Lions Gate Portal Channeled Message

Are you ready for a new wave of energy washing over you? Throughout the Lions Gate portal, you are blessed with an influx of divine energies. These new energies can help you make soul-nourishing transformations.

This special alignment happens between the sun, Earth, and star Sirius. When you open your heart and mind, it allows you to tap into new spiritual gifts which are readily available at this time.

Take some time now to read the channeled angel message for the Lions Gate portal. Which has been brought forward so that you may benefit from these magical energies. 

Lions Gate Portal Channeled Message

Greetings from Archangels Michael, Gabriel, Ariel, and Orion.

Our dearest beloved beautiful souls of light, as we enter into the Lions Gate portal peak energies, you have a powerful opportunity. This is a wonderful time to accelerate your spiritual journey and to manifest.

The waves of light flooding the Earth have potential to bring up deeper layers within your energetic system. So you can notice what is holding you back in life.

This happens because it is essential for these old wounds and outdated beliefs to be transmuted. So you are free. Free to ascend higher, reach your next highest timeline, and more easily manifest all your desires. 

Transmute with the Violet Flame

Utilize the powerful violet flame as a tool during this time. Especially to gently break apart and remove the dense energies within your system that are holding you back in life.

Each time you are done using the violet flame, ask the angels to fill you up with new white light. The white light fills in any gaps within your energetic system, increases your vibration, and assists you in ascending higher. 

Your Feelings Reveal the Truth

Throughout the Lions Gate and beyond, maintain awareness of the types of energies within your system. The easiest way to do this is by paying attention to your feelings. Because your feelings always reveal the truth to you about the types of energies within you.

It is okay if you feel angry or negative. Notice that it is there. Remain non-judgmental about it, and then release it. If you need extra assistance with clearing the deeper layers, the angels will help you. 

What are Your Energies Attracting?

The Lions Gate is also a time for heightened manifestation. When thinking about manifesting, it is common to think about receiving positive blessings in your life. However, manifestation works both ways.

It is based on the types of energies within you. Including those within your subconscious mind beliefs.

Take a moment to notice what you have been, and currently are, attracting into your life. Both positive and negative experiences. For these reveal the types of energies within your system.

Each thought, feeling, and belief is energy. These energies are immensely powerful. They are always emitting signals outward into the universe. Which attract the exact same back to you.

Therefore, it is essential to ensure that your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs are in alignment with your desires. When lower thoughts and feelings appear, view them from a higher perspective. See how they are just energies that you can clear away. 

Spiritual Tools for Removing Lower Energies

Utilize the beautiful spiritual tools that you have available for transmuting all that does not feel good to you.

Notice how the lower thoughts and feelings are holding you back. Look at them only in a non-judgmental way and then release them.

Also use positive I Am affirmations to help reprogram your subconscious mind. Be sure that the affirmations you create are in alignment with your desires. While ensuring that they are the opposite of the lower thoughts and feelings that you were having.

For example, thinking and feeling that you are not good enough. You can reprogram this type of subconscious mind belief with an affirmation that you are good enough. 

Download Lions Gate Light Codes

Embrace the Lions Gate portal energies by downloading new light codes on August 8th. When the energies of the portal are at their peak, ask for the new light codes to be downloaded into you.

These are optional light codes, meaning they do not automatically download into your system. You must ask for these light codes.

The only light codes that are automatically downloaded into you are those that are essential for your energetic system. 

You are Manifesting Faster Now

During the Lions Gate portal, focus more time on what you wish to create and attract into your life.

What do you desire to achieve from now through the end of this year?

Write out your goals and dreams along with smaller things that you wish to manifest.

Then think about one action step that you can take toward manifesting each of those items on your list.

Also manifesting something smaller. Such as spending time doing a favorite activity with a friend or a loved one. Manifesting smaller blessings assists you in staying the flow of abundance. Especially when combined with gratitude for all the good things already in your life. 

What Does Your Soul Yearn to Learn?

If you desire to learn something new, take time to explore the options for learning about that new topic.

Is there a course that you would benefit from taking?
Are you interested in reading a book to learn more?
Or would your soul be satisfied with learning more through reading information online?

What is your soul seeking out for you to learn? Notice what your heart desires through the topics that you are interested in learning more about. For in doing this, you discover your soul purpose or a new aspect of it. 

Remove Hidden Blocks to Manifest Abundance

Abundance is yours to claim, and we are here to assist you every step of the way.

When you are fulfilling your soul purpose, you begin to notice abundance appearing more and more in all areas of your life.

Your birthright is to live abundantly, and to feel taken care of by the universe. However, this is not always what occurs when energetic blocks are holding you back in life.

Blockages occur when you are holding dense energies within your system. Whether it is in your chakras, aura from past lifetimes, or in your subconscious mind, these must be removed.

It is important to understand that your belief system was given to you during childhood by the adults and teachers in your life. And, your belief system was formed by the age of seven. Energy cleansing is how you remove the beliefs that do not serve your highest good. 

Flourish in Gifts of Abundance

When you go within to replace the heavy energies with new light, you are freeing yourself. And opening up to more abundances flowing into your life.

Abundance comes in all forms. Not only with money.

There are a variety of abundances available to you to manifest faster during the Lions Gate portal.

Abundance also comes in the form of love, joy, happiness, friendships, and more time to do the activities you enjoy. Plus, you can have an abundances with food and other material items.

Each day, be grateful for current abundances. And ride the wave of gratitude to accumulate more blessings.

Claim the power of the Lions Gate portal to manifest the blessings that the universe has waiting for you. 

The Lions Gate Portal Helps You Accelerate Your Ascension Journey

We encourage you to take full advantage of this special time for it is unique.

Only you can claim the higher light for yourself. All you must do is ask for the Lions Gate portal light codes, and you will receive them.

We send you our blessings of love and light. And wish you a beautiful transformation during this Lions Gate portal. A transformation that leads you toward living a blissful, abundant, and joyful life.

Thank you Archangels Michael, Gabriel, Ariel, and Orion for this message. Channeled by Brenda Lott.

Happy Lions Gate

Enjoy this beautiful opportunity during the Lions Gate, and keep asking the angels for assistance daily.

Get a boost on your ascension journey by doing energy healing with archangels. And start manifesting more easily. 

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 

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