abundance
  • Infuses your intentions with divine light
  • Courage and strength to shine your inner light in the world
  • Gives you excitement to create positive changes
  • Assistance for natural disasters: can divert storms and helps with recovery

Archangel Azrael

  • Angel of comfort
  • Helps you after traumatic experiences
  • Assists on your spiritual path with transitions and big changes
  • Comforts you when you’re grieving
  • Helps you through major life transitions from losing a loved one, or job or relationship loss

Archangel Chamuel

  • Angel of love and relationships
  • Helps you make decisions and choose your best pathway
  • Supports you every step of the way
  • Heals your heart chakra and eases heavy emotions
  • Helps you with maintaining mindfulness in life
  • Soul purpose
  • Soul lessons
  • Inner peace during challenging times
  • Building strong foundations in life
  • Develop mindfulness

Archangel Haniel

  • Angel of joy and peace
  • Heals emotions attached to deeply buried hurts
  • Inner child healing
  • Opens you up to new things in life including new friendships
  • First dates and new romantic relationships
  • New Moon wishing
  • Assistance in navigating life’s most difficult challenges
  • Helps you during times of uncertainty
  • Develop your intuitive abilities
  • Trust your intuition
  • Assists you when starting a new career
  • Working with crystals and cleansing crystals
  • Women’s issues

Archangel Jeremiel

  • Turns restrictions into freedom
  • Forgiveness
  • Improves psychic abilities
  • Healing past life traumas
  • Wisdom
  • Manifesting with the Law of Attraction
  • Understanding and comprehending divine truths and knowledge

Archangel Jophiel

  • Angel of beauty and insight
  • Brings you peace, comfort, hope, and more laughter into your life
  • Ascend higher
  • Self-care
  • Clarity during uncertain times
  • Infuses your solar plexus with determination to fulfill your soul purpose
  • Helps you align with your higher self
  • Shows you that you’re an amazing soul of light
  • Beautifies relationships and your life
  • Helps people fall in love

Archangel Metatron

  • Keeper of Akashic records
  • Ascend higher and reach a higher timeline
  • Cleansing density and protecting your energy with Metatron’s Cube
  • Prioritizing tasks and managing time
  • Motivation and inspiration to create positive changes
  • Helps you ground
  • Assists starseeds and children
  • Helps you trust
  • Gives extra protection for sensitive people
  • Understanding complex concepts
  • Discovering your soul’s gifts

Archangel Orion

  • Easiest angel to connect to
  • Healing
  • Purification of dense energies in your chakras and aura
  • Protection
  • Guidance for your life
  • Teaches self-mastery through meditation and mindfulness
  • Strengthens your intuition
  • Helps you manifest your biggest wishes when you know why you want to achieve them
  • Assists you in fulfilling your soul purpose
  • Viewing life from a different perspective

Archangel Raguel

  • Prevents and resolves conflicts along with misunderstandings
  • Relationship harmony
  • Restores lost hope
  • Brings clarity
  • Improves self-worth and confidence
  • Helps you release fears and uncertainty
  • Create positive habits
  • Becoming better organized
  • Brings you new friendships, peace, and harmony
  • Forgiveness

Archangel Raziel

  • Angel of secrets
  • Teaches you laws of the universe
  • Immense divine wisdom
  • Supports you along your spiritual pathway
  • Soul lessons
  • Helps you understand complex topics including metaphysics
  • Assists in opening up your intuitive abilities
  • Clears past life blocks and psychic blocks

Archangel Sandalphon

  • Angel of teaching
  • Removes the source of fears
  • Soul lessons
  • Helps stop struggles
  • Regaining strength and courage
  • Teaches wisdom of the universe
  • Boosts the amount of divine love and joy in your life
  • Connects you to your inner child for healing

Archangel Zadkiel

  • Discover and develop your spiritual gifts
  • Improves your intuition
  • Transmutes low vibrational energies
  • Guides you to take responsibility for your own happiness
  • Heals painful emotions and memories
  • Shows you blocks that are holding you back
  • Resolves low self-esteem
  • Discover and understand your soul purpose
  • Assists starseeds
  • Forgiveness
  • Gives you more compassion toward others
  • Defends you when others are trying to dim your inner light

Archangels Love Helping You

The archangels want to assist you every step of the way on your journey through life.

There are many roles that archangels fill including offering you help when it feels like things are falling apart around you. Additionally, archangels act as your guardian, protector, and teacher.

You can ask them for assistance with anything big or small. Then, be sure to follow through with action.

When you form a relationship with one or more archangels, you can expect to receive guidance intuitively immediately. If you’re not clearly recognizing the angels’ messages, get an angel oracle card reading to know exactly what messages the angels have for you.

Enjoy your free guide of archangel roles to quickly and easily find out which archangel is right for you. 

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 

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